2009-10-18 08:30:00
One of the biggest problems in understanding the Alice A. Bailey writings is the strange vocabulary. For a first time reader sitting down to enjoy the writings this can seem like an overwhelming obstacle. At first they seem more complex than understanding a medical journal.
I am therefore initiating a new project that will probably last for years and that is going through DK's [Djwhal Khul] writings and perhaps some others and finding, defining and hopefully understanding certain words. We'll then take the best of the definitions and eventually compile our own dictionary.
That said, here is the first word: Agnichaitans
So, where do you look for understanding?
First, if you have the text of the Alice A. Bailey books do a search there first. If you have them downloaded on your computer this will prove very useful.
Secondly, you can Google the word.
Thirdly, there are several online esoteric dictionaries. Here are the address for three of them:
Here are things to look for:
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