2009-10-14 04:25:00
This is the last part recorded of this class.
"My experience with what I think of as intuition is intuition is the fault process of communication and learning. We learn things most commonly by rote. It seems like to me that when you experience intuition you get the whole picture at once then you verbalize it then add everything else into it. It's like going backwards from the normal way."
It is backwards from the normal way. Basically to discover a person's evolution you want to look for a number of things. You want to look for how much love he radiates. If he contacts the soul, he contacts pure love energy. There is something higher than soul and that is the Monad. For practical purposes we won't even go into this because we want to get to the soul before we get to the Monad. The Monad is the projector of purpose. This is different from how we usually think. Purpose is throwing the person in harmony with the divine will. First of all, before we can even glimpse what the purpose is, we must contact the soul. The soul is a stepping stone to the Monad which projects purpose.
Why am I talking about this when our topic is relationships? Before anyone can have a really beautiful relationship, the soul must be contacted in your self. When it's contacted in yourself, you'll be able to see the soul in others. When you see it contacted in your self then you see it in others, there will be a love between you and that person. This will demand a response.
If the person is under a feel-good state of illusion, the response will often be hard to reach. But if the love energy goes out to the person, and stimulates the soul and the love energy then comes back then contact is made. A good example of this that everyone is aware of in this room is the act of making love. In the Bible it says, "This is eternal life that ye shall know God." The word for" know" is the same word used for sex in the Bible. All throughout the Bible, the word, "know" is used for the sex act. Somebody knew somebody and he or she begat somebody else.
It says it's eternal life to know God. Why are the same words used? It's used because at the highest level of sex, when the climax is reached, you have a breaking of the veil between the two people so there is a knowing of the person's soul. That's why it feels so great, because it's an actual knowing of God. It only lasts a short period of time.
"Is that why we cry, 'Oh God!"? (Laughter)"
When you're making love and approaching that divine moment, has anyone ever been able to feel anger toward anyone? Or dislike toward the other person? It's almost impossible. Try it sometime. When you're in that state of approaching climax, try to hate a guy. It's impossible. Even though you may have had a big fight and were throwing furniture around moments before, when you're in the act and approaching that moment there's only peace and love. It's because you've penetrated the soul. The two have become one and unity is what produces soul contact. It's a physical unity but it still produces some flow of energy from the soul.
"Is that a point of tension that gets reached?"
Right, that's a point of tension and this is soul energy coming down. It's on a physical level. Sexual climax is the one that everyone is familiar with and it's actually divine energy. It's the first contact with soul energy that most of us feel. The second one is the born again experience.
"Why doesn't it last?"
That's because the soul is no longer in contact. The soul has to be in contact in order for this to be felt. When there is complete soul contact then you will almost always be in a state of euphoria. You will feel really good all the time. It will not go away when there is complete soul contact and the illusions have all been broken through. You'll be in a state that feels similar to the sexual climax all the time but on a more refined level. Wouldn't that be nice? Think back to this statement again. In this divine moment when you have achieved some soul energy down flow, in the sexual climax, have you ever felt any anger?
"It doesn't last long enough."
Right, when it's over the anger might reappear but not actually at that moment. That's why when we contact the soul, it's the same thing. You cannot hate anybody. You only feel love because you pass through the illusion. When you hate somebody, you hate something that doesn't exist. When you contact the soul, you contact something that does exist and is real and it's impossible to feel any disturbance of peace. Isn't that a great teaching?
"I could get off on that (Laughter)."
Sexual climax is something that everyone can identify with. The higher levels of soul contact are not things that everyone can identify with. There is a handful who have felt some inflow of soul energy. Most of you in this room have felt it in one degree or another. When you feel the soul energy it feels really great. Would you say it felt even better than a sexual climax? Doesn't it feel better? Have you ever felt anything that felt better?
"So if you're premature you're a little more spiritual or what? (Laughter)"
This is probably the strangest approach anyone ever heard of for establishing relationships but it is one that will work. What's the normal approach? They say you have to treat your partner really good and buy flowers. I bought flowers but that does not necessarily avoid an argument. When you reach soul contact, you can do it. I remember the first argument we ever had. I thought soul contact had to be reached so what did I tell you about it?
"You taught me to tell you I love you three times."
I made her look in my eyes and tell me she loves me three times. It's really hard to get her to do that to me now but when we were first in love we'd do about anything. The first time she says I love you and I say, say it again with greater feeling. So she mumbles I love you again, and I say with more feeling. By the time she says it a third time, she forgets what she is angry about. All of a sudden negativity just disappears. The soul was touched.
That's a good way to dissolve an argument. Look in each other's eyes and with feeling, pretend that you're an actor if you have to, send out your love. You have to do that. Say I love you three times. Each of you say it to each other. All of a sudden you don't need a winner of the argument, you don't need to resolve the problem, you don't need to decide what color to paint the walls. All of a sudden you just feel good with each other. Energy follows thought. You have to think I love you more than say it. When you say it and say it like you mean it, all of a sudden the energy follows thought and the love returns. The same thing if you don't feel like being affectionate, be affectionate and energy will follow thought.
So the soul has to be reached. We have all these veils of illusion around us. If the solution is so simple, why don't we do it? When you're really angry why is it hard to say I love you? It's almost like a person says, "I'm angry and I'm happy to be angry. I'm unhappy and I'm happy to be unhappy." It's really difficult to break through that.
The only way to break through is by the exercise of will. I'm going to tell a nasty secret about the energy of love. People have a very ephemeral view about love. They feel like love is something that is sometimes there and sometimes not there. It's mystical. When it's not there there's nothing you can do about it, it's just not there. You have to wait for the fight to blow over, the winds to cool down then maybe a few days later, love will return. So you just have to wait for love to show up. Or you have to wait to find the right one that you can love. You have to just wait around then like magic, out of the blue, comes love. Is that how love works? That's what people seem to think, isn't it?
"What I can't understand is that you're talking about the love coming from the soul and where is the romantic love coming from? Where do you get the category of romantic energy?"
We'll go into that in a minute. So we have this love energy that seems so mystical and magical but if it is an energy like electricity that can be turned on and off. If love is an energy we can do everything with love that we can do with lights. We can turn it down halfway, or way down so you can barely see it, or all the way off or very bright. How can we do that? Can we do that with anybody?
Love is an energy and it can be manifested by an exercise of will. If you're in an intense battle with your mate or your best friend and you feel very bitter feelings and you want to hate him instead of loving, by an exercise of will you can turn it off or on. The energy of love is the great lesson. Two people, once they learn to turn it on and can turn it off at will. Love never needs to be gone unless they turn it off at will. It feels so good, why on Earth would anyone in his or her right mind not want it around? It feels so great. Has everyone in here been in love with somebody? It feels so great, who wants it to go away? I know I don't, it feels really wonderful. Once we realize the will, we can make it come back anytime. We can keep it.
"It's a lot easier to get it to come back when you get rid of all the garbage, the anger, bitterness, the things that get in the way. Once you get rid of that it's like the cup in the story, it overflows if you don't get rid of some stuff so there's room for the new stuff. To be able to accept love, you need to empty your cup of all the garbage."
That's a good point. We're at the end of the tape so we'll take a break.
-- End Of Part Seven --
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved