2009-9-29 04:51:00
My Friends,
I found the text to a class I gave over 20 years ago. Here is the first part.
We're going to have a class on how to manifest love. Once we manifest this love we won't have to think about solving any problems, they will just automatically take care of themselves. The person, who is in the wrong, when love is contacted, will automatically begin to retract, apologize and see where they're wrong.
When love is contacted, illusion is dispelled, and if both parties are in the wrong, both of them will begin to retract and be centered correctly. If one of them is in the wrong, then the one in the wrong will begin to feel that they did something wrong and make amends and the relationship will automatically get back on track. You won't have to read some big manual or go to a marriage counselor or do anything, it will just happen automatically.
Think of the time, sometime, that you fell in love with someone. When you fall in love with another person, what happens is you look beyond personality. Why are you able to look beyond personality when you first meet somebody who is good looking, has a lot of animal magnetism and a picture-perfect face? Why are you able to look beyond the personality?
"Because you project you own expectations on them."
"Because they hide their true personality from you."
That's true, sometimes they do hide it from you but they hide it good enough that you look beyond the personality, and even though the person may be loathed, even though everybody that knows him really hates him someone new may be able to look upon his soul if they do not have the baggage of negativity in their memory.
When you first meet someone who's really stimulating, you look beyond personality and what happens? You begin to fall in love. It feels really great. Why does it feel so good?
"You're blind!"
You're blind to the personality. You're overlooking the personality.
Boy, are we in love and does it feel great! We're in seventh heaven.
"My theory on that is you overlook the personality because you know nothing about that person and have nothing to lose and nothing to gain and you're perfectly free to look for the best in them."
Right, that's what you do. You look for the best in them. You don't see anything bad. You don't see anything but the soul. We're all a reflection of the soul after all. You can see the soul when you look in their eyes and you feel so good. Then slowly you begin to find something bad about them, about their personality. You begin to find out that maybe the guy is a slob or maybe he doesn't wash his shorts often enough or maybe he doesn't comb his hair good enough or maybe he's got zits or maybe he doesn't have a hairy chest or maybe he does have a hairy chest! You find out a bunch of these little weird things about the guy or the gal. You don't look in his eyes. You don't look at his soul anymore but you're looking at the chest, you're looking at the hair or no hair, you're looking at a tub of lard. You're looking at the guy who cussed you the other day or talked about you behind your back. You begin looking at the personality. When you're looking at the personality, what don't you see?
"The soul."
Right, they don't see the soul anymore then they become just a regular married couple. They're a regular married couple that is seeing personality to personality with no more soul contact.
"The personality never satisfies so you could be married to a movie star and never be happy because of personalities."
That's right. You can be married to the president of the United States, a movie star or whatever. Divorce is high among movie stars. You'd think somebody would be enraptured by a movie star but they don't stay that way because they begin to see the personality after a while. They don't see the soul anymore, because they are seeing what is not real. Everything is an illusion. The personality never satisfies. This is important, the personality never satisfies. That's why, if you're falling in love with the personality, you'll never be satisfied. You'll never be happy as long as you're trying to love the personality. As long as you say, just get rid of this one final fault you have then I will love you with all my heart. The guy gets rid of the fault and she's still looking at the personality and another fault appears. Just get a nose job then I will love you. So the guy gets a nose job and she says, now, just get me a new sports car. Then I will love you more. He gets her a new sports car and she's still not satisfied. She's never satisfied until one more thing when you're dealing with the personality.
There's always one more thing to get to get to the perfection. We're always looking for one more thing with the personality. We have to look beyond the personality and see beyond it. Especially when we're dealing with money, we really need to forget about the personality. But we need to look on the soul. Wayne is one of my best friends and I look at his soul.
It is possible for anybody in this room to fall in love with anybody else in this room, as long as they're the sex they desire. You need the opposite polarity so the two opposites can unite and become one. Even gays who are the same sex will experience the polarities for one partner will be the overall sender and the other the receiver.
"But the soul is sexless."
"Yeah, really the souls don't have sexes."
The creation of sex is a reflection of the soul. The union of the sexual polarities produces soul contact. The division in the dualities is what produces sexes and positive and negative and what produces the illusion. To escape the illusion we have to have the unity. To produce the unity we need the positive and negative uniting into one.
Now, looking beyond sex, any man in this room can love any woman in this room and any woman can love any man but not necessarily as a romantic love. It'll be a spiritual love. A romantic love is a reflection of the higher. That's why it's a different type of energy. We have the soul love out here then below this we have the reflection of the soul love. The soul love is in the soul. It's three bodies, the astral body, the mental body or the mind and the physical body. On the intuitional level is pure spiritual love. Then we have the mind and below this is the astral. The astral is the reflection of the soul. A romantic love is the reflection of the soul love. It's kind of backwards. Romantic love is possessive where soul love is not. Possessiveness is not bad, astral love is not bad, it's a part of the world we live in and needs to be accepted and go with the energy flow. The important point to remember is that it's a reflection and has different qualities and a lower vibration. The soul love is a much higher vibration and a higher octave. Romantic isn't real, it's a stepping stone to lead us to something higher.
"Are you saying that romantic love is a way of contacting the soul but we have a hard time accessing it because it's of a lower vibration."
It's not hard, it's very easy. That's the weird thing about it. Creating soul love is extremely easy. The one thing needed is to look beyond the personality. You can still have astral love but with the soul love you have to look beyond the personality. Now the astral love is a stepping stone to the soul love. This is the first love people feel as their going through their lifetimes. They will begin to fall in love with somebody long before they ever figure out soul love.
"It gets it in motion, love and contact?"
Right and they will make this contact and they will eventually realize there is something really great. Astral love leads us up to the higher love. People will feel this for many lifetimes before they feel the higher but eventually they want more than just this astral love. They want soul love. You can feel that with anyone. This is the most important love. When you're in the astral love and you also have the soul love, then you have the better of two worlds. That love energy will never go away. It will never disappear.
"I have one more question. You have to sneak the astral past the mind in order to be acceptable? I can experience astral love or soul love but it seems like a critical judgment if this is healthy for me to bring this relationship into the real world, if it's life supporting or not."
Energy follows thought. As long as a person is looking at the personality and using that as criteria for acceptance, it will snuff out the soul love in one degree or another. So we have to look for the soul love and decide when we're going to accept the person in a relationship. Make the decision, am I going to accept him or not? If you accept them, then look beyond the personality and go from there. If you don't look beyond the personality then there's going to be a problem. This happens by mentally or emotionally judging a person but the key is acceptance. Acceptance is such an easy key that we don't recognize it oftentimes. We need to accept each other then we can find soul love.
To look beyond the personality is to be blind to the personality. You ask about these people who go from one relationship to another and they're never satisfied. A lot of people do this. They will fall in love, they will look beyond the personality then they fall and look at the personality. The personality isn't something they can love so they leave the guy and they go to the next person. They don't know him very well so they can again look beyond the personality and feel that love. Then they discover their personality again and judge him by his personality and fall out of love and move on to the next person. People go through this series again and again and again. The key to this again, is to look beyond. Decide not to judge a person by their personality; sum him up as well as you can during the courtship period, then decide whether or not you're going to accept the whole person. If you can accept, then look beyond the personality into the soul.
"One more question. What if the person goes away? Then is it time to end that relationship?"
"Well it takes two people to do that. One person can't do that without the other person doing it back."
This is a good point. To create this soul love unity, you can't do it with just one person. It takes two. It's impossible with one. If Mike is in love with this gal and she is looking beyond the personality and she is looking at the soul then what will happen if she does not return the love? If she doesn't return his love there's no interchange. There's no exchange of energies so pretty soon Mike will be drained of his energy to the point where he will stop sharing his energy and eventually he will stop.
Unless a person is famous or something and he's so magnetic that a fan is just a groupie, we have to have two. In looking for any relationship, that's what you want to look for in the sharing and loving. If they won't well, why create a relationship with just you? You're really just having a relationship with you. You sending out love energy and that's it. You need the love energy returned. If it's not returned go find somebody who will return it.
-- End Of Part One --
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved