2009-9-28 03:51:00
The Left is always accusing the Right of thumping their chest and proclaiming; "Me patriot; you not!" I haven't seen any foundation for this belief except for paranoia or guilt on their part. I do not recall anyone of significance on the Right calling anyone on the Left "unpatriotic" for expressing democratic views.
On the other hand, [USA Vice President] Joe Biden called Republicans unpatriotic for not wanting to pay more taxes and [USA Speaker Of The House] Pelosi has called the GOP [Grand Old Party -- Re publicans] unpatriotic numerous times, and the town hall protesters "un-American." You won't find statements like that from the Republican leaders.
The strange thing is Deangelo falsely bellyaches about the Right calling others unpatriotic, but in his own letter he calls the Right "phony American patriots."
He is outraged that the press found some protester from the Right using the words "fascist" and "Nazi." But for everyone from the Right who has attacked with these words there have been a dozen from the "tolerant" Left.
"Proletariat" writes:
"My myopic friend, do you not remember the storm over the [music group] Dixie Chicks or the comments from Bush on down criticizing the anti-war protesters?"
Do your research, man, just don't blindly respond. No Republican of significance called the "Dixie Chicks" unpatriotic. Those most upset at them were their fans. Bush expressed great tolerance and said: "the Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind." It would be great if the Democratic leaders had the same attitude toward town hall protesters.
"Bluth4" wrote:
"Did you live in a vacuum the last eight years, if you did not agree with the war you were unAmerican, if you did not agree with the Patriot Act you were un American, if you did not agree with torture you were un American. Seriously?"
Give me a quote on this from a significant Republican. Now by "significant" I mean a name we can recognize, not some crazed neo Nazi we've never heard of.
Can't do it you say?
Still won't change your mind, even though your point is disproved?
Typical response from a true believer.
"JobeMaha" wrote:
"Let me give you the pat answer from Joseph- "I said anyone of significance on the Right.""
Of course I would say that if someone tried to refute me by arguing with what I do not say.
"But, to get ahead of it, you also called the 3 wing nuts Beck, Hannity and Blowhard Limbaugh 'The Three Wise Men.' They were the BIGGEST unpatriotic bashers. So, Joseph, once again, come into the real world, we are waiting!"
I have listened to these three from the beginning and do not recall one instance of them calling Democrats unpatriotic for disagreeing or protesting. I did a Google search on them and could not find one actual "unpatriotic" quote but did find a lot of Leftists calling them unpatriotic. It appears the word "unpatriotic" is a weapon used by the left, not the Right.
"Thatsrap" wrote:
"Joseph is doing some classic baiting in his message -- the Right (especially the politicians) were careful not to use the term 'unpatriotic' while still inferring it."
Because "significant" Republicans did not use this word this gives you the license to read their minds and proclaim them guilty of saying it.
Using such license I could say: "Obama has not called me unpatriotic yet but I'm sure he thinks it, so he is guilty, guilty, guilty."
Sounds silly, doesn't it? Just like you.
"Joseph gets hung up on the specifics -- If 'x' didn't happen exactly as I argue, then 'y' cannot be inferred."
The problem with your argument is you must give some evidence that "y" is inferred. Where is it?
"There may be instances of Republicans actually saying 'unpatriotic,' but I don't have the time or inclination to search them out."
I'm sure you spent some time searching them out, but couldn't find anything.
"We all know that people's patriotism was called in question during the Bush years."
Probably by some of the millions we have never heard of but I submit it is the Left's own judgment of themselves as being unpatriotic that is their problem.
"Anyone wishing to do so -- look up Michelle Bachmann, or Neal Hunt both repubs -- they made some stupid comments about Dems being 'un-American'."
After extensive research (you said you didn't have time to do) this is all you can come up with -- two names I had never even heard of? Neither used the word unpatriotic. Un-American has a different meaning. One can have a mislead patriotism and do something un-American.
Michelle was talking about the likes of Bill Ayers and if bombing the Pentagon was not un-American I do not know what is. I did an extensive search on Neal Hunt and couldn't find a reference to him saying the word un-American or unpatriotic.
The points I made in my first post stand, solid as a rock.
"Gray Matter" wrote:
"Recent patriotic denigrations by recognizable names....
"McCain Questions Obama's Patriotism for Canceling Troop Visit."
That's what the Anti McCain headline said, but this was a fabrication. McCain said nothing about patriotism.
"Sarah Palin said, 'This is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country.'"
Obama was friends with terrorist bomber Bill Ayers, but she graciously said nothing about patriotism.
"Rep. Michele Bachmann on Friday said Obama "may have anti-American views.""
Because he was friends with Bill Ayers she thought some of his views "may" have rubbed off on him. Again no mention of patriotism.
"Tom Delay: 'And yes, I am questioning their patriotism.'"
You finally found a recognizable name who used the forbidden word. But this was stated when he was out of office and a private citizen and he was just "questioning," unlike Pelosi who declared town hallers as 'unpatriotic."
"Attorney General John Ashcroft (December 2001);
Speaker Dennis Hastert (December 2005);
Senator Orrin Hatch (September 2004);
Dan Bartlett (May 2002);
Rep. Tom Davis (February 2002)."
None of these used the word unpatriotic or un-American but were just criticizing Democrats.
On the other hand -- that is the Leftist mindset. Any criticism of them is to be totally condemned and attached with some type of label such as "unpatriotic."
So of all the group here doing research only one obscure reference can be found of a recognizable Republican "questioning" Democrats patriotism. Compare that to dozens from the Left and thousands more if you count the blogs.
"But you lie all of the time. If it is not one thing, it is another. Remember when you stated the Statesman approved your advertising for profit? Then you attempted to retract?"
Apparently the Statesman looks at each profile page and gives a yes or no. I said they approved mine and let it stand with my web page listed and that is the truth.
Are you saying that is a lie?
Go look at my profile and see for yourself. Where is the lie and who is lying?
There was no backtracking involved. Who is lying about this?
"You keep records of other people's posts? What? Do you 'publish' those as well? I personally believe you have no business doing such things."
Where do you get such an idea? I keep records of my own posts. If you have a problem with that then you need help.
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