2009-9-25 03:42:00
Pat Hutchinson writes:
"I would rather start with a good plan that can be improved as we go, such as Medicare, than beg an insurance company who won't even return your calls...."
If you think bureaucrats return calls better than private business I have a house to sell you up on Simplot's Hill.
No one has yet explained to me why we want to take the most broken, most expensive ($9000 a year per person) socialized medicine in the world and then do more of it.
And why do we not first experiment with Obamacare in one state or city first and let him first prove that it saves money and makes the majority happy?
The answer: None.
Instead they just want to thrust the whole thing on us to the point of no return. If it doesn't work we are stuck. We are offered CHANGE and we can only HOPE our nation will survive.
Judy Knight writes:
"It really ticks me off when people act as if our president, Mr. Obama, should have all of the problems solved that have been stacking up for years. I feel he has been working very hard. What more can you ask? He has given us a chance to be part of the discussion. He gives us a say and listens to us."
No one is acting like he should have solved all of our problems. The country would be better off if he had just went to Martha's Vineyard in January and stayed there and read books.
She says, what more can we ask than that Obama work hard? Bush worked hard. Was that enough for you? Of course not. It's not the hard work that impresses anyone of intelligence, but the direction of the work. I'd rather have someone work smart and head the right direction than work hard in the wrong direction.
"He listens to us." Yeah, right. He listens to hand picked people who attend his town halls but is sheltered from the thinking of mainstream real America.
"Claret" wrote:
"Joe, the most expensive people to insure are the elderly and I don't see the private sector lining up to insure your 90 year old dad for $200 a month with the same benefits as Medicare."
Medicaid, which insures younger people costs even more and get this. If we take the total amount we pay on socialized medicine and average it among all people, even those with no insurance it still, amounts to $3088 per person. The UK [United Kingdom] spends $2401 for insuring everyone, not $9000 per person for part of the country.
It is obvious to anyone who can do math that we have a big problem with our Medicare and Medicaid system. To expand that which is broken is insane. Fix it first.
"Proletariat" wrote:
"Only self-serving Republicans claim that the president's policies are not working to reverse the horrors of the Bush regime."
I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican, and I say they are not working. And his policies are working how? Where? Our efficient government was supposed to reimburse the auto dealers within 10 days. After filling out 27 forms, as directed, most have still not received payment. Some are owed millions and are hurting badly and thousands of jobs are at stake. Does Obama care? Doesn't seem to.
Does this foreshadow how Obamacare will work?
Will Obama be equally concerned when people die because they have to wait too long for treatment? That'll just be part of the process.
"BroncoBabe" wrote:
"No Joe.....that was a Bush policy. Obama's townhalls were random groups chosen from pro and con. If you had watched any of them then you would know their were dissenters there as well. They were just better behaved than the insurance company shills showing up at the other townhalls."
Wow. Talk about a true believer. Yea, all of a sudden the tone just instantly changes and all are supporters except for a soft ball token question to the contrary. That 11 year old girl that read her question was a plant, being a daughter of an Obama campaign worker. This was discovered by the Boston Globe, not a conservative source.
Of course participants were screened just as Bush's were. But worse, many questions were obviously approved in advance.
"JobeMaha" wrote:
"And what do we hear when Americans tell Bush to stop the invasion? Silence. Instead they just want to thrust the whole thing on us to the point of no return."
We didn't hear that.
Polls showed that 70% of Americans supported the invasion of Iraq. Now if 70% supported Obamacare he could plunge forward with no resistance and we would deserve whatever we get because of our ignorance.
Gary D. wrote:
"This is not about the evil health care industry, it is about a handout not a hand up. Get a job."
Well, Gary, Obama's even making it more difficult for honest folk to get a job. 7,000,000 jobs have been lost since he took office. You'd think that trillions in deficit spending would increase prosperity for at least a year or so like borrowing on a credit card helps for a while, but the spending was so mismanaged that we are not even getting a few months increase of jobs.
During a discussion of wolf tags at the barbecue last week, a women yelled out, "How about Obama tags?" to which Rammell responded "Obama tags? We'd buy some of those."
Since that statement, Rammell has been criticized by national and state media, as well as senior Idaho politicians from both major political parties.
Rex Rammell [Independent candidate in 2008 for US Senator from Idaho.] told a bad joke that was offensive and he should have apologized. He didn't. So what should we do, arrest him?
We still have free speech in this country so as long as this remains America we must allow him to have his own brand of humor. Those offended can just not vote for him and not invite him to your next barbeque.
Now if any expect Republican leaders to rise up and condemn him then it would be hypocritical to not expect Democrat leaders to condemn offenses of fellow Democrats, such as:
Some anti free speech Lefty must be complaining again. My first post was pulled even though it violated no rules that I know of. I referred to one objectionable word but placed a couple of asterisks in the place of letters. "JobeMaha" did the same thing with the same word and his post still remains. "Twall" and "Blarney" did likewise but with more offensive words yet their posts remain.
What then would be the reason for pulling my post?
Pure unadulterated intolerance of another point of view is all I can think of.
Since the post violates no rules I am herewith posting it again with a mild correction of the possible objectionable word.
The Censored Post (The post was repeated.)
"Oh, Joseph, where to start? There's a difference between sticks-and-stones, opinions and criticism and threatening a president's life. Duh."
To see such a joke as a death threat is the product of an extremely overactive imagination mixed with an intense uncontrollable desire to malign conservatives.
If there was a real death threat the CIA would have came knocking at his door. Even they realize the man was joking.
"Boiseriver" wrote:
"Joseph can certainly find a way to spin things. None of your examples involve a candidate for office making a racist comment while violating the law."
Another overactive imagination. There was no race involved and no law was violated. Just some admittedly bad humor.
"Your point is that both sides should knock off this scatological attacks, but your examples are a real stretch."
The difference is that my examples of Lefty attacks were not jokes but of serious intent.
"And your point is what?"
Use your graymatter, man. If you are outraged over Rammell's comments then you should be even more outraged over the examples I cited.
"I, too, had never heard of the movie "Death of a President". I have it ordered now, as well as a copy for several family members. Christmas list is shrinking and it's only September! It is available at Amazon for a mere $13.49."
And I'm sure if they made a movie called "Hunting Tags for Obama" that you would be ordering multiple copies of that also.
By the way Rush only weights about 200 lbs and Franken looks like he is over 240. Who's the fat one now?
Dear Editor;
My first post was pulled today and I could not see how it broke any rules.
I referred to one objectionable word but placed a couple asterisks in the place of letters. (a**holes) "JobeMaha" did the same thing with the same word and his post still remains. "Twall" and "Blarney" did likewise but with more offensive words yet their posts remain.
What then would be the reason for pulling my post?
I made a corrected post and took out the "a**holes" word and this second post was pulled.
I think you have a good forum here and am doing my best to follow the rules and do not return the personal name calling that is directed toward me.
Could you tell me what I did wrong with this post so I can avoid offending whoever has authority to delete posts?
A point on Rammell:
If some obscure Democrat who had never gotten more than 5% of the vote for Congress had said, "Yea, I'd buy some Bush tags." we'd never heard anything about it and it would have never made the national media. In fact we may not have heard about a Lefty biting off an anti reform's finger if they had not first thought it was the Lefty's finger that was bitten off.
See wrongfully reported story here:
Check fast, it may not stay there long.
See the correctly reported story here:
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