2009-9-18 03:55:00
Since this birth certificate issue has come up it seems that every presentation from either the Obama side or anti Obama just raises more suspicions indicating he should release the original.
Here are a few:
One of the first things he did in office was sign executive order #13489 allowing him to bar the release of his personal records.
Current pictures show two strong folds but the image of the fold did not show up on the scanned copy presented on the Internet as proof of birth. Such a fold always shows up on a scan. This gives evidence the fold was made after the scan and not by the department of records.
Obama's father's race is listed as "African" when negro would have been used in 1961.
The raised seal is not readable as almost all of them are.
The original Internet scan has the number blacked out. Is this because it is the wrong order that does not match the date?
Eleanore Nordyke produced two birth certificates for her twins born a day later than Obama yet Obama has a higher registration number when it should be a lower one.
Pretty fishy.
Mr. Jameson does not sound he has ever been close to being a Republican (as he claims) or even a Reagan supporter. For instance he says:
"What they are saying about President Obama and his efforts to create a better health care system is reckless and dangerous and is stimulating reaction from right-wing paramilitary groups."
Well if Reagan were alive and well he would be right in the middle of things fighting against Obama's health care plan. Hear him speak on this subject in his own voice at:
And where are these right wing paramilitary groups he speaks of?
If anything I think the Republicans have become more liberal since Reagan. Romney was to the left of Reagan but instead they nominated someone to the left of Romney - McCain. If Reagan would have been running for president in 2008 he would have been so demonized as a right wing extremist that McCain would have probably still received the nomination.
"Badnana" wrote:
"Joseph732, here's a specific for you. Reagan's Star Wars defense budget. It is what went to the moon!"
Wow. The worst thing you can think of is the missile defense initiative which just may save us from a nuclear holocaust. But, of course, Obama is cutting its budget, so maybe not.
"Thatsrap" wrote:
"It's gotta be hard thinking them queers are running everything on TV! Except for Fox news!"
A little politically incorrect here aren't we? Of course, that's okay if you are a Leftist.
Last I heard neither Brian Williams, Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson were gay, but as far as having gays on the program Fox News has a many as anyone. Tammy Bruce, a lesbian democrat is a regular. Barney Frank has appeared a number of times. I see gays on there regularly. Critics would not know this because they do not watch it but read distorted quotes gathered by nerds in Mom's basement scrutinizing transcripts for dirt.
Obama doesn't agree with you, "Badnana." He readied our missile defense a few weeks ago when North Korea was testing missiles. Then he cut the budget after there was no attack.
Someday you'll be praying our missile defense will be effective, but you still will not admit you are wrong. Not until you are vaporized and wake up in the next world.
"Thatsrap" wrote:
"Though it would seem humor escapes you."
It did not escape me. The point was that the Right is criticized for being politically incorrect even if they are laugh out loud funny, which you were not.
"'Appeared' is a meaningless term here -- all sorts of people have 'appeared' on Fox Mews. Bill Maher, Michael Moore & Al Franken have 'appeared' on Fox News. That doesn't make Fox News 'fair and balanced'."
What does then? You never see Ann Coulter on MSNBC.
"Anyway, let me see if I can explain it to ya - Marcia is obviously right wing."
Not so. My mother-in-law thinks the same way and she is a life-long Democrat.
"Hates them homer-sex-uals."
You're fabricating again. Prejudice and hate are two different things.
"Oh, and Fox News is most definitely a right wing organization."
Fox is in the middle, which unfortunately is far to the right of left wing extremists. This makes the middle seem far right to those in illusion.
Potential conflicts in the near future could be with Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan or Russia. Apparently Mr. Bowers thinks we could handle these guys with no jet aircraft, but by pushing a few buttons.
We have to be prepared in the Now, not in some nebulous future and for now the military jets we see flying are the sound of freedom.
Well, at least they protect us from dangers without. The dangers within are equally threatening, such as passing 1000 page bills that our representatives vote on without knowing the content.
"I love these members, they get up and say, 'Read the bill. What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?"
-- John Conyers, Democrat Congressman, July 27, 2009
Mr. Davis says there are 47 million uninsured, but this is a deceptive number. To get a more realistic and honest number you have to subtract the following:
6 million illegal aliens that are included in this number. (Note: In a recent address Obama subtracted 17 million so my estimate is on the low side.)
Over 10 Million who qualify for Medicaid but do not use it.
9.3 million uninsured households who make over $75,000 a year and could afford insurance.
6 million who could get insurance through their employer but choose not to.
These four categories add up to 31.3 million. Now there would be a small amount of overlap where one person may fit into more than one category. This would most likely amount to less than 5% so to be fair we will subtract 10% reducing the number to around 28 million. 47 million minus 28 million equal 19 million. This means there are really only a maximum of 19 million, not 47 million who are unable to obtain insurance. We could buy these 19 million the same health insurance I have for a meager $38 billion a year, a pittance compared to what Obama wants to spend.
We loose $60 billion a year in Medicare due to fraud and billions more in Medicaid. If we just cut down on the fraud there we could make sure that all citizens who want it are insured and actually save, not spend more money.
The inmates are running the asylum.
"Badnana" wrote:
"Joseph732, the resident foremost authority on EVERYTHING."
Thank you for the acknowledgement. It's so nice to be appreciated.
"If you have any doubts about the spewing of misinformation, go to factcheck.org."
If this is your Bible you are making the same mistake as Christian fundamentalists as this site not only has errors but often leaves out facts to slant the answer to their bias. It has some good information there but you want to verify anything that is controversial.
Is there something there that you want to direct me to, to enlighten my mind?
"Not like Dubya didn't already have 'em along with your cell phone, your land line, and your ss#...."
"Fact check" does not agree with you on this one.
"Hogwash" wrote:
"Less than 3% fraud in all of health insurance, including Medicare is more accurate."
There is no evidence that Medicare fraud stops at 3% though that figure is probably accurate for private insurance. Try 30% for Medicare.
The Federal Health Care Financing Administration, which oversees Medicare, is also taking a hard look at hospital overbilling because they estimate that the government loses 30 cents to every dollar from fraudulent practices in the medical community. Hospitals, doctors and other medical professionals think part of the blame lies with the complexity of the system itself. There are over 45,000 pages of Medicare regulations but the HCFA cites specific practices like "unbundling" services to raise consumer costs. "Unbundling" refers to billing treatments separately which are normally billed as a single, combined charge.
Gray-Mat-Ter, I have no idea what you are talking about except for a mindless attempt at making an unjustified insult. Typical of a Lefty with compulsive Tourette's Syndrome that causes them to call names and insult while claiming they are lovers of peace.
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