Local Posts #34 (Part Two)

2009-9-10 10:24:00


Aug 16, 2009 -- Post #1


Actually, I thought the idea of getting the guys together for a beer was probably Obama's smartest move since becoming President. Too bad the girl wasn't invited, but the guys probably didn't even think about it.

I was disappointed by Obama's choice of beer -- "Bud Light" -- yuck. Probably the worst beer made.

The Professor chose "Sam Adams" which is a good beer, but then he chose light, so he missed having a good satisfying drink.

Sgt Crowley chose "Blue Moon White Ale." I've never tasted this one but it was probably the best of the batch since it was not light - definitely better than Biden's non-alcoholic beer. He'd been better served with a Root Beer.

Someone should have ordered a real beer like "Guinness" or "Spaten Optimator."

"Table Rock" or the "Ram" here in Boise [Idaho, USA] could have also served them well.


Aug 16, 2009 -- Post #2

"Savvy" writes:

"No doubt this Beer Summit was all about you. I suppose there is no room for difference in tastes, only yours."


I thought it was okay to give opinions here. To accuse me of making no room for different tastes is crazy talk. Because I give my opinion does not mean that is the only opinion. Duh...

In fact I anticipated a few Bud Light people to challenge me and give me a bad time in lighthearted banter. I guess it is asking too much to expect anything fun or lighthearted from the ultra serious no-sense-of-humor Left.

You need to have a "Guinness"s and relax.


Aug 17, 2009 -- Post #1


Sounds like Antonio Gil Morales is one of those wise Latinas we should be looking out for. He is concerned about the insane cancellation by the Obama administration of the Future Combat Systems (FCS). Even more insane was Obama's withdrawing funding from missile defense at the same time we face growing dangers from N. Korea, Iran, an unstable Russia and dominating China.

In addition he is cutting funds to NASA preventing us from going back to the moon and landing humans on Mars. Meanwhile, the Chinese are going full steam ahead with their moon landing goals.

Then he refuses to get behind nuclear energy. With breeder technology that we developed here in Arco we could power the USA for 1000 years with our nuclear waste and have almost zero CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions.

Outside of using a blackberry I think the guy is anti-technology -- at least as far as security is concerned.


Aug 17, 2009 -- Post #1

Dr. Welty says:

"As retired U.S. Public Health Service officers, we receive excellent care through the VA [Veteran's Administration] or through Medicare with Tricare military supplemental insurance. Do those who oppose 'socialized' medicine oppose the VA, Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare?"


I wouldn't mind socialized anything if force were not used to include me and if it was efficient. But so far U.S. government run health care is a disaster costing over four times as much per person as Japan and France.

We'd be well served to dismantle the works and start fresh.

Read this:


Also this:



Aug 18, 2009 -- Post #1


"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." (Hilary Clinton, 2003)

"I am a fan of disrupters." (Nancy Pelosi at San Francisco Town Hall 1/17/06.)

See the hypocrisy at:


Today she calls the "Town Hall" people "unpatriotic."

To insist most of these people were bussed in or organized by the Republican Party is ridiculous. All you have to do is look at them to see the vast majority are just ordinary concerned folks.

The only violence I have seen is union thugs and Obamaites attacking "town hallers." In one instance union thugs beat up a black conservative for attempting to hand them a flyer they did not like.


Aug 18, 2009 -- Post #2

"BoiseRiver" wrote:

"There is no comparing the peaceful protests of progressives to the hate-filled, spit spewing, diatribes of the minions of the insurance industry."


The ability of the Left to not be able to see reality as it is always amazes me.

First we need to look at the difference in the reason behind the protests of the Left and the Right. The Right (joined with many Democrats) are protesting, not free speech, but legislation that will take away freedom and change our way of life. Many protests of the Left are against something very sacred -- free speech. They just cannot stand anyone from the Right just voicing their opinions.

Examples of this are as follows:

Minutemen silenced:

Disrupting speech by Ann Coulter and throwing a pie at her:

Speech by David Horowitz silenced:

Horowitz needs as many as 12 armed guard to protect his life and limb when he gives a public address.

400 protesters had the nerve to go Justice Clarence Thomas' home and protest. Talk about terrorizing an innocent person's family.


The liberal "tolerant" Left also protests his speeches and tries to prevent him from speaking.

"The Washington Post" reported on 3/29/04 that protesters actually went to Karl Rove's home and terrorized his family by surrounding his house and pounding on his windows but this was fine with the Left.

Here are videos of other protests that make the "Town Hallers" seem polite:


Condi Rice:

Even with the tight security Leftist protesters often broke through President Bush's tight security to disrupt. I haven't seen this happen with Obama:


To call the protests of the Left "peaceful" is to acknowledge you are a victim of the censored major media.


"Yesterday's VFW [Veterans Of Foreign Wars] convention, attended by a dozen people carrying arms, is very scary and is a product of the Rush Limbaugh "I hope America Fails Project" brought to you by the right wing."


Newflash: We have the right to keep and bear arms in this country. If anyone has that right it is our veterans.

Rush DID NOT say "I hope America fails." He has said the opposite a thousand times. Are you so desperate that you have to make quotes up?


"The story of the beating is a total fabrication"


And you know this because why? Cenk Uygur must have told you so. You can't tell much from the video at large because the damage was done when the video started. The ironclad fact is Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative, was beaten and had to be treated at the local hospital for injuries. Hear the story in his own words:



Aug 18, 2009 -- Post #3

"Loner" wrote:

"Name one instance of suppression since Jan 20. NAME ONE."


Instance Of Suppression #1:

The White House issued this statement:

"If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@...."

This apparent creation of an enemies list can only suppress free speech.

Instance Of Suppression #2:

When Obama started the "cash for clunkers" program dealers who logged on to the government's site were greeted with this statement:

"When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government."

If that doesn't suppress surfing government sites nothing will. See full story at:


Instance Of Suppression #3:

As early as the campaign Obama threatened radio stations with lawsuits to silence criticism.

It is the Left and not the Right that are zealous to censor and suppress speech.