2009-9-10 10:24:00
Sharon Fisher writes:
"Since religious affiliation is also not genetic, I assume that Mr. Shattuck also does not believe that religion should be a protected class. I look forward to his follow-up."
Since when is any religious group any more of a protected class than atheists, The Idaho Statesman or the Rotary Club?
The following is commentary written by JJ Dewey in response to letters written by other participants & published online:
In response to "Crumrine" JJ wrote:
I was a firefighter too decades ago but worked in the city and fortunately never had to wade through ashes for a week. Firefighting attracts good independent gutsy souls who aren't afraid of their shadows, not like some political people I know.
In response to "Horgan" JJ wrote:
His letter illustrates how government is often the problem rather than the solution as Reagan often pointed out.
In response to "Vocate" JJ wrote:
The Left is pro choice in one area and that is abortion. In all other areas Big brother knows what is best.
In response to "Edgar" JJ wrote:
A third major political party is a bad idea and can lead to a fringe person being elected. Hitler could not have attained power in a two party system.
In response to "Valk" JJ wrote:
This guy is scared of a Ten Commandments monument at Julia Davis. Ohhh -- that's so scary. He'd better stay away from the Supreme Court In DC [U.S. District Of Columbia] where there is a marble frieze directly above the justices' bench with an engraving of Moses -- the guy who gave us the Ten Commandments.
"Grandjester" calls me stupid yet he doesn't answer my question as usual.
You need to get a little class and move away from this incessant name-calling and use your mind instead of raw unbridled emotion.
I wouldn't gloat too much about being on the winning side. Obama and Democrats are slipping in the polls like an aardvark on a slimy pole. The majority do not support Obama's health care plan and 6% more strongly disapprove of Obama than strongly approve.
This is also one of he few times that the polls show that the public trusts Republicans more than Democrats. See:
Prepare for a major shift in 2010.
"Proletariat" wrote:
"If Rush Limbaugh and Fox News had existed at the time of the American Revolution, we would still be a British colony."
The Rush Limbaugh of the time was John Adams. The Fox News of the era was the meetings in the taverns where you could get news that wasn't approved by the King and even condemned by him. The Rebels were the libertarians and conservatives. The royalists who wanted centralized big government and were okay with high taxes were equivalent to modern day liberals. These also hated all rebels and sought to eliminate the controversial news spread at the taverns.
The divisions between those who desire freedom and those who seek to enslave is ever present throughout history and those in the present who seek to restrict freedom always think they would have supported freedom in past eras because their true counterparts are disgraced by history.
"Gimmeshelter" wrote:
"Joseph -- You got a job? You're always the first (and, sometimes the last) to make comments, often at 1:43 am or thereabouts. I am beginning to get this picture of you as a gelatinous blob, chicken grease dripping on the keyboard, devouring the latest reports (and potato chips) as you fire your salvos from the right across the bow of those socialist pirates. How the heck do you support your late night tantrums? I suppose you're a self-made millionaire, an example of freewill success in the non-socialist economy of years past? Pray tell, share your secrets, oh great one!"
Yes, "Gimmeshelter" I do have a job, several of them actually. I am a writer who has authored around a dozen books and over 4500 articles. I will be publishing my first political book soon. You are welcome to visit my website at Freeread.Com.
The interesting thing about my metaphysical writings is I probably have more liberal readers and fans than conservative. I do not have any fundamentalist Christian fans I know of as my writings destroy many of their preconceived notions. I am thus attacked by the Far Right because of my metaphysical writings and the Far Left for my political writings. That's a good sign I am on the right path.
I might add that the attacks from the Left are far more virulent than those from the Right.
In addition I have a regular business where I supply products and services to businesses.
I set my own hours so I can check the web whenever I want.
I do not eat greasy food or potato chips as I write but sometimes enjoy a good glass of wine.
The secret of finding time to write at all hours is a fierce determination to maximize my time and to take a nap during the day.
As expected "Grandjester" you think those who believe like you correspond to the rebels of the Revolutionary War who stood for freedom of the whole and the individual.
If this is so then you should stand for the freedom of the individual and group more than I do.
Name three areas where you espouse freedom more than I do? That is where more freedom is acquired than taken away.
If what you say is true this should be a piece of cake for you.
The challenge to "Grandjester" (GJ) or anyone from the Left: Name three areas where you espouse freedom more than I do? That is where more freedom is acquired than taken away.
"Well my first two come from FDR's "Four Freedoms", Freedom from Fear and Freedom from Want."
I absolutely support progressing toward these two freedoms you mentioned (more than you I would bet) though no matter what we do people will always fear something as well as want things they do not have.
"Freedom FROM Religion would be another."
The only way you could be free from the influence of religion is to restrict freedom of expression of the 90% of the people who believe in God. Sorry, this view does not enhance the freedom of the whole as did FDR's [USA President Franklin D. Roosevelt] desire for "freedom of religion."
"Freedom of Choice."
You do not even seem to accept the freedom of choice to listen to Fox News or to talk about Obama's birth certificate. I believe in a much wider freedom of choice than you my friend. If you do not believe me try to find one area where this is incorrect.
"Freedom from illegal surveillance."
We're on the same page here.
"Freedom from corporate exploitation."
This is too nebulous to counter intelligently. The typical Leftists want to take away more freedom than is gained to achieve this and you seem to fit into this category.
"Freedom from right wing lies."
The only way to be free from Right or Left wing lies is to eliminate the First Amendment. Your move here advocates slavery not freedom.
"Freedom paying for foreign adventurism."
Another one that is nebulous. It's a good thing FDR went on foreign adventures against Japan and Germany or we would have less freedom.
"Freedom from corporate welfare."
This is not very specific, but it appears we are on the same page here.
Notice that none of your ideas of freedom were even mentioned by the Founding fathers. That's the difference between you and me. My list would be very similar to what the founding Fathers would come up with.
"Gimmeshelter" wrote:
"To be fair to Joe, I did check out his website. Self-publishing and profiteering from fundamentalist Christian ideas is not my idea of "open-mindedness""
Did you really visit my site? You are the first one in my life, out of many thousands, to link it to Christian fundamentalism. Wow!
One of my books at the top of the home page is on Buddhism and other topics are on reincarnation, karma, theosophy, eastern religions, and many other subjects about a million miles from Christian fundamentalism.
"Joe. I stand behind my suggestion that you push your garbage to the white, southern and uneducated racists..."
As I said a high percentage of my readers are liberals. You are pulling the race card again with absolutely no evidence. I have about 4 million words posted at my site. If you spend a year reading them all you will not find one racist sentence.
Such an accusation as you make should only come from a lower life form than human.
"Grandjester" (GJ) wrote:
"Freedom for Corporate exploitation. Today we are discussing Health Care in America, insurance corporations are funding your "dissent" (read: lies) with the 1,000% plus increase in profits they have banked in the last decade."
So you want freedom for exploitation? Must be a Freudian slip there. Actually, freedom from the influence of something wouldn't even qualify for a freedom by the [USA] Founders.
Can you give me proof that profits have increased 1000% or ten times in the last decade? The devil is in the details. If profits increased 1000% from .1% to 1% then there is no big deal. If it's as bad as you make it sound I may be with you in at least complaining.
And if they are making a lot of profit what do you want to do? Take away their freedom to sell insurance and set their own prices? That doesn't sound like an increase in freedom that the founders would support.
"If you were the libertarian you claim to be, this would be unacceptable."
Newsflash: Libertarians are for minimal regulation and maximum freedom.
"One of the leaders of this movement was a CEO of an insurance company that was fined over a billion dollars for defrauding Medicare and Medicaid, waste YOU claim to oppose, yet you are taking your marching orders and talking points from his "grassroots" insurance co. funded organization."
Talk about lies. And where are these marching orders?
If there is any fraud then we need to use existing laws and prosecute.
"And that is a singular example of how fundamentally dishonest your position is."
You'll have to try again. A hard as you have tried over hundreds of posts you have not found one lie I have told because I do not lie. It is against my code of ethics.
"And now you compare the Second World War to Iraq?"
And now who is lying? I never mentioned Iraq.
"It's old, it's lies and you have made me sick over this Limbaugh garbage (and defending Fox, which you claim not to watch, can you not stop lying?)."
Sorry to make you ill. You invigorate me. You need to adjust your state of mind as I do.
Now you're spreading another lie. I never said I do not watch Fox [News]. I watch it regularly, but I watch the other side too. I have said I rarely post things from Fox here because the mention of the name to the Left is like throwing holy water on a vampire. You guys are so fragile and cannot take opposition.
"Grandjester," you never present any ideas to make anything better but only seek to destroy and tear down. This is the line of least resistance and an easy thing to do if you are in a totally negative state. You must be the guy that everyone avoids at a family reunion.
GJ wrote:
"I am more convinced than ever that you just have some sort of, I don't know what, that keeps you from seeing reality, that makes you have a pathological need to try and re-write the past to fit your world view."
Looking in a mirror again I see. You're just frustrated because you haven't been able to out reason me or produce better data even once to advance your cause.
I'll embarrass you again shortly, but you will draw first blood as usual. You never present anything first that is interesting enough to refute. You only react.
JJ, commenting on GJ's proclamation writes:
Typical authoritarian mindset GJ. You think you are right because you proclaim yourself right.
What a guy. Sigh...
"You deserve to be institutionalized. Nothing "authoritarian" about any of it."
No nothing authoritarian about that attitude.
How such a mean spirited person can claim to want that which is best for anyone, rich or poor, is amazing.
-- End Of Part One --
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog which can be read online at Idaho Statesman Letters To The Editor. These exchanges were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey to The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group prior to being archived here.]
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