2009-8-17 04:38:00
A reader asks:
"I have been reading more and more about the God within, and how we need to open our eyes. Tell me. How does the God "without" fit into all of this? Am I understanding correctly that they are called Masters, and are not God."
The One Universal God is pure spirit and intelligence and can only be contacted from within. It's body without is the universe itself which only corresponds to the age of a child, so contact without is not practical.
Those who have mastered the manifestation of the God within are called Masters as well as Elohiym. As [the Mormon prophet] Joseph Smith taught these are the Gods mentioned in the Bible. He accurately referred to them as a "Council of Gods."
They are Gods to us because they manifest the Spirit of God and are far beyond normal humans in consciousness.
"So their job is to bring to pass and help mankind realize who they really are?"
Their job is to lift us up to where they are as others higher up the ladder lift them up.
"So what then is the purpose of prayer to these masters? Do they really 'reach out' and touch our lives by helping us.. or is that just an illusion we like to think that 'God' helps us."
We do not pray to the Masters but to the Spirit of the One God. The sincere prayer then ascends to the plane of Spirit and is placed there like a blog on the "Spiritual Internet." If the prayer attracts interest it will be picked up by either your Solar Angel, a Deva, your Higher Mind or a discarnate spirit. It is rarely answered by a Master, but could be if it is a matter of importance for a large number of people.
"I have been working very hard on soul contact and I am getting no where with it. I honestly feel more "alone" than I ever have. I don't know what I am doing wrong."
The seeker always feels a great loneliness before sure contact is made.
In the meantime study and contemplate higher principles. When you feel a "flashing forth" within that seems to shed greater light on principles you are experiencing some of the first steps in soul contact.
The first gentle whispers of soul contact are easy to overlook. I am sure that following the soul has brought you here in contemplation, but the guidance was very subtle.
Every time you follow the subtle the power of soul it increases until eventually soul contact will be as obvious as life itself.
Don't give up. You are being watched. Tune in and experience the results.
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved