2009-8-10 04:56:00
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog. These exchanges were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey on The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group prior to being archived here.]
Good assortment of letters.
(JJ's response to Letter #1 from "Holden.")
Medicare for all. There's already about $60 billion worth of fraud in the system if we expanded it to all fraud would probably reach $200 billion.
(JJ's response to Letter #2 from "Harnett.")
She illustrates another big flaw in the system. Some receive such mixed benefits that they do not even participate.
(JJ's response to Letter #3 from "Lazdins.")
You think the government will force more competition among private insurers? The Canadian government was supposed to do this when they started their plan but wound up eliminating competition. The same would happen here.
(JJ's response to Letter #4 from "M.D.")
The Doctor is right. We are already half way to socialized medicine. That's one reason costs are dozens of times higher than the were 50 years ago.
(JJ's response to Letter #5 from "Barron.")
And if you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's "free." good statement. Speaks for itself.
(JJ's response to Letter #6 from "Walker.")
Makes a good point. If we are using public funds why spend the money on a heart lung transplant when we can deliver 100 babies? On the other hand, if we keep our private system then if you want to spend the money you can get the life-saving procedure.
(JJ's response to Letter #7 from "Clegg.")
Anytime you support criminalizing speech, free speech is in danger. More harm is created by trying to force people to do good than any other thing.
(JJ's response to Letter #8 from "Swanson.")
She claims pedophiles are not protected in this bill. The fact that Democrats refused to give assurance to this by dismissing an amendment from Republican Steve King to specify this makes you wonder. Why leave any ambiguity on the matter?
"AliciaClegg" wrote:
"Thankfully, the federal government is very specific in their definitions when passing and enforcing legislation, and effectively clears up these concerns for people."
I take it then that you have full faith that the Patriot Act was equally benevolent because the federal government is so good at assuaging the concerns of the people.
"Someone doesn't want medicare because of the fraud. THAT would be remedied!"
And how would that be done? By osmosis, or are you still buying into the hope and change delusion?
"Ronk" writes:
"How much fraud do you think that private insurance companies commit?"
The fraud I was speaking of was committed by individuals against the government and private industry has a much lower degree of fraud than, about 1% in many cases.
Fraud against consumers is regulated by the Federal Government so complain to them if you think insurance companies are not fair.
I was with Norm on his first two points but to argue from the idea that homosexuality is a choice is not realistic or logical. Yes, a few have made the change, but it has taken tremendous will power on their part while others who have tried are so polarized in the same sex attraction that it is impossible to switch over.
Any conversation concerning gay rights needs to start with the acceptance that gays are born with a natural same sex attraction that cannot just be overturned with a decision any more than the same degree of heterosexual attraction can.
That said, it appears that in this age gays have more advantages than disadvantages and any legal disadvantages are miniscule when compared to blacks of the past.
Good letter by Mr. Stafford. It is indeed interesting how the pendulum swings, often to the extremes.
From the beginning of our country there has been a separation of church and state as designed by the Founders. But in the early days God and religion were very prevalent and openly spoken of. Traveling ministers often held meetings in schools and courthouses. Religious ideas were often taught and spoken openly in schools and people prayed on and off of government property.
Now we have gone the other extreme and even the mention of God produces a reaction from the Left like throwing holy water on a vampire. Young children in our schools can be easily intimidated into believing that any mention of God or spirituality is wrong or silly.
We need to chill out and reach a happy medium. The mere mention of God or religion is not close to the establishment of a state religion, which was the concern of the Founders.
"Mysterioustllmn" wrote:
"There is no God, there was never any jesus, there are no aliens, ghosts, doppelgangers, bigfoot, fairies, elves, hobbits, wizards, dragons, leprechauns, batman, superman, spiderman, godzilla, king kong, angels, cupids, vampires, boogymen, etc. There is the ever fertile immagination of man and our natural fear of death."
You're wrong. The entities are real. Here is the secret list:
The Wizard - Obama
Vampire - Harry Reid
Fairy - Nancy Pelosi
Ghost - Hillary Clinton
Godzilla - Michelle Obama
Dragon - Rahm Emanuel
Alien - Barbara Boxer
Doppelganger - Bill Clinton
Bigfoot - Joe Biden
Elf - Ron Paul
Hobbit - Robert Reich
Leprechaun - Sonia Sotomayor
Cupid - Robert Gibbs
Bogymen - Timothy Geithner
King Kong - Rush Limbaugh
Superman - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Spiderman - Dennis Miller
Batman - Sean Hannity
Angel - Ann Coulter
God and Jesus are watching, enjoying the show.
-- End Of Part One --
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