2009-8-2 02:31:00
Dennis wrote:
"I enjoyed your posts on time, However....
"I'm not sure there is no time or different time in the higher worlds? It does not make sense. For example: A basketball game starts. It ends in about 2 hours. It is an event. Events happen and it takes time for them to happen whether down here or up there."
Before I respond let me quote from Ruth's post:
"When we dream, it is similar to stepping out of Time, as we do not watch a ticking clock, we just feel and experience rather than know how much time it takes to travel through that dream."
She makes a good point that the flow of time is different in a dream. In fact it is different in the dream state as a whole. Are there not times when you sleep for six or eight hours and it only seemed like a few moments? Then there are other times when you sleep for 20 minutes and it seems like hours have passed.
There is still a sense of time in the dream state, but what accounts for that difference?
The answer is simple.
Our life force is connected to the physical by two threads. One is the emotional self connected to the heart and the other the mind connected to the head. When one falls asleep the mind part of oneself leaves the body and none of its activities are recorded in the brain as the thinking self is off into a higher world. However, the emotional part of our personality remains.
The reason times passes so unpredictably in the sleeping state is the emotional self counts the passing of time much differently than the mind. The mind (in connection with the brain) looks at a watch and counts the minutes and hours with exactness. The heart does not do this. Instead it counts the feelings that pass. Painful feelings seem to consume more time and pleasant ones less time. Then in times of deep sleep where there is neither pain nor pleasure time goes the fastest of all because there is not much for the emotional self to tabulate.
People who have had near death experiences as well as subjects who have been regressed into the between life state report that time is much different in the spirit world. Some say there is no time there and others there is time but it passes much differently.
What is the truth of the matter?
The answer is that there is still time but for many it seems time does not exist for there are no deadlines and it seems you have all the time in the world to do anything you want. Because counting minutes and hours there has little meaning some say there is no time. Instead there is still time, but it is interpreted differently just as time passes differently in the dream state.
Few consciously go to the higher worlds between lives and are still subject to time as registered by the emotional self. If the entity could rise above the emotions as well as the lower mind and enter the higher worlds he would discover that he incarnates in and out of time in various degrees.
When he is in the physical he is incarnated into time through three vehicles that register time differently. The mind, the emotions and the body -- all brought together -- register time as we understand it on the earth. The mind and the emotions separated from the body register it according to the passing of feeling and thought.
The mind alone registers time as the passing of thought.
The higher parts of ourselves that dwell in the realm of ideas and intuition are not incarnated into time as one needs to inhabit the mental, emotional and physical states to perceive the passing of time.
The higher parts of ourselves dwell in what is called "the eternal now."
Let me give an imperfect analogy.
Let us say that time is represented by our earth which spins around once every 24 hours.
You are not on the earth but the moon which has no spin and always has the same side facing the earth. Because you are on the moon you are now concentrating on work that can be done there and the spinning of the earth, the night and the day there is meaningless to you. On the other hand, if something from the earth draws your attention you may become aware of the earth and its movement. This awareness, however, is much different than being subject to the laws of the earth.
Even so, in the higher worlds we are not subject to the laws of time, but can be made aware of them if there is a reason for it.
Now while you were on the moon a year may have passed but because you are not using the reckoning of the earth the year has no meaning for you. Nevertheless, time has still passed in this other world even though you are not residing in it.
Even so, if an entity goes to a higher world, time does not end here on the earth, but still passes and when the entity returns he will do so in a different time.
There are many mysteries connected with time. Many are fanciful and distorted and others have seeds of truth. We will not understand how time relates to the various worlds until we go there. Meanwhile analyzing time in the sleeping state is a good place to start.
Quote Of The Day
"I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
-- Barack Obama
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