2009-8-1 00:56:00
I think we are not so far off, David, in our views of predestination and free will.
For instance, you say:
"The left point was the Big Bang and the first moment of time. Life expanded as you move from left to right. I saw that eventually life will start to contract until it reaches the other point on the right at which point, we have 'the end from the beginning.'"
And in the first chapter of the Molecular Relationship I wrote:
"If we substitute a picture for this Eternal Now we can visualize timeless creation. Assuming the left side of a picture is the beginning and the right side the end, we can see the beginning and end with one glance; so does the Life see all things in creation -- past, present, and future -- all at one glance and knows the end from the beginning. It, however, sees time and space constantly changing to fit that end, but even the changes between beginning and end are, before It's eyes, seen as Now."
I would suggest the reading of the whole chapter to get a feel of the teaching here.
Here are some another quotes taken from previous discourses:
"When we go to the higher worlds we go to places where time isn't measured the way it is here. Yet time is still passing here even when we're in the higher worlds. When we come back down to the lower worlds time has passed. It's a popular teaching to teach that everything is happening at once. I don't believe that's exactly the way it's transpiring. It's just the fact that time is not measured in the higher worlds. It's like you're in a state of consciousness where there is no time. So you go out of time then back into time rather than into a place where everything is happening at one time. Yet there is also a way to step back and look at the canvas of eternity where we can see the past and the future unfolding yet these are like projections instead of the actual unfoldment. We come down here on the earth and here upon the earth we go through the actual unfoldment of time."
"Past Life Regression"
"Just as we go in and out of physical incarnation, we go in and out of incarnation into time. When we are out of incarnation in time, time does not cease to exist. Instead, we are just not in time. But we always go back into time where the future and the past are always there to enhance experience."
"Without time there is no future, past and present. We incarnate into time just as we incarnate into space and matter. When we leave our body behind we are no longer controlled by or use that body. The same goes for time. When you leave time behind, time still exists, just as the matter of a body exists when left behind. Time still goes on in the lower worlds when you are in the higher. It does not cease to be any more than the earth ceases to be after you die."
"The Game of Life"
Quote Of The Day
"How is it possible that a Congress with an overall approval rating of 13 percent saw 95 percent of its incumbent representatives win reelection along with 88 percent of its incumbent senators? Common sense tells us those two things cannot possibly go together-yet it happened. Why? Because veteran politicians have written the rules to favor themselves and the two mainstream political parties.
"In the 2008 general election, the average incumbent House member raised an average of $1,356,311. The challengers raised an average of $336,585. Incumbent senators fared even better, raking in an average of $8,804,631, while their lowly challengers averaged 87 percent less, or $1,155,599."
-- Glenn Beck, "Common Sense," Page 50
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