Re: Change The Station Please (Off Topic)

2009-7-22 13:26:00

Duane wrote this in his criticism of Matthew:

"It was DK who pointed out that all of the group work that he tried to initiate was largely thwarted by criticism and an overdeveloping of the lower mind by his students. Please ponder on this! We need your Love and not your venting however good it feels to you."


The criticism DK [Djwhal Khul] warned of in groups was not directed at assessing the problems manifesting in the outer world, but of intolerance of the thinking and actions of other group members. This is where the real problem always manifests in groups. The only exception to this were those who were excessively critical as a whole and Matthew does not fit in this category.

In other words, it is the attitude in thinking that goes something like this:

"Here we are as a group forging ahead and Jim is dragging his feet and not seeing the correct vision."

As far as the outer world goes DK did not criticize the group for making honest assessments of the problems of the outer world unless some could not accept what IS. In fact, he did this regularly himself. He harshly criticized the idealists and pacifists of his day as doing more harm than good. He also attacked totalitarianism, especially Hitler and his associates. He even criticized Ghandi as being completely illogical and destructive in certain areas.

As far as group integration goes it is difficult to find someone more loving and cooperative than Matthew. I have never heard him even criticize another member. We need more like him. He does not need to be 100% accurate in his thinking directed at the outside world or belief systems.