Gathering & Questions

2009-7-20 03:16:00

Dan asks:

"Does this mean the first 'Masters,' in order to 'enter' the God Kingdom, had to wait until a sufficient number of fellow humans (of this Earth scheme) was available to unite with in a Molecular Relationship? Or did they link up with other, already established, Molecules made up of overcomers from another (not-this-Earth) evolutionary scheme?"


There always has to be a link up with a molecular Master on the other side or molecular power will not be manifested. Jesus was linked to an invisible Molecule and created a visible one on the earth to extend creation to this plane.


"I'm also curious to know, if Jesus was the FIRST (of our Earth scheme) to enter the Kingdom, if many have repeated his accomplishment in the last 2000 years?"


He was not the first to link up with the order on the other side but he was the first in our cycle to create a Molecule among humanity.

We just finished the 2009 Gathering and had a great group and a good time. I'm sure that those who were unable to attend would like to read experiences of those who did attend. I encourage them to post.


"Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age."
  -- Jeanne Moreau