2009-7-4 05:25:00
The disciple must work with the group in mind as his highest priority rather than the individual self.
Many there are who believe that it is a top priority to work for the good of the individual and the good of the group will follow. The reason for this belief is that the most prosperous nations on the earth allow the greatest individual freedom and the least prosperous and desirable, like North Korea and Cuba, stress the good of the group over the individual.
Do I therefore support the communist idea that the will of the individual must submit itself to the will of the State?
No. Of course not. Between the free enterprise system, which stresses the good of the individual and the communist which stresses the power of the state the capitalistic system is by far the most desirable.
If this is so then what is meant by the statement that "The disciple must work with the group in mind as his highest priority?" How is that different from communism?
The difference is freedom. Even though it is important that the disciple learn to focus on group work it is also true that it is a great evil to force people to do good. It is especially evil to force people toward an ideal that their consciousness is not prepared to accept. Since few have evolved to the state where group work takes priority over the individual, only chaos can result by forcing people to do that which they do not desire.
Another point is that the collective systems today are usually ruled by a tyrant and most do not consider service to a tyrant as service to the group.
The importance of group work is illustrated by the body. It is composed of billions of individual cells. If each cell worked only for itself the body would die along with the cells. They therefore must work with the aim of keeping the whole body healthy so they can themselves survive and thrive. Is there a dictator cell that bosses others around and tells them how to work as a group?
No. Instead they are aligned with a greater will so their instinctive intelligence can pick up what needs done.
Even so the disciples of the world must lead the way in working for the ultimate health of the human race. If the whole is healthy then the individuals will thrive as well as enjoy the maximum of individual rights.
The disciple is thus willing to sacrifice the individual satisfaction to accomplish the greater good, but with the realization that, in the end, maximum individual satisfaction is predicated on group health.
It is interesting that to accomplish this end that the fertile soil for group growth is not a socialist environment, but one of free enterprise where the pilgrim can descend into maximum selfishness. He must be allowed to make those millions and buy six cars, three homes and a yacht if he wants?
Because each of us must descend into the black hole of maximum selfishness. When most individuals reach that point they discover they are still not happy and satisfied. Then they ask that all important question:
Is that all there is?
Then they climb out of the pit of selfishness and they travel on a quest for meaning. They finally find that meaning when their consciousness expands to serving the good of something greater than themselves.
We can thus see why it is important to allow the maximum freedom of the individual for under an authoritarian government people cannot fully explore the necessary path of selfishness.
The disciple must be an initiate.
That is his work must not depend on someone else or even God telling him what to do. Instead, he must learn the power of self initiated effort. He must participate in a work that will initiate the forward spiritual evolution of humanity.
Question: How does the disciple use his power of initiation to do this?
"Truth has beauty, power and necessity."
-- Sylvia Ashton-Warner
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