2009-7-3 21:44:00
John C wrote:
"PS. I Bertha Sarah Palin took her tube of lipstick and went home. I predicted that she would leave. It just took longer than I thought. Her next step ought to be to visit 'Marco' down in South Carolina and persuade him to go and do likewise."
I wouldn't call your prediction a win. Here is what you actually said on July 3, 2008 in Keys Message Number 36406:
"Prediction: She will not be the nomination. She will be off the ticket by the end of the week."
Here was my response in Keys Message 36412:
"Now John stepped forward and made an interesting prophecy that Sarah Palin will be off the ticket by the end of the week. I don't have any revelation one way or another on the matter but this seems highly unlikely to me. It won't take long to find out whether or not this prediction comes true. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on John's part."
I think she made a big political mistake in resigning today, but it helps pave the way for a Romney and/or Jindal ticket.
John C:
"You don't have to BE an oriental to THINK like an oriental. Sorry, DK"
DK's [DJ Kuhl's] attraction to an oriental body has little or nothing to do with thinking but more with how the body functions as a vehicle that makes the inner work a little easier. For instance, it is easier to relax in a La-Z-Boy chair than on a lawn chair. You can think on either one but that doesn't mean they do not have an effect on where your attention is.
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