1999-7-30 09:51:00
Jennifer asks:
I have it on good authority that we have more chakras than the main 7 ones usually referred to, and which you speak of JJ. On earth it is my understanding that most humans have 11 chakras, although some who originate from elsewhere have 13. Also that all humans are not native to the planet (and that is why our waste matter needs to be treated before the earth can readily absorb it). I would appreciate clarification on this. Jennifer
The teachings of the seven chakras are thousands of years old and the sages of yesterday and today are correct on this. There are only seven major ones in man corresponding to the seven rays and seven notes. There are however, quite a few minor centers and thousands of smaller ones still corresponding to acupuncture points as Dr. S. D'Montford D.D pointed out. (By the way, welcome to the list.)
There seems to be teachings going around lately about there being 11, 12, 13 or more major centers. I have seen a few of these circulating about and those I have seen that those promoting such teachings are usually waiting for some spaceship to pick them up or expecting the earth to enter the 15th dimension yesterday. They kind of present the idea that only the unenlightened still believe in the seven centers and even the spiritual hierarchy of this planet (the Brotherhood of Light) are deceived. One such writing teaches that the Ancient of Days is being replaced by some great galactic being because he is failing at his job.
One thing I have noticed about these groups making astounding claims is that they make a lot of predictions that have not come true.
Speaking of predictions, didn't Nostradamus predict that the world would end in July 1999? Looks like we have just one day left so we'd better make the best of it. I'm willing to take bets that we will all be here the first of August.
The doomsayers will not give up. We'll see many surface near the end of the year and when the world is still here January first they will realize that the real millennium doesn't begin until Jan 1, 2001 and they will predict again and be wrong again.
Over 99% of humans are native to either this planet and/or the Moon. The moon has not always been a dead body. There was a time that it had an atmosphere millions and billions or years ago and was teeming with primitive physical as well as etheric life. A small handful of teachers have come here from other planets to incarnate and serve.
All human life forms throughout the universe have seven major centers just as the atoms and rays in far away galaxies are built on the same principles that are here on this earth.
When this universe which is built on the number seven is perfected then (billions of years from now) the universe of eight rays will be created and the inhabitants there will have eight major chakras.
Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that its native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form. Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.
Hope this helps. I'll tackle Susi's questions next. And by the way, I have no problem with you putting out a questionnaire. It seems to go along with Rick's attempts to find out more about the list members.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved