2009-6-21 04:35:00
In response to JJ: Dewey's "Eternal Spirit" series, Larry Kennon (LWK) writes:
"You wrote this some time ago?"
Yes, it was some time ago, about 43 years ago at the age of 21.
"Today what is your explanation of the origin of emotions? Is it the same, or has that changed with perhaps more knowledge?"
As I read this treatise through again, I was pleased to see that my views have not changed so much as just expanded. My sense of truth back then seemed to focus on the highest truths my religion would allow me to explore and most of them are still seen as true to me today.
For instance, I still see human beings as eternal entities that existed before birth, but the added knowledge of reincarnation has greatly expanded my grasp of the whole matter.
I also still believe that the astral body is in human form and does have more senses available than do we in the physical. At that time I only knew of three parts of ourselves -- the physical, the spirit body and the core intelligence. Now I see the intelligence is the monad and the spirit body is usually the astral body. Now I understand that we also have a mental body. This body would have all the perceptions available to the astral and physical with some of its own added.
Then in the higher formless worlds perception is through a direct knowing which the ancients called "gnosis." All perception is reduced from The Many to The One.
Dan writes:
"Is "knowing" even a step on the way to "realization with understanding"?"
"Please define the two words with examples?"
Knowing covers a large range from data to principles. This is a registration of something that is true by your consciousness.
Let me illustrate the other two words with a story:
When I was a young child my mother told me not to touch the burner on the stove. She said that when it was red it was very hot and would burn me.
Then one day I was watching the burner when it was turned on to a hot red. My mother then turned if off and walked away. I watched the burner cool until it was no longer red. When the color returned to normal I assumed it was now cool and placed my hand flat on the burner.
Was I in for a surprise? I wound up with a major burn on my hand. As I was screaming my mother came to my aid and asked my why on earth I touched the burner.
I told her that when it lost its redness I assumed it was cool. She then explained that there were gradations of heat and I had to wait a while after it resumed normal color before it was cool enough to touch.
Realization and understanding are two aspects of intelligence and grow together. When I touched the stove I realized the stove was still hot and when my mother explained it to me I then understood.
The realization made me careful to not let the problem happen again and understanding helped me to not fear being around a stove again.
When we know, realize and understand the right course to take the die is pretty much cast unless one takes the Left Hand Path of extreme selfishness.
"If it is simply continually contemplating within that which comes from without while seeking to follow the highest I have thus far received -- That seems too simplistic to be right yet when I try it seems so HARD, why is it so hard?"
The highest truths are quite simplistic but their working out is often more complicated than the story I just told. My knowledge, realization and understanding made the decision easy. There are others much more difficult, even something simple like stopping smoking. But if one has knowledge, realization and understanding about a right course, even though it is difficult, he will ultimately succeed. It may not be the first attempt but these three aspects will not let the seeker give up and eventually he will draw forth the will to succeed.
"What if my tools for seeking within are rusty and/or faulty and I mistake a lower desire for true realization?"
Desire and realization are two different things. Desire will lead to realization.
"Why am I so fearful of making mistakes that I would rather rely on another (outer authority) - even if that authority turns out to have been wrong?"
Seek to know, realize and understand "the inner," and soon it will dominate.
"When I do try to trust/follow what I THINK I receive from within, it seems to always put me at odds with my loved ones, is the road always lonely?"
The outer always conflicts with the inner, and yes the disciple is lonely until he becomes anchored with the inner voice. Then he will tune into the group mind that links others like himself and then he will never feel alone.
"If I'll get there eventually anyway, maybe I should just BE with my loved ones for now and worry the lonely road tomorrow (in 'God Class' as Paul put it)?"
Your spouse should accept you for who you are and from what I know of Marcie she seems pretty supportive. As far as other loved ones go one can have a reasonable relationship with them, even if they think you are crazy.
Many of my family think the devil has led me astray, but we still have good relationships as we manage to put philosophy on the shelf and talk about things with which we agree.
Just keep forging ahead the best you can and all your problems will eventually be solved. Keep in mind that much of the progress in this life prepares us for the next.
"Dare to be yourself.
-- Andre Gide (1869 - 1951)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved