2009-6-11 14:40:00
Justin writes:
"JJ, something you wrote in your treatise "Eternal Lives" has been bothering me the last few days. I wonder if you might clarify your meaning and set my mind at ease about it.
"I recently told my LDS bishop about my 'heretical' beliefs, so now of course I am 'on the outs' with him. I wasn't too worried about it until I re-read these lines in Chapter 7 of 'Eternal Lives':
"'Love is the true sealing power whereas the ordinance is merely a symbol. IF ONE IS UNDER THE LAW HE MUST GO THROUGH THE ORDINANCE, but if he is not then the power of love itself will create a binding force so those two individuals will meet in future lives.' (my capitalization)
"Having been baptized, endowed, etc. as a Mormon, does this mean that I am 'under the law' and MUST be married and/or sealed in a Mormon temple, or else I won't meet up with my wife in a future life? 'Cause there's little chance I'll be getting a temple recommend at this point.
"I'm unmarried, but I know I'll get married some day. According to your understanding, do I need to go renounce my 'apostasy' so that the Mormon church will let me be 'sealed' to my future wife? My instincts tell me no, but I'd like to understand better what it means for one to be "under the law."
We are affected by karma on levels other than physical effect. These other levels are significantly governed by our belief system. Humanity is basically governed by two approaches:
If the person's consciousness is held hostage by the Law of the Church then it is best for him to conform to that law to obtain a degree of peace.
On the other hand, if you can free yourself from the Law of the Church then you are no longer subject to any of its laws, but only to the Law of Christ where you receive your guidance from within.
If you are therefore subject to the Law of Christ the highest link you can make with another person is not through an ordinance, but through love, for as [the apostle] Paul said, "love endureth forever."
That which endureth forever came not through an ordinance, but through the heart.
Now an ordinance can anchor the focus of love within the heart. Therefore, there is some advantage to our civil and spiritual ordinances, but if these are not available you can create one for yourself as did my wife and I when we were married for we wrote our own vows.
One may then ask if there are any supernatural powers linked to any spiritual ordinances.
Yes and no.
If an organization is created that has members in both this world and the next then an organized linkage can be made, but whatever organized linkage Joseph Smith had in mind has been corrupted. I am sure he does not even presently link anything he has done with the current church.
Therefore, the question to be asked is this: Do you want to be linked with the current church in the next world, or would you rather be linked with the numerous assembly of the firstborn who are linked through the great spiritual power of love and purity of heart?
"Ejogi88" asks:
"There is a quote from JJ I do not understand:
"'A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.'
"Can someone explain?"
From the Roman Empire, to the Christian Church, to the United States to Apple Computer, 99% of progression or retrogression comes from within rather than influences without.
For instance, in many ways the United States has fallen away from constitutional principles. This was not caused by our outside enemies, but by those who claim to be friends of America and the Constitution.
Jesus was not betrayed by his enemies, but his friend Judas. Many innovators are betrayed by their best friends.
This is why soul contact will be so essential in the Molecular Relationship. Two people with soul contact will work in cooperation and build rather than destroy.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved