2009-6-11 04:22:00
My Friends,
Today I am posting a letter I wrote to the LDS [Mormon] President shortly after I was excommunicated. I realized I was not going to change his mind and was not interested in returning if he did. I was, however, interested in justice and making the church aware that they were not obeying their own rules.
Here is the letter:
June 1979
Dear President Kimball:
I have recently been tried and excommunicated for apostasy. Basically, the reason I was excommunicated was because I believe that certain things are out of order in the church today and that they should be set right. I find it quite odd that you should excommunicate one such as myself who was living all the laws of the church, yet you nurture and care for those who break such laws and have to beg to get out of the church. Behold, the violent and abusers whose very prayers are an abomination you do administer the sacrament and allow cancers in the body of Christ which doth short circuit the Spirit and cause the body to die and great is the stench thereof.
Why is it that the church of God has less freedom of action than does our nation which has been corrupted since the original constitution. Even so, I can openly teach that the country is out of order all the day long and I can disagree with the President till the moon turns blue, but as long as I obey the laws of the land I can yet remain a good citizen. If I betray my country, I am to be punished for it is a great sin, yet I can disagree all I want and I can teach the principles of the constitution all that I want.
Why can I not teach the principles of the constitution of this church, which is found in the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) and the other scriptures! Why can I not disagree with the President of the church on doctrine and yet remain a member if I keep all of the commandments? There is certainly no commandment saying that I must blindly accept all the President says without question. Any disagreement I have comes from the witness of the Holy Spirit. Is that not to be considered?
An unrighteous government has to rule with fear. This is what the communist governments do. When someone disagrees with them they cut them off and totally ignore their strong reasonings for this would bring the darkness to light. Why do you follow the example of a government inspired by darkness, for you seem afraid to hear the strong reasonings of those who disagree with you and do all that you can to silence them. In this you are disobeying a commandment for the Lord said:
"Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest. Wherefore, LET THEM BRING THEII STRONG REASONS AGAINST THE LORD. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you - there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper." (D&C 71:7-9)
If you really believe that I am against the Lord then you are to let me bring forth my strong reasons and if you have the Spirit the scriptures say that my shame will be made manifest.
If I am against the Lord as you believe then why is it that no one can confound me or those who believe as I do??? Why is it that it is the members of the church whose shame is manifest because of a total lack of understanding of the scriptures accompanied by a void of the Holy Spirit?
"He that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall." (2 Nephi 28:28)
It was made obvious recently that your foundation is sandy when my nephew after numerous attempts finally made an appointment through Mr. Watson to see you. Before he made the 400 mile journey he called to verify it and was told that the appointment was still set. It took money that he needed for groceries to make that journey, but did the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints honor that appointment?
What was more disappointing was that Curtis overheard that a young couple who had an appointment with President Kimball about the same time did not show up so there should have been plenty of time to see him. As Curtis thought that he was going to be escorted into the Presidents office word came back that President Kimball would not see him. In desperation Curtis tried to speak with the secretary, Brother Haycock, but was denied this privilege.
Shades of US President Van Buren -- our cause is just, but you can do nothing for us. But at least President Van Buren allowed Joseph Smith into his presence.
Curtis has told many people about this happening and even strong members seem to wonder what you are afraid of. If you are afraid we will rant and rave like fanatics you will find that we are gentlemen and can behave as such. After all, both of us were top missionaries in our missions.
At this time I would like to formally request a rehearing for the D&C tells us that:
"Should the parties or either of them be dissatisfied with the decision of said council, they may appeal to the high council of the seat of the First Presidency of the Church, AND HAVE A RE-HEARING, which case shall be conducted, ACCORDING TO THE FORMER PATTERN written, as though no such decision had been made." (D&C 102:27)
Someone close to you has told me that he knew of no such rehearing as this on record. Do you suppose the Lord gave us that scripture just to be ignored? Why do you not give even one rehearing to someone whom you believe has apostatized "according to the former pattern"?
Are you going to give me the usual answer? Are you going to tell me that you have reviewed the minutes and agree with the Stake President's decision?
If it has to be it has to be, but friends have insisted I will be heard if I appeal so I do so now make such appeal.
I give you my best wishes and I trust that your health is improving.
Joseph J. Dewey
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved