2009-5-12 07:04:00
Thanks for your comments on the new Star Trek John C and Ruth. My wife and I also saw it and feel impressed to make some comments.
First a brief review.
This was perhaps the best Star Trek movie of all time. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I've always liked the original series best and since the original actors are either dead or elderly JJ Abrams did the best possible thing in casting the old characters with an original youthful crew.
And it was a great cast. The actors captured the essence of the original without looking like they were trying to copy their style. I liked Chris Pine as James Kirk. He captured the original intelligence and independence of the person and Zachary Quinto, from Heroes fame, made an excellent young Spock.
The relationship of Kirk and Spock got off to a rocky start but the bumps were not contrived as has been the case in comparable shows.
The whole team seemed to get thrown together through a series of flukes to fight a serious villain from the future named Nero.
It was fun watching the movie which showed the beginnings of relationships and character development, when at the same time I had in my mind a vision and sense of what the future held for them all.
Then I realized that something strange was happening to me. The door to my soul was open and I began feeling sensations of the Holy Spirit. That can't be I told myself because these are just fictional characters. I could understand being emotionally effected but feeling the Spirit did not make a lot of sense -- at first.
Then, as I contemplated, a revelation came and I understood why I was feeling such spiritual feelings about a fictional movie. The Spirit comes to testify of truth and I was experiencing a major revelation of truth.
The Spirit brought a truth of which I was somewhat aware in the past, but now I saw it from a greater fullness.
Here it is:
There is a difference in the verification of a true principle and the truth of a thing which is unfolding to manifest the Purpose of God and a better world for humanity. When the disciple has a true principle revealed it is through subtle means, such as an intuitive flash or still small voice. But when a vision of future evolution is seen a fiery thrill will often go through the disciple's being and great joy will be felt.
Because he catches a glimpse of a better future more in alignment with holy Purpose.
When future manifestation of Divine Purpose is seen the Spirit will come.
The Spirit not only testifies of truth present so much as it does positive truth which is just waiting for us to enjoy at a future time. This testimony gives the seeker strength to move ahead and work toward its manifestation.
When you think of these feelings of spiritual joy being associated with the future you can understand why the "falling in love" feeling is often the most powerful spiritual sensation that most people feel in their lives. The reason it comes so close to touching the Spirit here is that the person catches a brief glimpse of the future perfection of the love interest and this future vision causes a joyful feeling and attraction.
When this realization came to me, I realized why I felt such spiritual feelings in watching the Star Trek movie. As I watched the young characters I saw them not only as they were on the screen, but as they will be in the future and the close friendships they will have. Then the spiritual feeling was amplified when I realized a principle was being brought home to me.
When I think of the times I have felt the most powerful endowments of spiritual energy the future was always involved. I have felt it when contemplating a Zion type civilization, a work I will do to benefit humanity, future relationships, a better world, etc.
Thus I can come up with one more piece of advice to those seeking more soul contact.
Contemplate the Will of God that is to manifest in your future, your loved ones future, and civilization itself. When you see or feel a future manifestation you will feel a powerful witness indeed.
"The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball - the further I am rolled, the more I gain."
-- Susan B. Anthony (1820 - 1906)
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