12 Keys Of Discipleship, Part 6

2009-5-9 06:07:00

Keys Of Discipleship -- Key Four

Tune In & Use Spiritual Will Until It Dominates Lower Desire

First the disciple must understand what Spiritual Will is for if he cannot understand it he cannot participate in manifesting it.

The mind of God pushes all activity toward the direction of a dominating good. The dominating good takes creation step by step toward the end of a creation seen only by the mind of God. Each step is a fait accompli; it is chiseled in stone and will occur. The only thing in question is the time period involved, but from the consciousness of the universal mind a small difference in time is meaningless. It sees the next step as if it were manifest in the timeless now.

The job of the disciple is to tune into that next step or advancement toward which the dominating good is pushing. When a glimpse of the vision is seen then the seeker knows that nothing can prevent its manifestation. His participation or lack thereof will make no difference in the long run, but the difference he will make will be in time. With his glimpse of the vision and effort he can help the next step to manifest earlier than it would have without him.

For example; it was within the Spiritual Will of God that the slaves become free. The existence and actions of Lincoln helped make this happen. Without him the slaves would have still been freed, but it may have taken an extra hundred years. To save the country from a hundred or even ten years of such injustice is no small accomplishment.

Even so, it is with the fledgling disciple. He tunes into the Will of God and knows a portion of the plan and by faith has a knowledge that the manifestation is inevitable. He decides to cooperate with the flow of dominating good and speed the vision toward manifestation.

The steps he has to take will often conflict with lower desire and for the spiritual will to dominate the seeker must always keep the vision present in his mind. If the vision is always present the creation will eventually be in his present. The holding of the mind steady in the light so the vision is ever seen will guarantee dominion over lower desire and the manifestation of Spiritual Will upon the earth.

Key Five:  Persistence

This Key seems obvious, but there is more to it than meets the eye.

Plant it in your mind as a seed thought and share what comes forth.


"Dance is the hidden language of the soul."
  -- Martha Graham (1894 - 1991)