2009-5-6 10:03:00
I cannot put too much emphasis on this key for the seeker can only progress so far without mastering it. He can waiver somewhat and pass the first and second initiations but to escape illusion that traps so many he must consistently apply this key. He cannot pass the third initiation without it.
If he does not hold his mind stead in the light then his attention will drift away from it. When his attention is no longer on the light, what is it then on?
If attention is on darkness rather than light then the truth is covered and the attention will be on illusion.
The reason it is so difficult to master keeping the mind in the light is that the taking attention off the light is a gradual rather than a sudden occurrence. When the attention is slowly taken off the light the loss of light is not that apparent. It is like using a dimmer switch and slowly turning down the brightness. If one takes an hour to dim the light by half it may not be noticeable that anything has changed.
But then if you suddenly turn the light on full brightness it is startling how much dimming occurred and how bright the original was.
When the seeker takes even a little attention off the light there is a dimming and the problem occurs when the dimming is slight and he doesn't notice it. Then he relaxes some more and the light dims again and still it seems as if he is in the light in its fullness.
When the seeker thus takes his attention off the light one of two things happen:
There is quite a struggle that occurs from the beginnings of soul contact to the final mastery of keeping centered in the light. At first soul contact is very hit and miss until after many failures the seeker is finally able to stay focussed. When this does finally occur it happens because the disciple creates many good habits that function as if on automatic pilot. But even here the disciple must always stay on guard for the initial small loss of light through lack of focus is difficult to detect.
There are three branch keys that allow the seeker to successfully execute this key and stay focussed. One is found in the past, one in the present and one in the future.
The seeker must look to the past when he was sure that he was focussed in the light at its highest point. He must reflect on how he felt internally and externally. He reflects the clarity of his sight during this time as well as his spiritual hearing and degree of inspiration. He reflects on the truths and purposes that were important to him and he asks if that importance still exists. He notes his sense of well being and peace and asks if such still exists for him.
Finally through meditation and contemplation he takes his whole consciousness back to the time when the light was bright and refreshes his memory of the reality of the experience.
After he does all this he then checks with himself in the present and asks himself if he is still there. Has anything changed and if so then what is it and why? Does he need to move back to the light in any degree? If the answer is yes then he moves back at once.
The present is where decisions are made. The seeker must examine each decision he makes and ask himself if it takes him away from the light or presents a spiritual danger of any kind. If it presents a danger then he must ask if a wiser decision is available.
Sometimes the best decision is fraught with danger. If it is he must take extra care to be aware of himself and his surroundings.
The key to using the future to advantage is the Principle of Projection.
The seeker must project himself into the future and examine in his mind's eye all the possibilities that may materialize. Then he must imagine himself making decisions and examine the future effect of them. He does this until he realizes the best course of action to take when a future situation occurs.
The seeker who follows this course will rarely be caught by surprise and make a bad decision but during an awkward situation he will have already charted his course long ago in his imagination.
Now on to the next Key.
What is spiritual will and how can it dominate the world of desire?
Why does desire dominate in average people?
Is lower desire sometimes mistaken for spiritual will?
"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."
-- Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved