2009-4-26 06:48:00
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog, and were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey on The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group. Because of the length of the original post, the archived version of this post was broken up into multiple parts. This is Part 1 of 3. Links to the remaining parts can be found at the end of this article.]
Murphy makes a good point. Obama and the Democratic Congress pushed the spending through and didn't give themselves and others the time promised to read it. Hence they both signed off on the AIG bonuses and then, after doing this, they cry foul.
Then they want to take the money back through retroactive taxation. If I was paid a half million and then the ones who approved the payment tried to take it back I would resist whether I deserved it or not just for the principle of the thing.
If I make a mistake in my business and give an incorrect price that favors the customer I honor it whether he deserves it or not. It is the honorable thing to do.
Obama wasn't the first president to pull these shenanigans. FDR taxed businesses retroactively and even threw some in jail for breaking laws that did not exist yet. The book "The Forgotten Man" gives an interesting account of this.
Good letter by Mr. Blessinger.
An interesting point is that minorities sometimes argue that they cannot discriminate because such is only possible when you are the majority.
This is false and discriminatory logic. For one thing, females often cry discrimination and they are the majority. There are more females in the USA than males.
We've made a lot of progress in race and male and/or female relations. Instead of straining the gnat by seeking an impossible ideal we should concentrate on looking beyond race and just see each other as people struggling like ourselves.
My favorite "black" movie of all time was "Malcom X." The reason I liked it so much was, even though racial struggle was involved, it presented blacks as people like myself rather than racial people unlike myself.
Calvin wrote:
"I never see any ditto monkey rants or raves against legacy college admissions that allow 'C' and 'D' students into places like Yale simply because their Poppy and Grandpa Prescott happened to have attended the institution."
If anyone is a "ditto monkey" it is those who classify anyone who thinks for themselves as a "ditto monkey" or ditto anything.
Why do Lefties concentrate on attacking Bush for getting preferential treatment in getting into Yale when the same could be done for Gore, Kerry, The Kennedys and many Democrats?
Besides the attack on Bush may be misplaced for his SAT score was 1206 indicating an IQ of 135 which is greater than 95% of the population. Obama has refused to release his SAT score. I wonder why.
Bush's score is higher than fellow Yale attendee John Kerry who scored 1190. Did he also then get preferential treatment?
Bill Clinton's score was 1190 and Al Franken scored only 1020.
Gore outscored Bush on the SAT, but Bush received better grades once in college.
It is difficult to have an intelligent debate with Lefties because they concentrate on personal (often unfounded) attacks rather than real data and reason.
"Tsparks" wrote:
"'Real data' coming from Joseph? Funny!! Like the statistics you provided saying everyone was wrong about Palin's Russia comment?"
What I said was 100% accurate, as usual, which was:
And 86.9 % (of Obama voters) thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey from Saturday Night Live who said that!!
She actually said you could see Russia from Alaska, but that point is about a thousand miles from her home, something Obama voters didn't have a clue about.
It seems that the left gets most of their news from "Saturday Night Live," "Jon Stewart," and "Colbert," and believe every word.
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved