2009-4-23 06:46:00
Duke writes:
"It seems to me that the emphasis on politics is in some ways divisive. Perhaps many here see this site as a welcome refuge from liberalism, but it has certainly driven down the number of posts I read, and reduced my desire to participate as evidently I'm not really part of the group after all. I have stopped trying to interest people in JJ's writings for now, as I think posts characterizing liberals as lower in intelligence than conservatives will result in otherwise likely students crossing JJ off their list. If I was coming upon this site for the first time just now without a background in JJ's spiritual evolutionist concepts, I would not want to read anything more. I don't care whether or not JJ wins his political arguments; the fact that his energy is focused on that would turn me away. Even having read much of his other writings, it's still having that effect on me.
"In my opinion, the current emphasis on politics results in JJ casting a much smaller net into the sea than he used to.
"My wife read this, and said for me to tell JJ that he can keep his floating city of Republicans. She is not the only one to express this sort of sentiment to me."
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them. I also appreciate the fact that you have hung on even though you may disagree with me politically.
First, I agree with you that talking politics does cast a smaller net, but unfortunately the net has not been sufficient over the past ten years. At this time the Keys has 446 members which is enough for a teaching base, but sadly lacking for the number necessary to draw from to create molecules or create real change. I need a base of many thousands, not just hundreds.
Thus, I am not concerned about the smaller net for the moment.
I have been thinking long and hard about how to cast a larger net and feel impressed that the political world is ripe for a new presentation of truth. Finishing my book, "Fixing America" will be Key here. I am about 75% done. It has been slow going because I seem to need a good block of time to get moving on a new section, and it is difficult to find that necessary time. But the book will get done and when it does it will provide a point of power to draw attention to my teachings.
One of my main points of focus from the beginning is the creation of the Kingdom of God and moving civilization toward an age of peace. This age is often called The New Age.
Such an age can only be brought about through political means and the age of peace will still be governed by politicians. The people and the system will be more enlightened, but we will still have government, which means we will still have politics.
Political truth cannot be divorced from spiritual truth for political truth is merely spiritual truth that has progressed beyond theory and some portion is actually being applied in a society past, present and future.
The core principle behind any political teaching I give is based on the Principle of Freedom. Since you say this principle is important to you then I would suppose that we are not that far apart, for this principle is behind every political belief I have.
Here are some topics I have covered lately and how they relate to freedom:
Every additional dollar we have to pay in taxes takes away a dollar's worth of freedom. Why am I concerned when Obama promises those making less than $250,000 a tax break?
Several reasons.
First: Taxes are already too high. In addition, the taking of money from those better off then myself is a loss of freedom for them and a loss of freedom for anyone diminishes my freedom in some way.
Second: Spending.
We have overspent in all recent administrations, but the trillions that Obama is spending takes the cake and also presents a grave danger.
It will create a great tax that will mostly affect the poor and middle class. That tax is inflation. When these trillions get in circulation we'll be lucky if the dollar is worth 50 cents in the next few years. That will essentially be a 50% tax on the poor to pay for recent programs. This will gravely threaten our freedoms.
Third: Debt.
We are going into debt more than any time in our history and consequently have to pay interest on that debt. We are not paying the principle, only interest and with that interest we could supply free health care for all.
This debt threatens our freedom.
Fourth: Global Warming.
This should be a subject for purely scientific debate, similar to: "Is there life on Mars?" Unfortunately, it has been politicized. The reason for this appears clear which is to create an excuse to restrict our freedoms and control us. The cap and trade policy being proposed is expected to affect temperature by maybe a thousandths of one degree over 50 years yet will cost trillions and eventually send heating and electrical costs through the roof creating another hideous tax on the poor.
My most important political proposal has been Molecular Politics where all legislation is completed through a majority vote of the people.
Now is majority will Republican or Democratic? Right now I'd say it is neither because the politicians on both sides want to follow their own wills regardless of what the people think, except around election time.
Notice, in my political discussions I usually talk about the "Left" and "Right" rather than Republicans and Democrats. This is because I am looking at issues that support freedom (the right hand path) rather than enslavement (the left hand path).
The Democrats have many good ideals which I share such as assisting the poor, providing health coverage, wanting us to be less materialistic, being good stewards of the earth, equality, etc. The mistake they make is that they think the only way to accomplish these things is to force compliance through an increasingly intrusive government.
These ideals can be accomplished, but if forced they will turn into nightmares. All good ideals must be accomplished through free will.
Republicans also have a problem with some aspects of freedom, but at this time in history they threaten fewer of my freedoms than Democrats. Of course, that could change tomorrow.
The government during the coming age of light will be much less intrusive than one current crop, but it will not be perfect and many will still not be completely happy. In our time fewer than 50% are happy with government but in the coming age we will see it rise to 70% and later to above 80%, leveling off at around 90%.
Larry W. had a good idea of creating a second list for politics and keeping this one dedicated to metaphysics. I'll think on that.
I love and respect my liberal friends here and certainly want them to stay.
"If your morals make you dreary, depend on it, they are wrong."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved