2009-4-22 05:56:00
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog, and were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey on The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group.]
Mr. Eld needs to realize several points if he is really interested in the truth.
"Mysterioustllmn" wrote:
"Well, if there is any justice in the world, these 'tea parties' will be met with attack dogs, water cannons, CS gas and riotous police bent on crushing skulls. Don't mess with Obamanation."
This could have appeared in a German newspaper in 1939: Well, if there is any justice in the world, these "tea" parties will be met with attack dogs, water cannons, CS gas and riotous police bent on crushing skulls. Don't mess with National Socialism.
Those who do not possess the mental capacity to reason will relish the use of force to achieve their goals.
"Do liberals have people like Coulter, Limbaugh, and Hannity?"
Nope. No one that intelligent in liberal land. That's why no one wants to listen to them. It will be a cold day in hell when a lefty will get 20 million people to voluntarily listen to him three hours a day. Saying I hate Bush and Republicans over and over doesn't cut it.
You guys are all attacking "Atilla," but by far the most horrendous statement made today was by "mysterioustllmn" who wanted conservatives "met with attack dogs, water cannons, CS gas and riotous police bent on crushing skulls."
Crushing conservative skulls is fine with you Lefties, but "Atilla" asking what city someone lives in is over the line?
Then in one post "RunStavrosRun" says of him:
"You're too stupid."
"If you had anything more than a pea brain."
"I don't want to be anywhere as ugly as you."
"Total schmuck with a clear inferiority complex."
"You, my friend, are a truly little man."
And this was just one post of many. What's wrong with you people here? Have you no sense of shame? Can you at least make a feeble attempt at applying the superior intelligence and compassion of which you continually boast?
You Lefties are fun to watch. You intimidate those with a different view with insults, name calling, guilt by association, distortion, etc. Then "Atilla" comes along and throws back some of your own tactics at you and -- Wow -- you cry foul. Conservatives are not supposed to fight back. That's against the rules? Your rules.
While being offended at "Atilla" you seem to have no problem with your friend mysterioustllmn wanting conservative's skulls crushed which makes anything "Atilla" said look like Snow White.
Personally, I plan on setting an example for you guys by exposing your illusions through logic, reason and true facts while attempting to be civil, even if that is not what I get in return.
I'm really getting tired of robotic programmed people who never listen to Rush repeating this same falsehood garnered from hate sites and the media insinuating something that Rush never said.
Let me repeat -- Rush said he wants Obama to fail in moving our country from the free enterprise system to socialism. He wants Obama to fail in removing any more of our freedoms. He wants Obama to fail in spending us into bankruptcy.
He has never said he wants the country to fail but has always said he wants the country to succeed, especially in manifesting its founding principles and producing abundance ad prosperity.
Rush has said that he wants Obama to succeed if he will embrace free enterprise, lower taxes and less spending.
I do not think I have seen a person so criticized for what he did not say as Rush has been.
The sad thing is this distortion has not been corrected by the media. Instead, it has been promoted by them and some believe everything they hear that is not on Fox News.
I wonder why "Mr. Baird" is not concerned about Obama. After all, Obama thinks his end of increased socialism justifies the means of enslaving our children with outrageous debt and taxes and irritating and restrictive laws and regulations.
"Tsparks" wrote:
"Limbaugh is a hypocritical lying junkie dirtbag. After all his crap about drug users and how they should sit in jail, and then come to find out ol' Pumpkinhead is an oxycontin-popping drug abuser himself, how could you listen to anything else he has to say? Hypocrisy is right next to lying in my book, so he has absolutely zero credibility."
Wow, what a mean spirited post! You make Rush sound like Mr. Rogers by comparison.
Nerds in their mom's basement had to comb every word Rush said back to 14 years ago to find anything about drug users. And he only spoke against recreational drugs, not prescription drugs. Where is any hypocrisy? He believed then in enforcing drug laws and still does today. There is no hard evidence he broke any dug law and the prosecution was forced to drop their case.
He took oxycontin because of tremendous back pain and then whipped the addiction, even though the back pain remains. That deserves some praise I think.
Popcorn wrote:
"I get email 'forwards' every week pushing various falsehoods from people who are normally intelligent, but refuse to look past the propaganda intended by said forwards. And you know, most of the time, the crap is blasting various Democrats or Democratic ideas. I've yet to see one that blasts any Republican or Republican idea."
Most of the bad ideas are from Democrats, but the Republicans have some bad ones too. One of the worst was the drug prescription plan from Bush. Even Rush opposed it. Most Republicans are big on the war on drugs. I think we should legalize all drugs and spend some of the savings on education and therapy. Both Republicans and Democrats want to overspend to which I am strongly opposed.
By the way, I am a Libertarian, but even here I disagree with many others who also claim to be such.
"CalvinJones" wrote:
"Rush wasn't so opposed to socialism in the 70s when he was on the welfare ('See The Way Things Ought To Be' by Rush Limbaugh)."
You are repeating a lie here. This is not true.
"How did someone so patriotic and of a certain age who did not go to college (thus not eligible for a deferment) get out of going to Vietnam?"
Most of the draft age kids I hung out with did not legally go including myself. I was called in and rejected. Doesn't mean anything except you are stretching to destroy a man's character.
"How many times has Rush visited the troops overseas? I'm sure it is nowhere near as many as Al Franken."
If I were one of the troops you'd have to pay me to listen to Franken.
As far as the Viagra goes are you outraged about the millions of others who take it? The real outrage is that a private citizen has the private contents of his luggage released to the media and circulated by them. I'd be upset about that even if it happened to Franken.
"Oh Joseph, I've read Rush's book. After Rush was fired by the Royals he was on food stamps."
I can't find the reference. Prove me wrong and supply the quote.
Here is all I can find from his book:
"The truth is, I have worked in radio for twenty-two years (long enough to retire in some professions) and made no money to speak of during the first seventeen. In 1983 I was earning $18,000 per year-less than I was making ten years earlier while in Pittsburgh. I have been fired seven times. I have been broke twice. Those years I was with the Kansas City Royals were awful financially. The house payment and the MasterCard bill were due during the same pay period, leaving me no cash for the period. That meant buying snacks at convenience stores because they, unlike supermarkets, accepted credit cards."
The writer did some research and discovered he was wrong on this accusation.
"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."
-- Beverly Sills (1929 - ?)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved