2009-4-19 07:10:00
Quoting JJ Dewey from a previous message, Larry Woods wrote:
"King Arthur refused to give his heart to another woman and the power was diffused."
Larry W. then asked:
"What does this mean? Are you saying Arthur was not willing to forgive? Or that Guinevere would not come back to him and he would need a different woman to keep the Molecule complete?"
JJ responded to the above with the following:
The problem has nothing to do with forgiveness, but letting go. To create a human atom of two individuals you need an intertwining of the heart energies. This definitely must include spiritual love and in many cases it includes romantic love. If the person designated to complete the human atom breaks off from the molecule, but the romantic love persists, there is created an interference of energy that prevents a new atom from being successfully created.
King Arthur passionately loved Guinevere and after the break up his energy still went out to her preventing a new atomic unit from completely forming. Since the energy of the Molecule passed through him the whole thing was greatly weakened and the kingdom eventually disintegrated.
Larry W:
"Is this linking process the 'sealing' power of the Priesthood taught by Joseph Smith Jr.? What level Initiate may effect this 'linking'?"
It doesn't seem to exactly correspond. It appears that Joseph's sealings were not so designed to produce molecules as to link people together so they would meet again in a future life. This could be preparatory work for future molecules.
Larry W:
"Will the result be similar to Joseph's 'quorums'?"
His Quorums consisted of molecular numbers but to have the molecular power the Quorum of the Twelve had to be activated first. This happened on a temporary basis in the Kirkland Temple, but there were so many problems with the Twelve after this that the spiritual power only partially manifested from time to time.
Larry W:
"You say certain numbers pertain to certain properties. So one might be better suited for administrative duties and another better for teaching? For example a seven Molecule might be administrative while a twelve would be teaching oriented and a fifty would be government oriented and of course we all know of the ternion Presidency Molecule. All, you say, coruscate.
"When you get yourself into a molecule, do you ever get out or change to a different type?"
Yes, the different numbers will have different properties and people can move from one to another, but in leaving a position -- that position must be replaced immediately.
Larry W:
"Are these associations sempiternal?"
Once the Molecular Order is firmly established, the relationship to the order itself will be eternal -- at least for the life of this universe. There will be changes in relationship as the individual moves around within the system, though as the order advances, a link will always exist through the Oneness Principle.
Larry W:
"Can one person belong to several molecules?"
Only one at a time, but he can be linked to many.
Larry W:
"The synecdoche nature of molecules brings many questions to mind. The individual atoms in lower molecules are fixed in place or physically attached to their molecule. Human, however, are mobile. How will that affect their interplay?"
They must physically meet periodically to renew their energy links. After an endowment it will be as if they are together even when apart. How long the power of their endowment lasts depends of the power of their focus and their soul contact.
Larry W:
"The more complex molecules have a 'business' end. This is the part that actually attaches to certain spots within cells and activate certain properties. However, other molecules may attach at this spot and cause similar effects but with minor variations. For example opium molecules may attach in spots normally intended for dopamine or for other endorphins. But when they do the main effect is side tracked with various side effects. Once you start applying the law of correspondence to human Molecules, you come up with all kinds of ideas and you wonder how the details will work on the higher level. Given our Exiguous experience level here, I assume we will experiment and try out various arrangements. I think you even said in the past that this would be the case so that probably answers my question about changing affiliations after entering into Molecular order."
You are talking about Cells -- and we will not have anything close to that until 144,000 Atomic Units are reached. Until that time the correspondence will be more like molecules not attached to cells. Keep in mind though the creation of Molecules is a big step from mere single atoms.
Larry W:
"Related question, when Satan left the Kumara Molecule, were they left with six? Can you shed more light on this event?"
The molecule of Sanat Kumara presently has seven in it so if the one who fell was in the original, then he was replaced.
By the way. What's with the big words?
" Things are only impossible until they're not."
-- Jean-Luc Picard, 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved