Local Posts #8

2009-4-17 06:28:00

[Compiler's Note:  The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog, and were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey on The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group.]



The Tea Party marches on Tax Day was, I believe, an historic event. Artie and I considered it significant enough to make signs and march in it. There's an energy developing that I think will pave the way for the acceptance of my book, "Fixing America."

I thought I would share with you the dialog I had in the local forum on Thursday.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number One


"It must be true, the more education a person has the more likely he is to be a Democrat."


According to a 2004 study only 15% of Democrats have graduated from college; 18% of independents and 23% of Republicans.

Republicans, Independents and non-voters all have higher IQs than the average Democrat.


Exit polls give an interesting picture though they are not as accurate for a lot of them lie and are not conducted as scientific as a Gallup type poll. For instance, they showed that John Kerry would win in 2004.

These showed that 52% of college graduates voted for Bush and a mere 46% for Kerry. On the other hand, 48% voted for McCain and 50% for Obama.

So the majority of college graduates voted for Bush who Democrats consider the dumbest president and also for Obama the supposed smartest president. If this is accurate it kinda makes you wonder about the stability of college graduates.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Two

"Saigon74_5" wrote:

"FNC Tea Party? Brought to you by the 'shout show bullies' at Fox News Channel."


Fox merely did its job and reported an event on which the other media were negligent.

Here's a pillow to hide from those mean bullies like that terrifying Glenn Beck.


"Push your 'Fear' button and you will jump through hoops for those jokers in the rain... They are easily led."


I jump through hoops for no one and I attended the tax march. Your insults are mean spirited and baseless. It's the Lefties who mindlessly march and protest at the drop of a hat. In over 60 years, this is the first one I thought worthwhile to attend.


"Very few people (Republicans) know what the word (liberal) means -- they simply parrot it like, as I said - a dirty word. LOL?"


Most Lefties do not know what liberal means, let alone conservative. They are fanatics on conserving the planet and not making improvements and think they are being liberal when they are extreme conservatives like Jimmy Swaggart.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Three


"Almost 100% of these sheep got a tax cut this year and are just too ignorant to grasp that fact."


They're giving us $13 a week now and will have to take thousands later. Perhaps you are the one too ignorant to grasp that fact. If you did you would have been in the tax march.


"Why do people vote for a letter? "D" or "R" that is something I have wondered about for a long time. Why not vote for the person?"


99 times out of 100 the Republican stands for smaller government (at least in theory) and the Democrat for bigger government. If I want smaller government then why would I want to vote for the person rather than the ideology?


"You were oh so quiet when they pumped it into Iraq. I don't understand the thought process of you guys, if there is any at all?"


The $100 billion a year we spent on Iraq was peanuts compared to the trillions Obama is spending and we got something for it; greater security and freedom for 40 million people.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Four

"FranktheTank" wrote:

"I did see a sprinkling of ordinary people participating in the march who appeared to be legitimately concerned about the high level of government spending. But did those reasonable people actually notice who was marching on their left and right? Misfits spewing Racism, gun nuts and extremists advocating all sorts of anti-government actions all in the name of some form of self styled bizarro patriotism?"


It's amazing how much information you Lefties get from a quick look. It's enough to make Martin Luther King roll over in his grave.

Frank saw "ordinary people." How did he know they were ordinary?

He saw "misfits." How could a quick glance reveal that?

He heard racism? I was in the whole march and there was not a hint of racism.

He saw "gun nuts." Is he saying that a person is a gun nut because he supports the second amendment? Weird.

He saw "anti government." (?)

Pro good government is not anti government.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Five

"Tony83703" writes:

"If we want good roads, good schools and generally a society worth living in, that has to come through taxation?"


Roads are supposed to be paid for from the gas tax and education from property tax. The protest had to do with the excesses of the Federal Government, not the states.


"Where were these so called concerned people when Bush was putting us in this debt, and I doubt any of these people make over 250k so what is the problem?"


Obviously you have limited conversations with people on the Right. We complained regularly about overspending under Bush. Rush, Hannity, Glenn Back, Savage, O'Reilly -- they all complained and were frustrated.

It doesn't matter what I make -- I am concerned for my grandkids and the good of the country as a whole and overspending on either side threatens my county.

Any paltry benefit I get from the current stimulus pales in significance to the danger this country faces.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Six

"Grandjester" wrote:

"And of course, this whole 'teabagging' movement is merely a construct OF the Right Wing media, no true grassroots movement, but again, you don't want any reality to interfere with your construct."


You have it backwards, my friend. Reality is interfering with your construct. This is a grassroots movement, not started by Fox or any media and is not going away.

This is just the beginning.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Seven


"That's cute Joe, a blog comment for your source, and it is quoting a source that is six years old. In case you hadn't noticed, those demographics have changed, significantly, during those six years."


And outside of questionable exit polls where is a study showing this?

I did cite the latest exit polls, which did show a change in the last election.


"And, of course, your last comment is completely without merit, statistically and logically flawed. And your resentment of those better educated than you is showing again."


Not many on this planet are better educated than me. (Note: here I am referring to education outside the regular school system.) I find it is easy to defeat the Left with reason on any subject. You have tried to prove me wrong many times and failed with each attempt. Proclaiming me wrong means nothing. How about trying something novel and proving your words?


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Eight


"Are you so ignorant of your own little movement that you do not know that it started in the media? Shame on you. Rick Santelli, CNBC. A high paid media tool has set you all running..."


I am aware of the history.

Santelli did not consciously start anything. He admits he did not start the movement, but did inspire it with a statement he made. If he started it he would be the head of it.


"Whatta moron, whattan ignoramus!? PATHETIC, and you have the gall to accuse liberals of being 'sheep'! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad."


There you go again. Instead of using mind and reason you just display a knee jerk emotional reaction and call us names.

Now that's a demonstration of a real sheep bleating out what the other sheep are saying.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Nine


"When your little 'tea parties' are hosted by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Joe (not his real name) the (non) Plumber and are based on an incontinent rant by a CNBC pundit and you can the convince yourself that this is a 'grassroots' movement, well then, nothing in the real world or any pesky "facts" are going to change your mind, now are they? And again, I call you out as both ignorant and idiotic since you continue to act thusly, as either ignorant of facts and history, or following demagogues like an idiot. ?? You are a hoot, keep it up."


It sounds like you are claiming this is not a grassroots thing but Santelli or Fox consciously created it. Since Santelli himself admits that he did not create it and is surprised by the group's appearance then how can you justify your belief that this is not grass roots?

Also why do you continue to abandon mind and reason and resort to emotionalized name calling?


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Ten

"Grandjester wrote":

"Yes, Joe, when your events are sponsored and hosted by Fox News personalities, the whole alleged 'movement of the people' thing sorta goes right out the window."


First you say Santelli (not related to Fox News) started the tea parties and now Fox News. Which is it?

It was indeed grass roots and some from Fox News just got in front of the parade.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Eleven

"Zeitgeis" wrote:

"I'll give a shot at the self proclaimed most educated man on the planet. Logic. 'If he started it he would be the head of it.' Cause and effect fallacy."


The first fallacy is you misquoted and distorted what I said.

You are really nit picking here.

It is generally true that he who starts a project becomes the or a leader in the project. I'm sure there are exceptions but I can't think of any. Therefore, if Santelli actually started the tea parties, rather than just inspiring them, the chances are very great he would be a leader. My logic stands. There is not space here to explain all the nuances.

I wrote: "It was indeed grass roots and some from Fox News just got in front of the parade."


"So you DO admit it? That you blindly follow these guys?"


I've already admitted it was a grassroots movement and everyone knows that some from Fox participated, but me "blindly follow?"

Now this is an example of a leap in logic. You must be desperate for a win here.


April 16, 2009 -- Post Number Twelve

"Grandjester" wrote:

"Joe, YOU said that Fox was leading the parade, your own words friend. And you claim to support and follow this movement. No stretch of logic required, the simple facts, to your own admission. Fox leads, you follow. You said it, not I. Boney, go back to your doghouse. It's more than a little pathetic that you cannot ever seem to form your own opinions, your own argument here, merely latching onto anothers thread."


I don't know why but you are bent on trying to distort my words into something I did not say and portraying Fox as doing something it did not do.

I said: "It was indeed grass roots and some from Fox News just got in front of the parade."

The parade or event was grass roots and would have happened with or without Fox. Hannity and Beck (not Fox itself) saw the parade and participated. Neither they or Santelli started the event. It sprang from a grass roots movement.

That was my point that you do not seem to understand.


"A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred times."
  -- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)