2009-4-13 04:37:00
There is a lot of truth revealed and hidden in the book of Genesis. It was originally written by Moses with two objectives in mind. First he wanted to present an account of creation that would give glory to God in the minds and hearts of a rather primitive people. The second objective was to be an accurate presentation of truth by the use of the Law of Correspondences that would be useful for many ages hence.
Most New Agers only see the simple presentation to a primitive people and often see contradictions when in reality the whole picture is not seen.
For instance, Chapter One of Genesis seems to present one version of creation, and Chapter Two seems to describe another.
The truth is that they are not two contradictory versions, but corresponds to two steps in creation. The first creation was in etheric, or spiritual matter, and the second was creation in physical matter. Nevertheless, the first creation also corresponds in a large measure to many creations and recreations on this and other earths.
Notice that the first human was called Adam, a unit of human energy, and how closely it resembles the word "Atom," a unit of physical energy.
Several times in the first few chapters the word Adam is mistranslated as "man." Let us translate it correctly in Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 27:
"So God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
This statement was made some time before Eve was created. In other words, the first Adam was an Hermaphrodite -- male and female in one body, just as an atomic atom has a balance of male and female energy in one unit.
This is verified in Genesis, Chapter 5, Verse 2:
"Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and CALLED THEIR NAME ADAM, in the day when they were created."
Jesus also verified this when he said:
"Have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?" (Matt 19:4)
The seeds for the Fall were created even before Adam's sin, but it was prepared when Adam was split in two and made into a separate male and female. In the Hebrew we read that Eve was taken from the side, not the rib of Adam.
The first race of human was the male-female Adams which were many. The second race was the split male-female units who lived in a state of innocence and looked only to the Masters for their decisions. This race was not yet physical but was a lower vibration than the first.
In the midst of The Garden was a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of it lest they die.
During the latter period of this second spiritual race the earth was descending from the spiritual to the physical and when the Tree of Knowledge appeared the elements of the earth were part spiritual and part physical. The Tree of Knowledge was the parts of the earth which had a vibration in physical matter yet was high enough to still be seen and touched in the spiritual. The Masters warned Adam that if he partook of the physical he would loose his apparent immortality and become physical and subject to the perils of mortal flesh including death. This would be a path to knowledge and the exercise of free will, but it would be painful and also bring a separation from innocence and the presence of God.
The Serpent was a member of a race that seemed part human and part Serpent. It had arms and legs as we do. The Serpents had already fallen into physical matter and sought to take the race of Adam along with them. The reason they sought Adam was that they were vampires in the sense that they got a large part of their energy from the life energy of other beings. They felt that by pulling Adam from the spiritual to the physical they could siphon off his God energies and live indefinitely.
Fortunately, after The Fall there were enough Adamites who recognized the God within who were able to resist the Serpents and teach the truth about them that the race of Serpents did not dominate the Adams, but eventually became extinct during Atlantis. Today, however the Serpents are incarnated as humans. Many of them are our leaders in the areas of business, government, and finance. They still seek (unconsciously) not to have their own power but to have power over others. If you meet one you can recognize him by a feeling of weakness you will experience in his presence. Only your personal soul contact can neutralize their power over you.
Eve being a female energy identified with the pull of "mother matter," or Mother earth, and led Adam in a great, but necessary journey if the human units were to obtain greater knowledge and understanding.
The third, but first physical race was the Lemurian of which the "Aborigines" [Australian aborigines] are a remnant. The Fourth Race -- the Atlantean of which the "Oriental" is a remnant -- and the Fifth Race was the "Aryan." The Sixth Race is currently being created by the gathering principle -- which principle is a core part of my teachings. The Sixth or coming race is being gathered from all the races and a person belonging to this race will have refined features, but can belong to any current race. This will be a synthetic race and the major change will be in consciousness. An individual belonging to this race will be capable of soul contact and will have a strong desire to serve the planet as a whole. He or she will also have a sense that the Kingdom of God will soon manifest.
During the Sixth Race all the races of the earth will blend and right human relations will be a key teaching, especially the relationships between the male-female. The marriage relationship is part of a great preparation for the Seventh and final race on this planet. The goal in the male-female relationship is to find the opposite that one can blend or fuse with. Just as your head and your heart are blended in your own body so will you merge with your opposite sex in the body of an hermaphrodite ages hence. The urge we have for sex is the force that is driving us in that direction.
Plato once told the story of a race of male-female beings that were so powerful that the gods became threatened and sent and angel with a sword to cut them in two. Since that time each entity has been looking for his other half so he can regain his power. There is some truth to this story.
Few, if any of us have learned to harmonize with soul energy with even one other human being, but many of us will master this during the coming era.
In the coming era the Garden of Eden will reappear. In other words, the spiritual and physical will co-exist. Many physical beings will have casual communications with spiritual beings. Others will be able to partake of "the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God."
"An expert is a person who avoids small error as he sweeps on to the grand fallacy."
-- Benjamin Stolberg
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved