2009-4-11 18:50:00
In response to a question asked by a student, JJ Dewey responded as follows:
We do not have a lot of information on the rods of initiation. Here is some taken from the works and writings of Alice A. Bailey:
"The spiral-cyclic force demonstrates, as might be expected, in seven ways; of these, the three major methods of demonstration are symbolised in the Rod of Initiation of Sanat Kumara. The Rod most frequently recognised by men is that of the Hierophant, the Bodhisattva, which consists of the straight central serpent with the two others entwined around it, thus picturing, among other things:
"a. The three outpourings,
"b. The three worlds,
"c. The spinal column and its channels,
"Or those main factors with which the initiate concerns himself. He has to understand somewhat the nature of matter and what is occultly involved in that expression, his own triple constitution, the three worlds in which he has to play his part, and the instrument which he has to use. This rod of the Bodhisattva is surmounted by a diamond which is not as great a diamond as the 'Flaming Diamond' of the first Kumara, but is of rare beauty. At the time of initiation when the electrical forces are tapped, this diamond revolves on its axis, picturing the rotary nature of atomic matter."
(Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1035)
"The next point to be remembered is that these limitations have been rejected by him under the applied stimulation of the Rod of Initiation, wielded by the Initiator. I would ask you to remember that this Rod is the Rod of Stimulating Light which is projected by the Initiator with all its Lighted energy on to the centre which is receiving attention during any specific initiation."
(Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2, Page 438)
"The force of the Rod is twofold, and its power terrific. Apart and alone the initiate could not receive the voltage from the Rod without serious hurt, but in triangular transmission comes safety. We need to remember here that two Masters sponsor all applicants for initiation, and represent two polarities of the electric All. Part of Their function is to stand with applicants for initiation when they come before the Great Lord.
"When the rods are held in the hands of the Initiator in His position of power, and at the stated seasons, they act as transmitters of electric force from very high levels, so high indeed that the 'Flaming Diamond,' at certain of the final initiations, the sixth and seventh, transmits force via the Logos from outside the system altogether. This major Rod is the one used on this planet, but within the system there are several such Rods of Power, and they are to be found in three grades -- if it may be so expressed.
"One Rod of Initiation is used for the first two initiations, and is wielded by the Great Lord. It is magnetised by the application of the 'Flaming Diamond,' the magnetisation being repeated for each new World Teacher. There is a wonderful ceremony performed at the time that a new World Teacher takes office, in which He receives His Rod of Power -- the same Rod as used since the foundation of our Planetary Hierarchy-and holds it forth to the Lord of the World, Who touches it with His own mighty Rod, causing a fresh recharging of its electric capacity. This ceremony takes place at Shamballa.
"The Rod of Initiation known as the 'Flaming Diamond,' is used by Sanat Kumara, the One Initiator. This Rod lies hidden 'in the East,' and holds the fire hidden that irradiates the Wisdom Religion. This Rod was brought by the Lord of the World from Venus, and once in every world period it is subjected to a similar process to that of the lesser Rod, only this time it is recharged by the direct action of the Logos Himself, the Logos of the solar system. The exact location of this Rod is known only to the Lord of the World and to the Chohans of the rays, and being the talisman of this evolution the Chohan of the second ray is -- under the Lord of the World -- its prime guardian, aided by the deva Lord of the second plane. The Buddhas of Activity are responsible for its custody, and under Them the Chohan of the ray. It is produced only at stated times, when specific work has to be done. It is used not only at the initiating of men, but at certain planetary functions of which nothing is at present known. It has its place and function in certain ceremonies connected with the inner round, and the triangle formed by the Earth, Mars, and Mercury.
"The purpose of the Rods of Power.
"In the sceptre of a ruling monarch at this day is hidden the symbolism of these various Rods. They are duly recognised as symbols of office and of power, but it is not generally appreciated that they are of electrical origin, and that their true significance is concerned with the dynamic stimulation of all the subordinates in office who come under their touch thus inspiring them to increased activity and service for the race.
"The great Rod of Power of the Logos Himself is hidden in the sun.
"To recapitulate, the esoteric location of the various rods is as follows:
"1. The Rod of the Bodhisattva lies hidden in the 'heart of the wisdom,' that is, at Shamballa.
"2. The Rod of the One Initiator is hidden in 'the East,' a definite planetary location.
"3. The Rod of the solar Logos is hidden in 'the heart of the sun,' that mysterious subjective sphere which lies back of our physical sun, and of which our physical sun is but the environing shield and envelope.
"4. The Rod of the cosmic Logos associated with our solar Logos is secreted in that central spot in the heavens around which our solar system revolves, and which is termed 'the central spiritual sun.'
"One Rod is charged anew at Shamballa for each new World Teacher; the Rod of Sanat Kumara is charged afresh at each recurring world period, and therefore seven times in the history of a planetary scheme. The Logoic Rod of Power is electrified at the recurrence of each new period of creation, or for each solar system through which the Logos manifests, as a man manifests through his physical body life. The first two ceremonies take place at Shamballa, the sacred point of planetary manifestation, that central location in our physical planet which corresponds to the heart of a human being. Many of the places on the earth's surface, for instance, which are famed for their healing properties, are thus noted because they are magnetised spots, and their magnetic properties demonstrate as healing influences. The recognition of these properties by man is but the preamble of a later and more definite recognition, which will eventuate when his etheric sight is normally developed."
(Initiation, Human and Solar, Pages 128-130)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved