2009-4-7 06:55:00
Creativity is indeed a divine aspect. Out of the Seven Rays of creation it is represented in the Fourth Ray, but it is not the key word for the Middle Way.
Creativity is a sign of an advanced human, but many creative people have not found the Middle Way.
When Adam named the animals he could have been creative with the names, but he could have also been very simple and uncreative. Perhaps he called them the first thing that came to his mind with little creativity.
He did use a quality that precedes decision and is the reason that men are called gods, or Eloheim, several times in the Old Testament.
What is energy? Good question. I am also interested in why this interests you.
Energy is that power which creates or can create a force capable of moving matter in any direction. This includes not only matter in the physical, but also the astral and mental planes.
Energy is created by the interplay of spirit and matter and is released when spirit descends into matter or matter is elevated into spirit.
If one is descending deeper into matter or the plane of selfishness and puts his or her attention on this motion he will have an increase of material energy. Likewise, if one is ascending into Spirit and puts his attention on Spirit, or selflessness, then he will have an increase of spiritual energy.
If one is indecisive and does little or nothing with his attention, energy will be dissipated and little or no new energy will come to his aid.
A thousand lifetimes, that's about what each entity needs to escape from the wheel of rebirth. They keys will seem familiar to you after the fourth, possibly as early as the first.
In this period of existence our immediate goal is to link up with other humans and create human molecules which will possess powers beyond what we consider human. In so doing the door to overcoming death will be opened. The second half of overcoming death is the knowledge and understanding of certain keys.
Finding the key word is the first half of the first key. The second half is showing an understanding of Decision as it is related to who you are. This should be somewhat understood before you tackle the second principle, but the next two principles will also throw more light on decision itself.
Decision is a power shared by both your higher and lower selves. However, one of the greatest temptations we humans face is that of giving up our power of decision to someone else. A person caught in a belief system where everyone thinks the same because a strong authority tells them what to believe is an example of giving up your power.
A hint of a more full understanding of this principle is found in the Book of Genesis of the Bible. Read Chapter 3, Verses 3-5 and 22.
If you think there is no truth to be found in a certain place, then you will find none. On the other hand, truth can be found by contemplating the most simple and erroneous words, because "the Word is God" -- a future key.
I make no judgement for you about the book of Genesis, I merely ponder the words.
"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be open, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil." (Gen 3:5)
Now substitute "deciding" for "knowing."
Now Verse 22:
"And God said" Behold the man is to become as one of us, to know (decide between) good and evil."
The power of decision is a key that will take you from the kingdom of man to the kingdom of God.
Why is this?
"Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind."
-- Chinese Proverb
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