2009-3-30 06:46:00
Current note from JJ:
I present some interesting theories here but on hindsight I will not guarantee 100% accuracy. I still think there are some missing pieces to find, but this article is good food for thought.
You wrote that my statement that "many parts of our universe are going faster than the speed of light relative to us," is wrong, that whoever wrote that is wrong.
On most of the things I teach I am not copying or quoting someone else's ideas. If I do I will mention it unless it distracts from the teaching.
I am the only person I know of (not saying there may not be others) that can present a logical case for matter exceeding the speed of light - however the Brotherhood of Light has always known it. Also extra terrestrials know it. Some of them transverse many light years in a short period of time at many times the speed of light and return to their friends and find they have aged no differently than if you or I were to go to Europe and return to our friends.
You make an interesting point. If a space ship is accelerating away from earth from another point of view the earth is accelerating away from the space ship. Which one is really skipping over time? Answer -- neither -- or we could say they skip over an equal amount of time.
Imagine if we lived in a world of sound and no light and we had to prove by the use of sound waves that there existed an object going faster than the speed of sound. It would be virtually impossible. But when we add the extra sense of sight it becomes easy to observe that there are objects going much faster than the speed which sound flies.
Even so the extra senses supplied by the soul reveal to us that there are many objects going many times the speed of light, but we cannot measure the speed of such particles by the use of light with which we are currently restricted.
When a jet passes us and breaks the sound barrier it creates a sonic boom and the sound it creates still exists, but lags behind.
A higher correspondence occurs when the speed of light is broken. The image of the object follows behind the actual object.
In my description of a photon perhaps the phrase "after effect" would be more accurate than "after image." It is sometimes hard to find the correct terms when we are exploring uncharted waters that have not been named yet. From what I have read of photons they have no registered mass. I have not heard of the term "rest-mass." Could you explain this to me?
The photon only appears to be taveling at the speed of light. What we register is the after effect of a particle exceeding the speed of light.
Concerning the brain, I agree it uses some very complex numbering systems, but it is still a giant computer and when it is broken down to the simplest units you will find a simple binary at the foundation of this and actually all other creations in this physical universe.
It is true that I cannot give you concrete proof on all I teach, but neither can you disprove it. You cannot prove than an object cannot go faster than light, even though it seems to be true.. On the other hand, in the not too far distant future it will be proven that we can travel faster then light because the event will actually occur. At that time scientists will rebuild their theories on hindsight.
-- End Of Post #139 --
Current note from JJ:
Since I wrote this in 1994 there have been a number of scientists that claim they have exceeded the speed of light. Here is one reference:
"Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance."
-- Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007), Hocus Pocus
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