2009-3-17 05:23:00
My wife does not have a Mormon [LDS -- Latter-Day Saint] background, but she loves HBO's "Big Love." She insists we watch it as soon as it comes out each week.
Normally when there is a show or movie that incorporates Mormonism or some other religion -- they are not portrayed accurately. Often they are represented as some crazy people or an enemy that wants to destroy the world.
I was thus pleasantly surprised that "Big Love" was fairly accurate in not only their portrayal of standard Mormons, but Fundamentalist Mormons who practice polygamy. They are also doing a good job portraying the problems of a polygamous relationship. I figure they must be using some reliable LDS consultants -- and maybe even a fundamentalist or two.
This last show was the first time I have seen any part of the temple ceremony broadcast to the masses. The LDS are under covenant to not reveal the signs and tokens, but overall most are nervous about talking about any aspect of it to an outsider.
Joseph Smith, as well as many of the early brethren, were masons and coincidentally the LDS temple ceremony appears to have borrowed many elements from the Masons. The Mormons explain this saying that the original Masonic order was inspired, but became corrupted and the fullness was restored through Joseph Smith.
Joseph may have been on to something for DK [Djwhal Khul] said something similar. He did not acknowledge though that the Masonic order was properly restored, but said it was still in need of a new presentation.
I believe that Joseph wanted to keep the blood oaths out of the ceremony and this caused a great division among the early brethren and may have led to his death. Brigham Young was a big believer in the oaths and made sure they stayed in.
Both the Mormon and Masonic ceremonies represent some true principles of ceremonial magic. The problem is that the participants look at the black-and-white actions and words rather than the principles incorporated. A workable ceremony could be written a number of different ways. DK said the current version needs to be updated to our times and drop the Old Testament elements that are out of date.
I may write a new ceremony one of these days, but have other things to do first. If I do not get around to it someone else will. But it has to apply correct principles or the magic will not work. I suspect that corrupt ones will eventually circulate as well as a working one. Those with soul contact will be able to sense the difference.
"He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which."
-- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
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