Early Keys Posts (#130-132)

2009-3-12 05:45:00

Post Number 130

No, the answers to the keys are not posted publicly, but given privately. One of the main benefits of the keys is the process of solving them. The information without the process looses most of its value.

I give a certain number of hints for the first several keys on the board, but do not post the answers.

Perhaps you have read the posted hints. If not I will repeat the first one:

The first Principle of Knowledge:  WHO and/or WHAT AM I?

Hint:  To say God, the Soul, the Higher Self is not enough. To understand what you are you must also understand what you are not.

For instance a person may buy an expensive car and like it to the extent that he begins to identify with it so much that if the car is damaged he or she feels pain. We understand, however, that we are not our cars, but a car is a vehicle that we use to explore the physical world.

There is the real YOU that uses vehicles to explore the worlds of form. What are the vehicles that most people identify with and think that is their "Selves," but in reality is not their Selves at all?

We will cover several rounds in these forums but I cannot explain or confirm these principles for general distribution. We will go as far as we can with this first principle for the aid of general understanding. The full revelation on each principle must be discussed by email.

It may take you from a week to several lifetimes to master each of the 36 principles. You are advised to only continue if you feel that the teachings to be presented strike a chord of truth within your soul. If for some reason they feel wrong for you then it may very well be correct that you discontinue.

If you wish to participate in this learning process then contemplate this first principle and post your thoughts. I will guide you until you arrive at the key and the understanding thereof.

Don't worry about being correct. If you don't know what to say -- say whatever comes to your mind. It will give us a starting point.


Post Number 131

You are a good contemplator. Perception is the word. You mention that you doubt that this is the word because animals have great perception. I would submit that perception is not the right word here in relation to the animal kingdom.

Their main lesson is to learn to pay attention. Notice that your dog is always paying attention. He has learned at least a half dozen signs as to when food may be available. Your opening the refrigerator door, for instance. 24 hours a day he is paying attention to the possibility of that sound -- if he is a normal house dog. His receiving abilities are open at all times to that sound and also the sight of the door opening, but the normal dog (yours may be the exception) does not perceive how the door was open. He receives information on you pulling the handle and opening the door, but he does not perceive it. Your dog, however perceives the process of opening a door. Evidently you are preparing him to enter the human kingdom.

The animal kingdom receives light, but does not perceive it. The human kingdom receives light and eventually learns to perceive it.

The third principle is called "Communion." The lower lives receive from the God within, but do not perceive God. It is the destiny of humans to receive and perceive. The key to communion is perception.

A hint around this is the scripture: "Be still and know that I AM God." This could be worded "Be still and perceive that I AM God."

There is a trinity of words here. Receive-Perceive-Understand. Animals receive, humans perceive -- Gods understand.

The first three keys are really one key. If we have correct perception then we can make a correct judgment. With correct judgment then we can make a wise decision. When we consummate a wise decision we then have understanding and are a candidate for the kingdom of the Gods.

Now the question of the day is this. What are the obstacles to correct perception? (There are three main obstacles) Keep in mind that if our perception is wrong then our judgment will be bad and our decisions will lead us on wasteful paths.


Post Number 132


Only the solar plexus is governed by ray six or the number six and corresponds to the note of "F."

Solar plexus or desire energy that is not governed by the higher energies distorts perception and turns everything upside down. Good seems evil and evil seems good. The animal receives but does not perceive and thus the bearer of 666 is called "The Beast" or an animal. The number 6 in relation to the Beast is control by reception with no perception. Emotion, but no mind. Obedience, but no free will. The three sixes stand for an astral control over the will of man in the three worlds -- the physical, emotional and the mind. The Mark of the Beast on the forehead signifies control over thought. The right hand signifies labor. Thus the Mark of the Beast on the right hand signifies control over a persons work. The word Beast itself signifies control by emotion. He who has the Mark of the Beast is expected to think and believe according to what he is told by some authority (Mark on the forehead) and is expected to do his job in the workplace as he is told without asking questions and no perception. (the mark on the right hand).

The Beast is not just some Hitler, but a system of government that reaches and influences every man woman and child on the earth. But there is a way to escape:

"And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads." (Rev 14:1)

What does it mean to have the Father's name written in your forehead and how is this accomplished?

Hint:  By seeing the correspondence between Jove and Jehovah you are sensing a future and very powerful key.

"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature."
  -- Dave Barry (1947 - )