2009-3-8 10:48:00
My Friends,
I have decided to do some posting on the web site of my local paper. I thought some of these would be suitable to place in the archives.
You will notice I try and use the terms "Left" and "Right" rather than Democrat or Republican or conservative or liberal. This is because the Republicans are not all on the Right and Democrats are not all on the Left.
I like the use of the words "Left" and "Right" for they signify the correct and incorrect directions we can take.
I didn't include a record of the full response of the people who I commented on but you should be able to get the idea of the points I was making.
Most of my comments were posted at:
(Note: This was in response to comments by a writer who says that those who opposed the stimulus have no right to receive any of the money.)
Those of us who oppose Obama's misleading stimulus will have to pay for half of it. It is therefore either plain dumb or mean spirited to say we cannot salvage what we can of our own money by getting a little trickle down effect from it.
It is obscene how we are mortgaging our children's future to pay for the Left's sub prime give-away and more government programs.
To blame Reagan for the current economic black hole is ridiculous. During the Carter Administration everything trickled up and near the end streamed up in a government sinkhole like a roaring river. Inflation was 13% unemployment was going through the roof. It was a similar bad situation like today.
Things improved immediately after Reagan took office and he announced:
"It is morning again in America."
Suddenly people had hope again.
My business went broke under Carter and but my new endeavors did much better under Reagan.
Contrast that to Obama, the candidate of hope. Instead of beginning with hopeful statements he says. It's crisis time in America and if you do not do what I say we will have a catastrophe. He's scared the stock market out of thousands of points since his election.
Reagan made such an improvement that he won 49 of 50 states in reelection. I can tell you right now this will not happen to Obama.
I've never seen such a bunch of bellyachers.
I've been discriminated against and fired many times because of a physical handicap I have -- much more than any gays I know. I didn't try to sue anyone or take away his freedom of choice through law because he or she chose incorrectly.
I think most laws of discrimination should be repealed and people cease pursuing evil-doers with the zeal of Jimmy Swaggart and allow people to make their own decisions without fear of frivolous persecution.
Education toward the right path and bringing a little light is better than the brute force of law. Understanding brings change whereas law, which is often misused, brings resentment.
Mr. Morse writes:
"If you read the actual Bill it provides protection based on ALL sexual orientation, so Heterosexuals could not be fired for being straight."
Does this mean I can have heterosexual sex with the boss's wife and he can't fire me?
Quoting JJ, "WWGuiness," writes:
"I've been discriminated against and fired many times because of a physical handicap I have- much more than any gay"
"WWGuiness" then continues with:
"Your being a moron is a handicap to the rest of us."
JJ's response:
The true moron is the one who cannot reason, but can only react with insulting name calling.
Gary believes in free speech, but... only for the far Left.
Get a sense of humor Gary. Mallard Fillmore (comic strip) isn't nearly as insulting as Dunesberry, which used to be funny but now is an unfunny attack strip.
Mallard makes some great points through humor. The far Left can dish it out through Michael Moore, Dunesberry and hundreds of other media, but let the Right get a harmless little duck in print and they want to become angry dictators and take away free speech.
"ConservoDem" wrote:
"Why should 'conservatives' be deprived of any forum they choose to use for demonstrating their ignorance and hate?"
The last time I posted here I was called a moron and this time a hater. I don't see conservatives using this mindless, thoughtless hateful approach.
Who are the real haters here? I hate no one and if we matched up the hate of the Right with the Left, the Left we would see about ten times the hate on the Left as partially demonstrated by your hate letter devoid of any reasoning.
(Note: In response to comments by others on Rush's "I want Obama to fail" statement. The writer claimed Rush listeners are a physical threat to Obama.)
I've listened to Rush for almost 20 years and know of no one who wanted to harm anyone because of him, but many have been inspired to do helpful and positive things.
Rush is in much more danger of being injured by an Obama groupie than the other way around.
(Note: 16 out of the 18 people in our country who tried to or did assassinate the President were from the far Left.)
Conner obviously gets his information from anti Rush sites as Limbaugh explained a number of times that he wanted Obama to fail to establish socialism, but he wants him to succeed if he would govern like Reagan.
I'm sure Connor wanted Bush to succeed in areas of his disagreement -- NOT!
Example of hate speech from the Left's point of view:
"Here's a quote of Obama's exact words... And here is why this thinking is misguided."
Example of hate speech from the Right's point of view:
"Idiot, moron, he's like Hitler, f...er (and other unmentionable playground invectives.)"
Conclusion: The Left has no power to prevail in the world of ideas. That is why there is no one of significance on the Left that even "Lefties" want to listen to on the radio. All they can do is resort to name calling and distortion. Take away that and they are speechless.
"You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do."
-- Olin Miller
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved