2009-3-7 03:54:00
Your thoughts are very insightful and good. The word awareness is quite close, but not exact.
You are right animals are aware. This is a basic lesson for them to learn over eons of time in that kingdom. We will probably discuss this more later.
The word we are looking for is a quality that humans are to develop much more than do the animals.
This quality is required before a judgment can be made.
You are wise in using correspondences for the number 666. If Nero was the initiating cause of the 666 you would be correct. Keep in mind the Book of Revelations was written 30 years after Nero died.
Hint: The number 6 governs the age of Pisces and the solar plexus center which governs the lower nature. Why are there three sixes? You guessed that the mark on the forehead indicates control of thought. What does the mark on the right hand mean?
How can one escape the mark of the beast?
Glad to see you are still reading this folder. You ask why there is a correlation with the number 1000. Why not another number?
The answer is quite simple. There are cycles in all things and the subconscious of humanity tunes into the universal truth enough that it has picked up on certain cyclic numbers and incorporated them into our own cycles.
Seven is the number of days (periods) of creation (and re-creation) and is an important number in the study of cycles and correspondences. Humanity realizes this and has made the calendar to have seven days in the week which repeat over and over. It is instinctive in this cycle for humans to give themselves a day of rest whether they are religious or not.
Another cyclic number is 12. Humanity uses this number over and over and has incorporated it into its cycles by giving us 12 months in a year. This tradition dates back past 4000 BC in Egypt.
A third and important cyclic number is 10 and multiples thereof. Humanity could have built our numbering system around any number, but we chose 10 because the soul of the race realizes that this is an important number when dealing with cycles.
The number 10 and multiples thereof are useful in the study of cycles when dealing with years of time.
10 is useful in the cycle of the individual. You should assess your life every ten years. Look for correspondences to happen now that occurred ten years ago and try and sense the lessons your soul is sending you. Look over the message of your experience over the past ten years and look for a higher correspondence in the next ten years. If you do this in connection with the soul you can be a prophet for your own life. The end of each ten years and the beginning of the new is the beginning of a new cycle for you.
100 years is an important cycle to study for the progression of the souls of the earth. This cycle gives us an idea of how much progress has been made by the average incarnated soul. For instance this last 100 years tells us that the humans souls are making a giant step forward at this time in their evolution and that many have learned important individual lesson as well as group lessons.
1000 years is called in the Bible a day with God. It helps us to understand the cyclic nature of the 1000 if we look upon it as a day in the life of the human race. We do not have the history of mankind far enough back to study this correctly, but if we study what we have we will discover certain correspondences in the various centuries. For instance we would find correspondences to our current time in the end of the first millennium AD and also just before the birth of Christ. The correspondence to the period before the birth of Christ would be stronger because 2000 years is close to an astrological day.
We are currently approaching the beginning of the seventh thousand years since the last Adam. Humanity realizes this and all religions express it in their dream and expectation of a period of rest and peace on the earth.
Such a day is coming, but its full implementation may be later than many are hoping for.
I am delighted that you plowed your way through this folder and that you feel that my postings come from my soul. We look forward to hearing more from you.
You say I imply facts that cannot be proven. Not so my friend. You can find the truth of any statement that I or anyone else makes by establishing soul contact and then running the principle involved by your soul. If the teaching is true, a chord within yourself will vibrate in harmony to it and you will sense a flashing of light within your mind. If it is not true there will be no light and no soul confirmation. This principle only works when you go beyond the personality and listen to your higher self.
If I receive confirmation on a teaching and tell you that the teaching is just my opinion then I would not be honest and honesty is imperative to maintain soul contact. On the other hand, you are welcome to look upon any positive or absolute statement I make as opinion. We must both look upon them as we see them from the highest part of ourselves.
Your thoughts in the fulcrum are good. You have gone as far as you can in the direction you have been going. Your thought needs a little redirection here. Do not think of the Middle Way as a point right around the middle, but rather a point -- between -- the two extremes. Neither Jesus or Moses were much in the direct middle, but they were both between the two extremes. A person may find the point of the Middle way and even be an extremist for a period -- like Paul of Tarsus for example.
The question is how is this point of truth discovered or arrived at? There is a second keyword we are looking for here.
It sounds as if you think that there are no laws that govern cycles. It is hard to think that you would disbelieve so since every cycle that has exoteric facts behind it can be explained and predicted.
We have heard the phrase "history repeats itself." This is a true statement, but no one has figured out the cycles of history. This does not mean that history does not have cycles, however -- a point to which I think you will agree.
Let us examine the number ten again. You say in one breath that our number system is based on this because we have ten fingers, then you go on to say that the Incas based theirs on the number 60. Did the Incas have 60 fingers?
For that matter why do we have ten fingers? Why do the more evolved animals have ten fingers or claws and the lesser evolved have other numbers of tentacles.
Man is given ten fingers because the Powers-That-Be planned on him creating a numbering system based on ten because the number ten is a governing number for the cycles of man in this and other systems.
The cyclic system works two ways. There are cyclic numbers that mankind can tune into and use. Then when he uses them the cycles developed by the numbers receives added power of repetition because of the thought form created around the number.
For instance people all around the world are expecting great change somewhere around the year 2000 because they know this is the end of a cycle. The power of this group thought actually sets up a vibration to create change. Much of it has already happened. Look around you and see how much change has occurred in the past fifty years. Part of this was stimulated because of the world thought form around the year 2000.
Man was given a hint of the usefulness of the number ten when he was given ten fingers. Fortunately we took the hint and have used the number. If we are wise we can take a further hint and use the number to our advantage to predict cycles.
If the Incas used a base number of 60 then this number would somewhat affect their cycles of history. Such a number is an anomaly in history indicating that such a choice of number was against the grain of cycles for this planet.
You say that we acquired the use of the number 12 because of lunar cycles. This does not fully explain it because twelve lunar cycles equals 354 days, 11 days short of a year.
Seven was a natural number for mankind to use as divisions of the days of the week because it is a universal dividing number as evidenced by the seven notes in the musical scale and as light in a rainbow is divided into seven colors.
Mankind has borrowed some of our major cyclic numbers from nature, but the psyche of the race instinctively knew the correct places to use them.
In cases where the correct numbers were not used (by some cultures) such a use has not endured the test of time.
Every number has a place in the law of cycles, but there are certain governing or major numbers.
1,2, 3, 7, 12, 24, 49 are key numbers for governing cycles in the world of form. 10 and multiples thereof are important governors of time. By studying the numbers of form and time as well as using the law of correspondences you can become a prophet more accurate than any psychic.
Let us take a number not in this group, for instance the number 9. Nine should be interpreted from the aspect of three threes rather than nine ones. 27 would be looked upon as 3 X (3 X 3). Since three is the foundation number for all life forms then the number twenty seven has particular significance when examining life purpose. It is not by accident that this corresponds closely with the Saturn cycle as talked about at length by astrologers.
"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver."
-- Jay Leno (1950 - )
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