2009-3-2 05:38:00
You have two hints of the middle way in your last communication:
First, you must be true to the communications which come from your inner self and second, the way is narrow and straight and few there be who find it. Every religious person who quotes this scripture thinks he is treading the narrow path, but very few people on the planet are.
The middle way is somewhere between the two extremes. The question is -- how do you find this point between the extremes?
Hint: It is rarely exactly in the middle. We are looking for a second key word here that throws greater light on the first (Decision).
If I remember right you were very close to finishing the first principle. Even after you leave it more light will come later. One does not have to understand them fully to go on to the next. The idea of each level is to reach a greater insight than you had before.
Decision is the power of the Gods, but if this is hidden from us and we don't think we have permission to decide then the power that is in us is hidden by illusion. If our power is hidden then the Antichrist powers make all important decisions for us.
You may find it of interest that the judges in the Old Testament were called Gods by Moses. Moses was also called a God. In most cases this is mistranslated in today's Bibles, but it is in black and white in the Hebrew. Those who made decisions and assumed power to do so had the power of the Gods, so they were called Gods.
Decision is the key to the door that opens to all worlds, even immortality.
Contemplate the part of you where the power of decision originates and you can feel that link between you and God. It uses your bodies but it is not your bodies.
One more question for you to contemplate. What are you deciding to become?
Remember, this is the power of the Gods -- "I am becoming that which I decide to become."
Contemplate this last question ("What are you deciding to become?"), tell me your thoughts and we will move to the second key.
You didn't tell me what you commonly call your boy. Is it Richard, Dick, Dicky, Aaron?
I am assuming that it is Richard.
Each name sets up a particular vibration. Richard means "Strong Ruler." The Richard kings were either strong rulers or they seemed to go out of their mind if they could not rule by strength. On the other hand, Aaron means "enlightenment." Mental enlightenment seems to be what Richard needs. I would suggest that you change the name you are calling him to Aaron. Also tell him the meaning of the name and that people who are named Aaron are very smart. Make sure he understands that. Then when he develops the Aaron side of his personality the Richard which means "Strong Ruler" can come into play.
If you concentrate on bringing into play his Aaron vibration then you should notice a great change in him. Try and talk him into accepting the new name. Also try and get your husband's cooperation. The Aaron vibration would rarely consider suicide.
You are not becoming God, you are already one with God. You are a part of the body of the One Great Life. On the other hand, the God you are is becoming what you decide to become because as God you have the power to decide and become what you decide to become.
As you observe the universe from one end to the other you will see that no two things are alike. That is because each part of God has decided to become what it is, which is unique. You must decide what it is that you want to become. It is not one decision. It will be a combination of many decisions. However in this one life you will have one overriding decision which will govern all others. Perhaps you have not discovered it yet.
Most people do not truly exercise the power of decision, but are controlled by the reflective decisions of others. Perhaps this first key has been difficult for you because you have been controlled by the decisions of others more than you realize. If so, you must take this power to yourself, keeping the principle of harmlessness in mind.
If you feel you are going crazy this is good. It is a sign of growth. Just don't let it scare you off. Be governed by love, not fear. As you get close to greater knowledge dark forces will attempt to amplify your fears. You must realize this and ignore them.
If, in pursuing these principles, you feel you are at a dead-end go ahead anyway, guess if you have to and this will open doors.
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."
-- Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976)
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved