2009-2-28 23:16:00
Woody quoting JJ from The Archives writes:
"The concept of equality of pay is the destiny of the planet, but how far away the fulfillment of that destiny is remains to be seen. No one is going to come to us and give us black and white rules to make this happen, but through trial and error we must implement the highest principles in this direction that we can envision."
"OK, I want to try to understand this.
"OK, free market economics has proven itself to be a better method than the communist experiments. I have some example situations that I would ask for clarification on."
No one is talking about establishing communism or doing away with the free market. You need to read my treatise on the Molecular Business to understand where I am coming from.
Look at the air that we all breath. We all desperately need it, but because there is an abundance of it there is complete freedom to gather all of it we want. There is also equal opportunity to breath it. We can breath in all they need.
Even so, this will eventually happen with the things we consume. Technology and ingenuity will provide us all we need so eventually we will have all we want in consumables just as we now have all the air we need. Eventually this will eliminate the need for money itself.
As long as good prevails no freedom or freedom to market will be taken away, but an abundance will totally change our attitude in the way we look at wealth and making an effort to acquire it.
"A business owner a lot of times works harder than their employees and it is more stressful. An owner might many times do things like work 80 hour weeks, do jobs that others won't do, and take upon himself stresses that no one else does. I've also heard of business owners writing themselves paychecks to be cashed in advance when the business gets the money.
"Will there be a decrease in people that are willing to do this for the same amount of money? Part of why FME works is because it allows compensation according to sacrifice and risk, in that it rewards these behaviors (or rather it can reward) for these behaviors. This is especially true in business creation."
In the future society of abundance there will be no money and people will be motivated to work at a labor they love. Undesirable work like garbage collecting will be completely automated.
In the interim we will have something like the Molecular Business where most within a single company will receive the same wage. Those who work extra hours can received extra cash or stock. Those in management can also receive extra stock.
"Small businessman Mr. X, chooses to start his own business. His business is only marginally successful, and only employees him and he generates a little bit of subcontractor work, and a modest amount of vendor business. He finds that at the end of the month that he has made less than the base wage ensured to everybody.
"Does he submit a form to the government indicating the difference between his wage and the base wage and the government cuts him a check for the difference?
"What prevents a person from starting a really small business, let's say only making 25% of the base wage and then getting the government to cough in the remaining 75%?"
The government is not involved in anything I have advanced. To be a successful Molecular Business would require around 50 or more employees. Some businesses could do it with less but a 50 or more is desirable.
If a person has a small business like you describe he may or may not succeed. In the coming era of abundance he would have no worries in experimenting with a business or enterprise because his basic needs will be covered.
"Would society question this and require that the person get a real job where he could make the full base wage (because they figured that he was just taking advantage of the system), or is this allowed. Would there need to be a council whereby they would determine this on a case by case basis?"
Society will not require anyone to get a job unless we happen to be living in a dictatorship. In a free society people will get a job because they want a job and its benefits, not because of what the government tells them.
"A single-parent family with no bread winner (or let's say a disabled person) tries to claim the base wage on the grounds that everyone is entitled to the base wage, further claiming that if this is not done, there is still inequality (because this makes two classes of working and not working, on at the base wage and the other at the welfare wage).
"Does the equal wage apply to working and non-working people in this model?
I haven't given any model to which this question applies.
In a Molecular Business people apply for a job just like any other business. All employees receive an equal wage for hours worked. If that wage is too low for him he will not even apply. If a person does not work he does not get paid.
"One of the problems with Communism is that they found that there was insufficient motivator, in terms of pay, to get the necessary work done. How does this socialist model compensate for the lack of motivation to be a producer, even just a worker?"
The Molecular Business will supply a good wage and extra pay for overtime and stock bonuses for additional motivations.
Then when overall abundance comes people will become motivated by other things than money.
"If one wanted to be the change that they wanted to see in the world, could they calculate the equal wage and then either gift the excess to the government, or give it away to charity? If someone wanted to do this, how would you suggest that they calculate the equal wage? Perhaps by finding out what the median wage is in the USA?"
I have no interest in figuring this out. In a free society you just give what you are comfortable giving. This is as it should be.
"Is this theory for America, or would the entire world participate in this at some future point? My point being that a global equal wage and an American equal wage would be vastly different. (i.e.,. the American equal wage would be I'm guessing at about $45,000/yr, but the Global equal wage would be about $6,000/yr)."
Different Molecular Businesses and different countries will pay different wages for some time to come.
The trend toward equality will embrace the world. The two brotherhoods have their ideas about achieving it. The Dark Brothers want to do it by force and the Brotherhood of Light by free will.
"Because of how the equal wage was calculated, it would be prohibitively expensive to live in Beverly Hills for example."
A Molecular Business would pay more in some areas than others, but within that business the pay would be equal as previously noted.
"Is there somewhere in the archives a 'proof' that takes into consideration all of the issues that a believer in FME would raise that this economic theory would address AND do better?"
You need to read about The Molecular Business at:
"I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something."
-- Jackie Mason (1934 - )
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved