Early Keys Posts (#118-119)

2009-2-24 03:20:00

Post Number 118

It looks like we have reached a stalemate here. You haven't budged an inch and neither have I. On the surface it would look as if we are just two people caught in a mindset and refuse to look at each others opinions or data.

I'm sure that from your opinion that this applies to me, but I would venture to say that there is a great difference between the two of us. Let me tabulate them:


You:  You expect me to believe you based only on the fact that you say it (Or John says it).

Me:  Whatever I present I am fully willing and able to back it up and can show you how to prove it for yourself.


You:  You and John have no principles to present, no new knowledge, no new revelation and no plan.

Me:  I do not claim to be the Christ, but I have new principles, new revelation and a definite plan.


You:  You have not shown a willingness to test my teachings or the light I offer.

Me:  I have not only shown a willingness to test John's teachings, but I have had to fight tooth and nail to get you to tell me any of them.


You:  You seem to base your witness on signs seen from without.

Me:  I base my witness on the Spirit within.


You:  You cannot speak of this great being's teachings of the New Age without his authority.

Me:  I can speak on any subject and so can my students. The only authority is the spirit within.


This gives you the general idea of how I see it. The only thing I have not done is make a trip down there. But why should I have to? If you were willing you could reveal more of his teachings to me. Hearing him in person does not make his words or thoughts any greater. It only gives a teacher more opportunity to use astral energy.

You say that I cannot lead you to the fire of the spirit. I know from experience that I can just as the Apostles of old did. There are certain principles involved, but time and time again when the student is willing to follow the path a portion of the fire is felt. Part of the purpose of the Keys I teach is to lead a person to the Spirit. If you are willing to ask the Father of Lights about me with a humble Spirit he will reveal to you that I speak the truth.

How does one bypass the mental plane yet function in it? You seem to speak in paradoxes. I think the more likely truth is that John has not yet risen to the mental plane. The few sayings you have quoted seem to indicate that. I would be willing to venture that you are smarter than he is. I think he overwhelms his followers by taking energy from them rather than giving them light and knowledge. After he takes and accumulates energy then he sends it back in an altered vibration. This deludes the disciple into believing that he gets energy from John, while in fact they are receiving back part of what they have given. I pick this up because I have tuned into John, or rather he tried to tune into me first, causing me to tune back. It bothers him that I am not impressed by his vibration.

It is interesting that we are born on the same date and both have air signs as rising. Mine is Gemini and yours is Libra. Your soul will certainly push you toward mental development, but the Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces will certainly bring out some poetry from you. It also causes a strong attraction toward John. The ascendant indicates your main lesson in life to learn. Yours will be correct judgment through reflection on both the heart and mind. Perhaps the purpose of John is to force you to eventually use powers of discernment and mental discrimination you have never used before.

The ruler of my ascendant is Mercury and is in my eighth house and is in Aquarius. I have no planets in Scorpio, but have Mercury and Mars in the eighth house and have Venus in Aries in my tenth house. My planets are fairly evenly distributed throughout my chart. I have a pretty good chart except that Saturn forces me to learn my lessons exactly before I can use all the benefits. Holistically, that is also a benefit even though I have grumbled about it.

You never answered my question of how old you are?


Post Number 119

Vampires & Gods

In the book "Celestine Prophecy," the author gives nine insights to the New Age. One of them has to do with the fact that we as individuals are inclined to steal energy from others. We do this he says because it produces a "high" for us. The cure says the author is to tune into universal energy and get our high from that.

This is partially correct but he does not tell the whole story.

For many, many lifetimes the entity seeks power through domination just as mentioned in the Celestine Prophecy. After eons of time the individual learns through trial and error that there is a path and begins following it. After additional progression he obtains considerable power to influence other humans and realizes he can subject them to himself without their awareness of how he is doing it. When he obtains the beginnings of this power he is faced with a great decision. Will he take the free will of others to himself or not?

If he decides to consciously take power from others then he has chosen the dark path. On the other hand, if he chooses to not steal power from others, but to follow a true path of service and seek to empower his fellow humans without taking away their agency then he has chosen the path of light.

It takes an evolved person to tell a light Brother from a dark one because the differences are often subtle and the methods of the dark brothers often have the appearance of much goodness. Even though the dark brother is willing to steal power he rarely gives the appearance of doing so and his disciples give their power away with so little resistance that they are not even aware what is happening - not until they try and take it back again. When they do, the dark teacher will be very disturbed and turn on his former student.

On the other hand, the light brother refuses to take power from his brother or sister, but relies on the truth as a persuader. Because pure truth has such a powerful effect to influence, even when complete free will is present the teacher of light is often accused of using force. The reason for this is truth cuts its own way and can never be completely ignored and often the student does not want to be confronted with it. When the student gets a glimpse of truth he does not want to hear he will either ignore it, run from it or attack the teacher as one who is forcing his will.

Thus those who steal energy and take free will are often accepted as loving, giving teachers whereas the true teachers are often highly criticized and turned upon and completely unappreciated, except by future historians.

We talked earlier how God multiplied Itself from the one Great Life into an innumerable number of parts. Since the great reflection he has been working on the problem of putting himself back together. You and I as pieces are involved in this most great puzzle.

Because the art of finding the other pieces is slow and frustrating many are tempted to try and steal the God energy from the other pieces thus making them spiritual vampires. The bite of the vampire is the taking of free will through subtle means. This then leaves the God energy in a state of non use. Then the entity is free to siphon it off. Then he gives a portion (but not all) of it back allowing him to keep some for himself while appearing to be a source of energy to the follower.

The false teacher is a little like our government. It takes our money through a forced tax and then gives part of it back. The ignorant are grateful and see big government as a great benefactor whereas the wise realize that they can make better use of their own money than the government can.

The dark brother never gets enough power from others because he is operating on the principle of separation. It is like taking power from batteries that have cut themselves off from a source of recharging. Once one begins to run down then he must find another and another.

The source of power for the teacher of light is more than just tuning in. He must find other pieces of God and unite them together without taking away any of their agency. Truth is his or her only weapon. When the divine alchemist unites several parts together that before were in a separate condition then all the parts are enhanced in power. The power then comes naturally, very little tuning in is necessary. You would have to tune out to not feel it.

As the pieces of God are put back together a greater light is produced that causes darkness to disappear and a great truth is revealed. 1+1=1.