Mr. Nice Guy (Barack Obama)

2009-2-23 23:12:00

In response to a comment by JJ Dewey that he thought that Barack Obama was a nice guy, Larry K. writes:

"I find it hard to exactly understand where you come by the opinion that Barack Obama is some sort of 'nice guy.' His political career is full of dirty tricks and deception. For example, in running for the Illinois Senate he managed to get his opponents disqualified. It seems that almost every word out of his mouth is some form of deception.

"With the so-called 'Stimulus Bill' he seems determined to steal vast amounts of wealth from Americans, some born already and some not yet born, in order to reward his political supporters.

"Are you out of your mind? Barack Obama a nice guy?"


There is a lot of difference between a nice guy, a good guy, a righteous guy, a saint or a guy with purity of intention and correct vision.

There's a lot of nice guys in the world that I would not want to be in any position of power over me as they could be my ruin. My late friend Wayne (the same Wayne in the Immortal Series) was perhaps the nicest guy I have ever known, but I would never have gone in business with him and would not have wanted him in political office.

On a personality level I do think Obama is charming and a nice guy. I think that if he were my next door neighbor, and not in politics, I could ask him for a favor and he would be quite helpful. I think that during visits or barbecues he would be quite friendly and pleasant to talk to. I think he'd come across as a nice guy.

Those who knew the American Prohibition Era gangster, Al Capone thought he was a heck of a nice guy and from what I gather he was if you did not cross him.

There are many others in office I do not consider nice guys. Harry Reid is a good example. I would not want to live next to him and would not want to socialize with his likes. He seems like a big sourpuss to me and a bore. At least Obama would not be boring and has a degree of charm.