2009-2-22 07:57:00
Below is a response I gave to a letter submitted by a resident of Boise and published in the local paper.
First, here is the letter I was responding to:
"Idaho shouldn't get a dime of stimulus money.
"I have carefully read the article listing Idaho's share of the stimulus. I really can't find any 'pork,' but I feel this money would certainly be a big help for Idaho.
"However, I don't think Idaho should get a dime. Our four congressional delegation members all voted no, so why should Idaho benefit?
"All Republicans can think of is to lower taxes. How in the world can we enjoy good health, roads or education without our citizens paying taxes?
"Berniece Marler, Boise"
Here is my response:
Berniece doesn't make any sense here. To say Idaho should get no stimulus money because our representatives (including Democrat Walt Minnick) did not vote is silly and not logical. Perhaps an analogy would help her understand.
You are going on a hike in a wilderness area with two friends and have only $100 for food. You take a vote for what you will buy and take with you. You want to take some meat, but the other two are vegetarians and will not even consider any of your input. Because their vote outnumbers you, they only buy gogi berries, nuts and tofu. You are committed to the hike so you have to go and because there is nothing else to eat, if you want to eat at all, you have to eat what they bought. After all YOU HELPED PAY FOR IT so you are certainly entitled to your share. The food is not what you wanted, but it is better than nothing.
Now, I cannot guarantee that the stimulus is better than nothing because of the debt we are passing on to our kids, but because we are all paying for it, and in the system together, we are ALL entitled to any trickle down benefits that could occur.
After all Democrats gleefully take Republican tax cuts (and more) that they did not vote for. Prime examples who took even more than their portion of tax cuts are Timothy Geithner, Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, Al Franken, Charlie Wrangle and others.
"FDR's generation sacrificed themselves for their kids. This generation is sacrificing their kids for themselves."
(Mike Huckabee in speaking of the 2009 stimulus package.)
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