2009-2-20 04:13:00
Further comments on an individual named "John" who claimed to be Christ come again.
A student stated:
"John, however, does not function on either the emotional, mental, or the buddhic mental plane. His is the Divine plane, and He can only 'come down' as far as the Spiritual."
However, in your last communication you said:
"Did I say John 'by-passed' the mind? Pshaw! I rather think not!"
You have me confused here as to what your belief is toward John. I would say that if he cannot come down to the mind and does not function on the plane of the mind, yet is in a physical body, then he has bypassed the mind.
Tell me. Does John use the mind or not? If so what do you mean when you say he does not function on the plane of the mind?
Again you give me physical signs that John is a great being. That is everything electrical malfunctions when he is around. To me this verifies my suspicions that he is not the Christ. If he were the Christ it would seem that all electrical units would function better, not worse. It sounds as if he is surrounded by an undirected chaotic energy that has no purpose but to impress. This is typical of the workings of the dark brotherhood.
A correspondence to this would be if Jesus used his electrical energy to turn the water into mud instead of wine. It would have still been impressive, but would have been a destroyer aspect rather than a building. Suppose Jesus had also turned the blind man deaf instead of healing him? A case could have been made that this was a miracle, but to what end?
If we follow the law of correspondences then the true Christ who was a great healer would cause electrical machinery (including our bodies) to work better, not worse.
Again, I would stress to you that the greatest witness is internal. One must follow the spiritual fire, no matter what is happening on the outside. The outside must always be examined on the plane of the mind and reflected internally or deception is inevitable.
Perhaps an example from the Bible would be enlightening.
"But there was a certain man called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used Sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one:
"To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying this man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries."
Then this man who had convinced the people that he was "the great power of God" saw real power through the apostles. He saw that they had power to make people feel the Holy Spirit, something he was unable to do. He then offered Peter money for this gift and was told that his heart was not right in the sight of God.
Simon converted people to the idea that he was some sort of Messiah through outward signs, but the apostles converted the people through the inward fire.
Read Acts 8:9-24.
You have never spoken to me about the fire of the Spirit, but only offer me outward signs to convince me.
If you have not felt the fire of the Spirit, I would be happy to lead you to it. I say this not as an act of superiority, but in the spirit of service from one who has experience.
You are indeed an Aquarian's Aquarian with a triple conjunction in Aquarius. Would you mind giving me the exact degrees of the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. I would also like to know your ascending sign. Many great figures in history have a triple conjunction. It can be a source of great concentration of energy to further a cause.
This conjunction of yours tells me why I haven't scared you off yet.
I also have an unusual chart. I have two grand trines (one fire and one air) merging to create a star of David. Ancient astrologers believed that this rare combination was in the chart of the Christ. If you go by physical signs, you should start believing that I am the Christ. Actually, I make no such claim, but my core mission is to prepare the world for his presence.
Sorry about your husband. How long has he been gone? I am 49. How old are you? I am not hiding, but the less a teacher centers on his personality world the more effective will be his teachings to those who are ready.
I am impressed by your desire to seek. It is rare to find a true seeker and I am glad to find you when you are young and still malleable. Many do not go the extra mile in seeking and get caught up in illusion and glamour and get totally off track by the end of the first Saturn cycle around the age of 28.
The Kaballa served a great purpose in earlier ages to pass down mysteries in a way that would avoid persecution. However, we are approaching the age talked about by Jeremiah when the truth would be written in men's hearts. Many of the mysteries have been written clearly and openly today so you do not need an esoteric method of deciphering them. Find an Alice A. Bailey book and read it, and you'll see what I mean.
When you receive the name of God you will understand why it was lost. If I were to give you the vowels you still would not have it. The name was lost because the children of Israel thought in black-and-white terms and it cannot be written down in black-and-white.
I will tell you more later. The first stage is to get you to the point in these keys so you can develop an inner witness to their veracity.
You are basically ready for the second principle, but just because we are leaving the first does not mean that your or even my understanding is complete. As you contemplate it throughout your life more light will come. Also the second and third principle will shed more light on the first.
The second key of knowledge to understand is the Middle Way Principle. The great teacher of the Middle Way was, of course, the Buddha. He realized the middle way after experiencing two extremes in life. First extreme comfort and riches and later extreme poverty and deprivation. During the deprivation extreme he was living on just several grains of rice a day seeking enlightenment when it flashed into his mind. The way of enlightenment is neither extreme, but between the two extremes.
I believe the true teaching of Buddha's middle way has been lost, just as the name of God was. But many of us have the imprint of the knowledge within us.
So the question for us to examine is: What is the Middle Way?
There was a keyword for the first principle and there is another sequential key word for this one.
The power of the Middle Way is hinted at in the writings of Alice A. Bailey:
"Let the magician guard himself from drowning at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet, there is the place for magic to be wrought."
The key of knowledge lies in knowing how to find the point in the middle. This is the hint to contemplate to find the revelation in the middle. Where is the middle and how do we find it? There is a key word involved. What is it?
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