2009-2-16 04:59:00
The topic of absolute certainty has been discussed and since this is a subject I have said little about I thought I would make a few comments.
The question of absolute certainty has been asked many times by philosophers through the ages. Rene Descartes was the most famous person to ask the question, "Do I know anything with absolute certainty?"
After much thought he came to his famous conclusion: "Cogito, ergo sum" translated as -- "I think, therefore I am."
He knew he was thinking, therefore, he knew that which was thinking had a real existence of some kind.
On the other hand, the extreme skeptic could say that there is a possibility that our thinking is not done by ourselves but is part of some great computer program of which we are a part.
Descartes was definitely correct to pursue this direction. He was on a quest to find the essential thing that is real.
Why is this important?
Because once the indisputable real is found then this truth can be extended to lead us toward the sublime truth of reality.
If we start with illusion then the truth will never be found. But if we start with truth then we have a chance to find more truth.
Since it is possible that we are not even doing our own thinking is there anything left that is irrevocably true?
Yes. There is one thing even more sure than thinking itself.
And what is that?
Even if everything happening in our lives is pure illusion one thing remains real. Illusion or not, each of us are having a real experience. Even when we dream, surrounded by that which is not real, one thing remains true. The dreamer is having a real experience.
Therefore, the one sure thing that is true is this.
I am experiencing, therefore, I am becoming.
Consider all the things that may not be as they seem.
Maybe you are not here right now, but in a dream from which you will awaken in five minutes.
Maybe you are a part of a government project and your memories are planted. Maybe you are really someone else.
Maybe your friends are not your friends.
Maybe your belief system is entirely wrong.
Maybe there are no stars in the sky.
Maybe you are really living in 1920 just deceived into thinking you are in 2009.
Of course, it is only a remote possibility that these and other things should not be trusted as they seem to be, but the possibility does exist.
Because a possibility for illusion on any level exists, does this mean we cannot search for truth?
But if we can only trust experience to be real how shall we proceed.
Answer: Let the quality of experience be your guide.
For instance, when you achieve soul contact the quality of your experience will be higher than you have had before. By trusting the quality of your experience you shall move closer toward all truth, whatever that is.
Is it possible that things revealed through soul contact can still contain illusion on a higher level?
Yes, but the illusion on a higher level will be closer to reality than the illusion here just as the illusion here is closer to reality than a dream. The consistent thing that remains is that all layers of existence give us experience.
This is why it is important to follow the highest you know. This highest may still be illusionary, or even a higher illusion, but the path you follow by following that highest will lead you to the true ultimate reality.
So even if there is a slight chance that up may be down, and down, up, one must still follow the obvious until something to the contrary is revealed.
All things are eventually revealed to him who is pure in heart and has the courage to follow the highest he can perceive and digest.
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