2009-2-13 01:10:00
I'm familiar with the AAB [Alice A. Bailey] compilations including "Serving Humanity." I think they are useful, but I prefer to just study the various unabridged books. Actually, you can open any of DK's [Djwhal Khul] writings at random and get some good wisdom.
The Book of Mormon is probably the most overlooked "channeled" book by the current New Agers. You have to read a couple hundred pages to really get into it, however. The Book or Mormon predicts a sequel that will come forth soon and from the hints in it I concluded that the history of Atlantis would be covered.
My current occupation is advertising. Then I have several things going on the side. I live somewhere within a thousand miles of you.
A small isolated town like Cambria is a strange place for someone promoting himself as the Christ to live. Does he also teach in the larger populated areas?
I do not believe that the Christ is physically teaching humanity yet, but that he is working through a number of disciples on different places on the globe. Next will come an overshadowing and what comes after that will depend on the success of the hierarchy.
Nevertheless, I will check out every claim on the possibility that some truth is available, but it seems that John the Christ does not want to be checked out by diligent seekers. It is beyond, me how he expects to succeed.
I would be interested in getting birth information on John and doing his chart. Do you have his date, place and time of birth?
Congratulations! You got the Word. The three key words of the first three keys are related and enhance the meaning and power of each other. They are the aspects shared by the lower and higher self that mold you into a unique entity different from any other life in the entire universe.
Going back to the Bible again. The "Judges" in the days of Moses were called Gods, Eloheim, the same title as given to the maker of heaven and earth. This is because they judged and made decisions.
Keep in mind that the middle way cannot be found through a black and white formula. The mid way point between the swings of a pendulum is slightly different from the point of rest when the pendulum is still because each swing as a little different arc as it is slowed down by friction. Just as the middle point between the swings is close to the point of stillness so is the correct path usually one of moderation. But keep this in mind, Correspondences are not always exact, only guides. There are times that the middle way will be an extreme. There is no written law to find it. The only way to find it is to contemplate what you find without - with the chords of your soul and make a judgment. After you have made a judgment and a decision to follow that judgment the exactness of the middle way will be revealed as a point of precise truth.
Give me your thought on this and here is a question for you?
Haven't we been told that it is wrong to judge? What is the truth here? Is making judgments good or bad, right or wrong. Or are they sometimes right and sometimes wrong. If so what makes it so?
I have had several ask me what books I recommend for reading so I thought I would pass along my recommendations. They are pretty much in order of what I would consider spiritual quality.
Even though these books are great they may not be where you want to start because they are very deep and technical. If you do read them you might want to pick up The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker to help you decipher the vocabulary.
I believe the best translation of the scriptures (as far as accuracy goes) to be by the Concordant publishing company.
There are many other very good books out there, but there is also a lot of illusion, but if you are a true seeker you can get some light from the greatest darkness. Anyone else who feels strongly about a certain work is welcome to post it.
How did you know that Joey Butafuco was an avatar?
I have another aggressive student who is intelligent like yourself who just informed me that he was only nineteen. He thinks he is quite unique for getting such an early start. He would probably be surprised to learn about you who is younger than himself. Would you like to communicate with him?
There are two types of judgments.
The first is the limiting judgment. This is where the person makes an assumption about another that is less than the highest that the other person believes of himself. Then this person will attempt to convince him and others that his limiting judgment is true. This type of judgment can discourage the aspiring soul from fulfilling his dream and should be avoided. This type of judgment is condemned in all inspired writings.
The second judgment involves discernment. The seeker looks at both sides of a situation, absorbs all the facts available and then makes a judgment as to what is correct or the best course of action.
One of the main differences between the two judgments is that the first limits and causes action to cease whereas the second expands and causes action to increase.
Unfortunately, mankind does not discern between the two judgments and lumps them together under the "do not judge" idea.
The first judgment is used by the dark brotherhood and the second is used by the brotherhood of light to manifest the powers of God within them. However, you will find that you will be greatly criticized by many around you when you use your true powers of judgment and decision.
When you hear the words "Who do you think you are?" then you will know you are on the right track.
There is one more question for you on the middle way. Is it possible that the Middle Way can sometimes be an extreme position?
To fully use the Godly power of decision true judgment must precede it or the decision will be quite random.
On the other hand there is one more principle that precedes both decision and judgment that will insure that these two principles have the proper guidance. What we are looking for here is the keyword to the third principle of "Communion" which we will proceed with now.
What must happen before judgment and decision are accurate? This third principle is the principle of communion with the higher self. Without this principle illusion will always overshadow some truth.
This third aspect is another ability shared by both your lower and higher selves.
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