2009-2-14 12:49:00
Dan writes:
"Why? Why do the media and politicians only 'see reality as if it were wearing reverse image glasses,' 'resist good ideas that help the common man,' 'demonize any step forward,' "see as evil and a threat anything that can help humanity' and think that which can destroy us should be tolerated and perhaps embraced'?"
"I don't doubt these things may be true but it sounds so fantastical that I think it will be hard for many to swallow, like most conspiracy theory.
"By what mechanism does this evil indoctrination occur of media and politicians occur?"
No conspiracy theory is implied and I'm surprised you saw that implication.
The world, as a whole is astrally polarized, and those who see themselves as authorities receive a double portion. This especially applies to the media and politicians.
Astral consciousness automatically reverses truth and turns things upside down. Common people who are more detached from authority will often see things more correctly than the authorities who seek to be believed. They do not have as much astral energy reversing their vision and often have more access to mind and reason when it is presented to them.
Dan quoting JJ writes:
"The problem is that unless a truth is blatantly obvious, the media and politicians see reality as if it were wearing reverse image glasses."
Dan the writes:
"Why does this affliction only affect politicians and media or is this an attempt to keep from alienating your target audience - the common folk - who also suffers from this affliction of the vision?"
I didn't say it only affected politicians and the media. It affects humanity as a whole to some degree, but those who are attached to authority are the most affected.
"You say in the 1st para that 'they' forget that the majority is essentially all-powerful, then in the 2nd you contradict yourself by saying that 'they' fear the majority enough to CONSCIOUSLY try to convince the common folk that they are powerless AND must only depend upon 'them.' How/Why can 'they' fear the majority if 'they' have forgotten, or are unaware of, it's power?"
I didn't contradict myself at all. It is true the majority is all powerful and it is also true that those in power attempt to trick them into not believing or seeing this power in themselves.
It's like when a man gets a lion trained through the use of strong authority, that authority convinces the lion that the trainer is stronger than the lion. This is illusion because he is not.
The majority is like a lion sleeping among its trainers. When they become aware of their strength they can take command at any moment.
"Further, I cannot imagine that all or even most politicians (etc) even consciously consider or think about the majority very often, let alone understand and fear the power it truly wields."
They think about the majority around election time and when the majority makes its wishes felt. All other times they try and ignore them and concentrate on their own little wills.
"Nor that they consciously choose to limit/control information fed to us (the common folk) except in terms of not causing a panic in the case of bad news, etc. OR that they would consciously participate in such a wide-spread, over-arching conspiracy without having been exposed"
Again, we're not talking about conspiracy here. The current stimulus bill is a perfect example. Obama and the Democrats promised transparency and time to review bills if we gave them power. Instead, they broke their promise on the most important bill in a decade. The bill is being rushed through with only a couple hours of discussion. Information is withheld to control the public because if they find out all that is in it they will rebel.
Discover Obama's broken promise here:
"I find it highly possible that the economic situation is considerably WORSE than the general public is yet aware of and limited information is gradually released as we adjust, BUT controlled in this manner so as to not cause a panic, not because the people are feared to any extent."
You are probably right. That would partially explain why Obama and his colleges are in a panic to ram this 1100 page bill through (up hundreds of pagers from the other day) that not one of them has even read. Everyone just has blind faith that it will work. This is a perfect example of the blind leading the blind and those who do see being deluded into thinking they are powerless.
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