2009-2-4 03:06:00
As we go through a long series of lives we do go to both extremes. One life a person may be a nun and in the next a prostitute. Slowly we learn that neither truth nor satisfaction is found in a reflex move to the other side and we start looking in the middle somewhere.
You say this:
"Personally I prefer to study both paths then compare pros and cons and choose the best qualities of each. The ability to compare, the ability to decide."
Here you pretty much defined the key word.
What is that word?
I also posted another hint on The Second Key [of Knowledge] in the folder called "The Pendulum."
I agree with you on imagery. In a way words are concretized images and from an esoteric point of view an image is a word. We are handicapped to a degree by having to communicate on more of a sound level than a light level.
You fulfilled the goal of The Keys when you say that you already knew that Decision makes one powerful, but now the realization is sharpened, perhaps enhanced. You will know a certain amount about most of The Keys, but the goal is not to teach black-and-white facts, but to bring greater understanding. By throwing you back upon your own soul as the course does only higher realization can result.
I once took a metaphysical course through the mail and every time I asked a question the teacher merely said, "look upon your own soul." On the other extreme, this was a cop out. I knew he kept telling me this because his understanding was not great enough to give a hint or an answer. I eventually found answers to most of my questions, but it would have been speeded up if I could have been guided in the right general direction.
I hope I can be to you what others have not been to me. This is not entirely unselfish of me. After a certain degree of service I am promised a greater revelation. If mankind were left to entirely unselfish motives then nothing would get done.
Good to hear from you. I love to read too, but haven't had much free time in the past few years. I have browsed several of the books you mentioned, and will check them out more thoroughly when I get a chance.
I somewhat enjoy Joseph Campbell, but don't get a lot of inspiration from him.
I have studied "The Keys of Enoch" considerably. I am always interested in books that claim to be a revelation. Usually, I can make a judgment immediately. Take the Urantia Book, Oasphe, Creme, Twitchell or Summit Light House. It didn't take long for me to give them a thumbs down. If the Keys of Enoch is a fabrication it is a good one. I do not put a lot of faith in it however, because I don't feel the "flashing forth" of the intuition that Djwhal Khul [DK -- The Tibetan through AAB] talks about.
I have studied the Bible quite thoroughly as well as some other scriptures including the writings of Joseph Smith and other inspired writings of the world. Have your read the Book of Mormon? Few Mormons understand or appreciate it. I believe the sequel to it will be the history of Atlantis. I think there is a lot more light in the Bible than most New Agers give it credit for.
I have studied Alice A. Bailey [AAB] quite thoroughly. I look forward to studying them quite a bit more.
I have found only a few books I think are really inspiring. One that really inspired me was The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I see you never answered my questions again. Obviously you would rather not. I would suggest you contemplate "The Fourth Ray of Harmony Through Conflict" which has a powerful influence on us at present.
You basically got the first keyword which is "Decision." You are right. Decisions are largely related to who we are. Congratulations for your persistence.
Finding the key word is the first half of The First Key. The second half is showing an understanding of Decision as it is related to who you are. This should be somewhat understood before you tackle the second principle, but the next two principles will also throw more light on Decision itself.
Decision is a power shared by both your higher and lower selves. However, one of the greatest temptations we humans face is that of giving up our power of decision to someone else. A person caught in a belief system where everyone thinks the same because a strong authority tells them what to believe is an example of giving up your power.
A hint of a more full understanding of this principle is found in the Book of Genesis of the Bible. Read Chapter 3, Verses 3-5 and 22.
Contemplate this and tell me your thoughts.
You say that most things seem to be easy for you but getting The Keys is hard. Remember the story about the butterfly breaking out of the cocoon? If someone helps too much and makes it easy, the butterfly dies.
This system of teaching is designed to make you struggle and contact energies that have hitherto been dormant. It will increase your power of intuition and because of the stimulation you may find yourself receiving much more on unrelated topics at unexpected moments.
Do not fear being worthy. Contemplate this statement from "A Course in Miracles":
"I Am as God created me."
As you merge with your true self you will find yourself thinking things that may seem arrogant but always remember to trust that which comes from within you. The more you trust it the more you will be tempted from those on the outside to not trust.
The power of decision is shared by both your lower and higher selves. It uses your vehicles, but is not your vehicles. Every possible source will try and take this power away from you. It is a power we must regain. Many people think they are making their own decisions when they are merely following the dictates of some authority. The only way we truly make our own decisions and become masters of our destinies is to merge with the still small voice within and follow it. Then you can become that which your true consciousness decides to become.
Contemplate what you have learned about decision and why you are what decision has made you and write them down and send them to me. If you feel you have gained some insight we may progress to the Second Key Of Knowledge.
I look forward to hearing from you. Remember to "keep your mind steady in the light." The closer you get to spirit the harder it will be for a while; then there will be a new lesson.
The important thing for The First Key is for you to get some insights on it. The full realization will take many years or lifetimes.
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved