2009-1-21 04:48:00
I subscribe to Coast to Coast's podcast service for which I believe I pay around $6.95 a month. There are several advantages to this over listening to live radio.
First, the show has a lot of commercials and when you download a show the commercials are removed. Thus one can listen to the show in a much shorter time period.
Secondly, you can read a synopsis of each show before you spend time with it and get a good idea if you are interested or not. I wind up downloading and listening to about a third of the shows. I skip all the shows on ghosts, monsters and aliens. Most that I do listen to are pretty good.
Instead of listening to Sterling's appearance there on Monday on the radio I downloaded the show tonight and listened to it.
I must congratulate Sterling for doing a good job as a guest. I could tell that George Noory liked him and probably would consider having him back again. All Sterling would have to do is let him know of some new insight into free energy.
In fact here is what I would do if I were him. Every time he comes across some new piece of information on alternative energy send a request to George that he would just like to take a few minutes and let the listeners know about it. I think he could work his way into a regular like Richard Hoagland has. It's entirely possible that he could squeeze his way on to the program once or twice a week.
Another thing Sterling had going for him was that guests really liked him and were genuinely enthused with the information he gave out.
I also personally enjoyed the program and was impressed with the knowledge Sterling had accumulated on all the alternative energy projects going on.
One thing he said he discovered that I had already believed in is that it is not big corporations or black helicopters that are in the way of the manifestation of alternative energy, but the impractical nature of many inventors, lack of cooperation and lack of finances.
Sterling has a top 100 list of alternative energy projects and number one is Stirling Energy which can be found at:
Ironically they have his name, but a different spelling. They are building plants that can generate power as cheaply as coal.
In another year or two it should be economically feasible to have our own power plant and get off the grid. That would be nice.
You can visit Sterling's site at:
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