2009-1-20 04:03:00
You say your life is hectic and it is difficult to achieve balance. This is good. If it were easy you could not achieve a truly balanced attitude. Many appear to live balanced life, but when something really unsettling comes along they have much difficulty in handling it. You have learned to roll with the punches.
You are right. No action occurs without a decision. If you make a left turn and run into another car you still decided to make the left turn. You did not decide to have the accident, but the motion that lead to it was the result of a decision.
A true understanding of decision should not lead to a fatalistic view, but just the opposite. Remember the true translation of God's statement to Moses: "I am becoming whatever it is I decide to become." That is the opposite of fatalistic. It means that God can decide what he wants to become and that is what he becomes. We are told that you are in the image of God.
So what does this say about you?
Perhaps if we alter the scripture from Genesis a bit it will shed new light. It currently reads:
"Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Now let us replace the word "knowing" with the word "deciding":
"Ye shall be as gods, deciding good and evil."
A while back I told you to read Genesis, Chapter 3, verses 5 and 22, and then tell me why the knowledge of decision is a key to power in that light. Also compare it to what I said in the preceding paragraphs. Guess if you have to.
Now one more question. If the power of decision is a common quality of your lower and higher self than how is it that we sometimes make wrong decisions?
In my last communication I asked six questions and you answered the first somewhat. Let me repeat them.
In elaboration of my first question -- have you read all of Alice A. Bailey's books? How much do you feel that you understand them?
You mentioned two scriptures to me. First Matt 16:20. Does John ask disciples to not tell the world he is the Christ?
You also mentioned Matt 17:2. You realize that the face of Jesus did shine like the sun. That is very bright and no one would miss it. When this happened to Moses they had to put a veil over his head because he was too physically bright to look upon. Are you thinking that you see John transfigured? You must realize that a transfiguration is much different than seeing the light of an aura: It is the beginning point of overcoming death.
Have you mentioned any of my comments or questions to John? What does he say?
Dear Mike,
When I was four I begged and pleaded with my mother to name my new baby sister Mike. I had this adult friend named Mike who took me to see my hero, Gene Autry. I idolized Mike and insisted that we name our next kid Mike, boy or girl. Since it was a girl my parents did not quite go along with the idea.
So it is interesting that there is a girl Mike out there after all.
I might say, your latest communications seem more thoughtful, as if you are undergoing a change.
Now I will respond to your comments.
This is a good hint for the keyword of the first principle. What is it that you do that determines your direction.
This is an important aspect of your lower and higher selves. It precedes the key word we are looking for.
The keys will remove the barriers if properly understood from your soul.
You give me a hint that your barriers are ready to come down. You say: "I find it strange and odd, that I think about you and your keys so much of the time lately." I believe you are picking up the vibration of the Holy Spirit that verifies the keys. If you do not resist, the Universal Spirit will link your soul with mine and your barriers will fall. It is a scary experience because you release the ego from having control over you.
Many throw the walls right back up again.
You received one of the side benefits of the hint principle. You said: "A gigantic light popped on in my head." That's a great description of the intuition at work. Sometimes this will happen when you realize the key under discussion, sometimes this will happen when you realize a key that hasn't even been presented yet and sometimes this will happen when you discover something that your soul sees is important that you realize. Whatever the case, such a feeling is great to receive.
In discussing the ego we must realize that different metaphysical schools of thought have different definitions of it.
Let us define it so we may communicate accurately.
First there is the divine ego which is the highest part of your life made in the "image of God." This is sometimes called the "I AM." This part of you is eternal just as a note on a piano is eternal. This part of you has an identity within the Mind of God which is different than any other "note" of God.
This true and pure part of yourself descends into matter and acquires three vehicles for its use in the worlds of form: The mental, emotional and physical. These three vehicles distort the note which is your true self so the sound it makes is a reflection of the original. This is sometimes called your false self, because it is sounding a note that claims to be you, but is not. If you play a piano that is out of tune you will not hear the real music. The sound may even make you want to run away rather than to stay and bask in the beauty of it.
We must learn to tune out the illusion of the lower ego and listen to the higher, pure notes.
There are three major attributes that both the upper and lower parts of the ego have. You have named one which is perception. There is one in particular, however, that determines which fork in a path you take and thus determines who you are and what you are becoming.
I might comment that you are in control of your destiny if you become one with the God within. You therefore want what it wants and what it wants it gets.
Your comments on the big bang were good. But when we go back we lose the identity of the lower ego, but not the higher. For more of my thoughts on this you might want to read my posting in the keys folder a month or so back called "The Music of the Spheres." If you cannot find it I will e-mail it to you.
Thanks for the reference on the book. It is one of many I have not read. I think it is important to read a variety of materials to keep the mind greased. My favorites are the writings of Alice A. Bailey. Have you read her?
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