Early Keys Post (#80-81)

2009-1-15 05:04:00

Several wanted to know what happened to Elaine and I had forgotten for sure, but we find out in these two letters I wrote her in 1994.


Post Number Eighty

Dear Elaine,

I wish I could transfer the encyclopedia that is in my mind and soul about the vision of the work to be done. There is much to cover and I feel that you are receptive. I have been contemplating as to where to start with you. I am tempted to rush you because already I am getting more e-mail than I can comfortably handle. It is quite possible that interest in the keys or other teachings will spread geometrically. I have learned in the past to not be too optimistic toward people's interest in light and knowledge, but I am encouraged with the interest so far.

There are certain things I am looking forward to telling you, but I am not sure if you would believe me as yet. But I will say this. The first part of our mission is to find twelve males and twelve females who are capable of soul contact and feeling the Holy Spirit, which the Tibetan [Djwhal Khul] calls a "great Cosmic Entity." We all know that Jesus had twelve male disciples, but few are aware that he had also a corresponding twelve females. All the Bible says about it is that "a company of women followed him."

A hint is given in Revelations 4:4 where it talks of the 24 ancient ones before the throne of God. These ancient ones (called Elders in most translations) are twelve females and twelve males.

Because the male-female units are one in Spirit they are often referred to as "The Twelve." The twelve units are the number of a powerful human molecule, a higher correspondence of the atomic molecules.

I have had groups before that I taught with my physical presence but they ended with an explosion of negative force that outweighed the positive. I can now understand why Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet who ever lived. He said that because John prepared a group for Jesus that was enough in harmony with soul to create a molecule. Still the twelve were not perfect, but they were prepared.

I have been told to create a human molecule, but have had no John the Baptist to prepare a group. Because of my struggles I am encouraged by this on line method of teaching. The negative show themselves early on and we can weed them out and concentrate on the positive. This is difficult to do in person. One problem was I had a number of people say they felt a duty to come to my classes just to make sure I stayed on the right track.

The "Hint" method of teaching was given to me fairly recently. One of its many benefits is that it weeds out the negative people. Everyone who has chosen to even attempt it seems to have little if any negativity. I'll have to show you Data's first attempt by e-mail. His change is amazing. He seems as sincere as can be. His original negativity could resurface, but it disappears while he is working on the keys.

Is your boyfriend interested in the deeper things, or does he just tolerate or make fun of you for your beliefs? If he is interested, you are very fortunate, as I consider myself to be fortunate to have a wife that shares my beliefs. One thing that is important for you is to try to find a mate of equal spiritual intelligence to yourself. I know this is very difficult for an intelligent woman and I know that you want this, but you must believe that it can happen (if it hasn't yet).

I'm glad that you are willing to do what is necessary. I assume you received a positive response from your soul about working with me.

I would like you to learn the keys as quickly as possible so you can help me teach them. Also if you feel impressed to add any supportive comments to the keys folder to help it stay positive that would be welcome.

I would like you to contemplate the first key. If you need to refresh your memory the first several hints are in the beginning of the Keys folder "The Question: 'WHO/WHAT AM I?'" Remember we are not looking for the standard answer like soul, monad, consciousness, spirit. Those words tell us little unless we define them. What is it that makes you a unique individual? It is an aspect that your lower and higher self shares. They key word is a common one you use every day.

I am going to make an exception for you and give you a hint on the fourth principle because it is so important for a teacher to learn. It is called the "Principle of Glory." I have not seen this taught in any book, but it is strongly hinted at in the Bible. The Bible is always talking about the glory of God, kingdoms of glory and the glory we will receive. John, Chapter 17 has Jesus speaking much about glory. The son glorifies the Father and the Father glorifies the son. Jesus glorifies the disciples and they glorify him. If you will study John 17 much light is to be had.

The question is:   What does it mean to glorify another and who are we supposed to glorify?

The principle of glory is crucial to activating the molecule and bringing back the miraculous powers that were present in the days of Jesus and the twelve apostles.

I hope I am not asking too much for you to concentrate on two principles at a time. I will probably not ask it again.


Post Number Eighty-One

Dear Elaine,

Let me quote a warning I gave you just three or four days ago when you still had plans to work with me.

"I must warn you that when I am on the threshold of the Spirit with another person that person usually has some very distracting things happen in his or her life that tempt them from continuing communication with me. Perhaps this has already happened, perhaps it is coming, perhaps you are impervious to such energy. Nevertheless, if you are prepared for it you will have a better chance of maneuvering through the darkness."

This happens every single time. When another is on the threshold of spiritual contact with me a darkness attempts to pull them away and put barriers between us. I have seen some very unusual things happen to people on the threshold, but something does happen every time. It always results in a temptation to view something about me or my teachings as negative.

Those who do cross the threshold are richly rewarded, but it is the result of "fighting your way into a greater measure of light" as the Tibetan says.

I know that you felt some soul energy between us a few days ago because I felt it. This led you to say to me:

"Yes I am willing to do whatever is necessary to be of service. Providing whatever life situation I am in will allow it. This statement is not meant as a clause, but simply as an acknowledgment to other things that may be going on in my life.

"I am willing to learn the keys and also to pass on what I have learned giving full recognition to the source of my knowledge."

Why did you say that you were willing to learn the keys when a while earlier this was a method that you did not want to explore?

The answer...

You felt something.

Now in your last communication you act as if you never made this statement, that you were never willing to explore the keys. Why is this?

You felt something again.

What was the difference between the first and the second feeling? The first feeling was peace and love and the letting down of barriers. The second feeling was disturbance and fear that you were doing the wrong thing plus the setting up of barriers. You probably even wondered why you told me you would learn the keys.

You hint that there is a fear of losing your freedom by learning the keys. That is an illusion my dear sister. If you do not believe that then ask your soul, your master, your mind and heart and the illusion will fade away. There is no control here. Some self discipline is involved, but not control by me. I will talk more about this in my next posting. I hope you read it.

I have taught before by more subtle methods that you mentioned, and I have read the 11:11 folder, and this accomplishes certain ends. But to accomplish the current objective I have in mind the method that I have chosen is quite effective. Stagnate waters can only become pure by disturbing them.

You have judged my teaching method as many others have done without trying it. All who have tried it like it, even several that said they hated it in the beginning. Why is this? For one thing they found that no freedom was taken away, but more freedom is achieved.

You also say:

"It is hard for me to understand that you cannot see that there are many ways to teach the truth." I do not for the life of me see how you got this idea. I've always believed that statement is true. In fact I am currently using two types for all people to see. (1) The hint method for those who wish to participate and (2) The regular posting of teachings and explanations with little mystery behind them."

It is an illusion that things are not going well in the keys folder. They are really going quite well. The end will be very positive for a number of souls.

You said something else that disturbs me:

"For you to insist that I learn by a method that you are comfortable with. To me is a total disregard for me and the method that I know I can best benefit from. This is not cooperation. No, this is not even mutual respect."

My sister. I never insisted on anything of the kind. These are your words, not mine. I suggested, but in no way insisted. When you gave me the idea that you wanted to work with me I was merely checking with you to see what you were freely willing to offer. Why do you think this is wrong? I do not think you do if you will think about it.

You also say that "I fail to realize our teachings are the same." I do not think either you or I can really say that. You know only a glimmer of what my teachings are and I know even less about yours. The fact that we've read the same books does not indicate sameness.

Obviously you have some fundamental teaching you have accepted that is very different than mine, because you have decided to not work together. I was and am open to the union of souls with you. This union takes the greatest flexibility of all.

My hand of friendship is eternally extended to you my sister. I will be posting numerous teachings in the future that will have the chance to "resonate" with you and I shall look for your postings. If this is all you want from me you shall surely have it.

My sister, you do not have to terminate our relationship to stay friends with me as you say. You cannot make me an non friend. Terminating relationships is what lovers do, not friends.

I might remind you of the basic teaching that in the world of souls there is only oneness. Soul energy comes when two or more become one by submitting to the power of the soul. We had a beginning, but you chose to end the journey with me. I chose to not end it, but will be standing at the door waiting. When you choose to pick up the journey again I will be there.