2009-1-5 03:54:00
Compiler's Note: These posts were made by JJ Dewey to an AOL (America Online) Forum during the period of April to November 1994.
Where do you get the idea that a teacher does not have to prove himself? If a teacher does not show in some degree that he has something to offer then why should we follow him or her?
Jesus was a great example. He proved himself through miracles as one method. But more important he proved himself through his teachings. He was able to answer any question. In fact he answered them so well that "no man dared ask him any more questions."
He also mentioned that there was a second witness to him which was his Father. This is where Peter got his definite knowledge (Matthew 16).
Where is there ever a great teacher among humanity that has not brought forth something new? Newness is an aspect of the servants of light. In Revelations we are told: "Behold, I make all things new."
If John is really the Christ or even a servant of Christ I would ask what his revelation is that is new to this generation? The law of correspondences demands it.
My next question is this: What makes you think that John is the reappearance of the Christ? Have you had some type of personal witness or revelation or does it just seem right?
Yes, I am familiar with Benjamin Creme. He is very conspicuously in the Ego from my viewpoint. I see no light at all in his channelings. I have met him in person and drew a blank.
That is great that you met twelve men. They were the male energies of a human molecule. Did they reveal to you an understanding of the twelve and the twenty-four? Did you get the feeling that they had overcome death?
Some of our greatest revelations do not happen during prayer or meditation. Nevertheless, they often come as a result of them in unexpected moments.
The Spirit within me prompted me to reach out to you in my last letter and I was filled with joy when I see even the possibility that you have been prepared for that which is to come. Those who are capable of true initiation are so few and far between it is almost unbelievable. It would be discouraging if it were not for the sure witness I have that I am supposed to continue and that if I do I will have success.
The Spirit and the Hierarchy have always been willing to verify my teachings to all those who will seek, but one has to seek with all his or her heart.
I have many things I would like to share with you, especially the next great step in human evolution that will bridge the gap between the human kingdom and the kingdom of God. It is so important that DK [Djwhal Khul] said "sad is the lot of humanity if it does not take place."
The Tibetan [DK] hinted at it but he never explained it.
I feel the most important thing now is to prepare your heart and ask me any question that comes to your mind. Ask your soul if your next step is the same work I have been given. Ask until you get a yes or no.
If you have another spiritual experience to share I would be happy to hear it.
Some decisions are set and others are very fluid. All are subject to the free will of the decision-maker. If we as lesser lives are under the influence of a greater life then we can do nothing about the decision of the greater life. For instance, if you decide to go for a walk all the cells and lesser lives in your body have to go along with you. The most positive thing they can do about it is cooperate in the walk and use the benefits of the exercise for their own use.
The universe is unfolding according to the many decisions being made.
There is a truth which says: "Without decision, there is no life."
Why is this?
Quoting the words of a reader:
"Why can't you just stretch your soul just a bit and acknowledge that there are realms you haven't walked in? I feel so dishonored by your lack of directness and clarity with me, and with others here. Oh yes, there is a LOGICAL clarity, but the feelings brought forth (what little I can feel) are not clear at all..."
My response: Of course there are realms I have not walked in. Where do you get such an idea? It is too bad that you feel dishonored. Can you tell me what I said to make you feel that way? Tell me which of my feelings you wish to have clarified.
I'm sorry, your words have not caused resistance in me as you suppose. What is there to resist?
You say you want to know what feelings your words have roused in me. I feel somewhat sad that you see me in such a negative light and I do not feel this great love that you say you radiate. There seems to be great frustration, however. I think the cause is something within yourself and that I have in no way made you a victim.
Why do you assume that the open expression of passion and feeling is some great mystery I need to learn? It is one of my core teachings that I have incorporated for many years. My brother, I have no negative feelings that I am holding back here. What do you want me to do shout and scream in capitals on line?
You say you have tremendous treasure to offer me. Fine offer it.
Another reader writes:
"You maintain that there IS Heart Vibration in your words.... and I agreed that there was a "spiritual heart" vibration therein, but you do not hear my words that Love's vibration is much greater than you seem to acknowledge. I noted you used the words often "spirit of Love"... what about the Feeling of Love?"
My response:
The spirit of love brings the feeling of love does it not? All feelings of love are great as long as they do not lead to selfish possessiveness. What makes you think that I do not understand the feelings of love as well as you my friend?
"It must be a terrible burden to have all the answers... Humanity is such a stubborn lot!"
My response:
I do not feel love in your sarcastic remarks, but frustration again. I say you must not concentrate on changing me to get the love you want. You will find, as others have, that you can feel overflowing love from me if you accept what is in me and stop trying to create me in your own image.
It is not terrible at all to have answers. I feel richly blessed for each answer I have been given. None of us have all the answers and all of us have some of them. The important thing is to appreciate what we have. I feel a responsibility to share the richness I have been given.
"Speak to me of your passion, from your Being, Brother. What Great Love has brought you here to this Forum, to share your wisdom with all these people? This is what I would like hear about, sincerely. And do not talk at me about you have no ego or identity, for it is encoded clearly in everything your write. Just be Your Self. This, and only this, I can respect."
My response:
My Passion? I was born with a desire to do the greatest good for the largest number of people possible. At the age of six I decided that being a scientist would make it possible to bring great discoveries to mankind. I kept this goal in my mind until my late teens. Then over the next ten years I had a number of spiritual experiences that changed my priorities. I realized that there was something greater than physical science that humanity was crying out for help in many ways. I found that the spiritual and social evolution of our planet needed to catch up with science. I also realized that the realm of the Spirit is governed by a great science. I discovered that becoming one with the Spirit of God is the greatest love experience that I can imagine and I know that few have had this experience. Knowing this, I have a tremendous passion to share certain knowledge and keys that leads to feelings of love and fire so great that one will think his whole being is dissolving into a spiritual fire.
Perhaps things are the opposite of what you assume my friend. Perhaps it is I that can lead you to vistas of love and feeling that you have not imagined.
The flock of geese switching positions of leader follower is a good one. A correspondence would be a carload of people switching the position of driver periodically. It is a very advantageous thing to do. The geese analogy, however, does not apply to all human endeavors.
If a group is working on a project and the knowledge and skill necessary to lead the project to fulfillment are found in all members of the group then switching the leader-follower position can be advantageous if it does not interrupt the flow of momentum.
On the other hand, if the leadership position requires great skill, knowledge and power to motivate others, then it may not be a job that all members of the group can or may even want to handle.
Let us take the position of England at the beginning of World War 2. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, was completely deceived by Hitler as well as most of the Britons who had parades for him for bringing "peace in our time," several weeks before the start of the war. When the war began the cheers turned to jeers and the people demanded a new leader. They looked to Winston Churchill, the only prominent man who saw the Nazi threat years in advance and attempted many times to warn the world.
After assuming power Churchill gave one of the most inspiring speeches in the history of the world. He took a people who were defeated in spirit and made them believe in themselves again.
It was unthinkable that someone would suggest something like this: "Chamberlain still wants to lead so let's let Chamberlain lead half the time and Churchill lead half the time. Nazi's would be ruling the world today if that would have happened.
Abraham Lincoln's cabinet wanted him to share leadership with them. Thank God he refused or we may still have slavery and a divided nation.
There are times for a rotating leadership and there are times for individual leadership.
Do you really think I want to be a leader or teacher for the egos sake? You have judged it so. Why don't you ask me what I think before making a judgment. I will answer you honestly. When and if you get to know me better that is one virtue you will find in me. I answer truly to the best of my ability.
I enjoy teaching and I enjoy leading. I also enjoy learning and following. If I see that another knows a certain thing I have no desire to teach him what he already knows. If I see that another can lead a group successfully in a certain direction, then I have no desire to be the leader. I do have a desire to teach others who do not know what I know and a desire to lead in avenues where no one else is leading. There are certain areas of teaching and leadership where I see vacancies and there are no volunteers to fill them. I ask myself this: "If not me, who will do it?" The answer comes back: "Maybe no one." Therefore, I volunteer to do what I can.
This seems to disturb some people. It saddens me that it does, but I continue the path that I know I must follow refusing to deny the feelings within me.
I do not expect you or anyone else to accept my words just because I lay them out to you. Where do you get such an idea? I have covered this subject several times now.
If what I teach is confirmed by your soul then we shall feel an inner union and our joy will be full. If what I teach is not confirmed by your soul then you have a duty to not embrace it. If you see a greater light then you have a duty to share it.
I know that it is important to share love and light with others. If we do then more is given, but if we do not and merely hoard it for ourselves then the greater vistas are dimmed.
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved